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Technological Advancement in Aerospace Industry

Aerospace and Defense | Jun, 2023

The aerospace sector is continuously evolving and registering positive growth with the introduction of commercial spacecraft, including satellites and suborbital flight, Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) vehicles, and advancement in space technologies. Improvements in the infrastructure, business models, and supporting architecture are also contributing to the growth of the sector. As a consequence, urban air mobility and space tourism are gradually becoming a reality. The use of multisectoral technologies including 5G, cutting-edge satellite systems, 3D printing, Big Data, and quantum technology, among others, has made it possible to scale up and modernize air and space operations. The aerospace sector includes the design, development, production, and operation of airplanes, spacecraft, satellites.

The social, political, and technological changes that are driving this transition in the aerospace industry include environmental legislation, rising fuel prices, and developments in batteries, sensors, and connection. All of these changes are paving the way for the creation of autonomous, effective, and more electric airplanes. Besides, customers and authorities are pressuring the aviation and defense (A&D) sector to provide more fuel-efficient aircraft. Consequently, new rules to restrict emissions, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and to reduce noise have emerged. However, the green movement in the A&D sector, however, goes beyond simply following the law and protecting the environment since cost is another factor for the dynamic shift. As a result of the growing complexities, entrepreneurs are working hard to streamline the A&D industry's processes, products, and operations.

Here are some of the trends currently dominating the Aerospace industry.

Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS)

The adoption of the terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS) has resulted in a significant reduction in accidents caused by controlled flying into terrain (CFIT). CFIT accidents can occur due to multiple reasons such as flight crew distraction, malfunctioning equipment, or miscommunication in air traffic control. With CFIT, generally pilots are unaware, and the situation becomes too challenging to handle on that moment. As an airplane navigates shifting terrain in a variety of weather situations, the technology offers life-saving information and acts as an essential layer of protection. TAWS gathers GPS data on an aircraft's position, speed, and direction, as well as its altitude and configuration, and compares it to a database of natural and artificial obstacles on Earth. The U.S. space shuttle program's radar topographical pictures, DOD data, and other information were combined to create this incredibly precise database. TAWS is able to deliver a variety of alerts when the aircraft's location and tracking information are superimposed on it. Key cautions issued by TAWS:

  • warnings regardless of the topography around when the sink rate is too great
  • warnings if terrain separation suddenly decreases
  • warnings when there is a severe fall of altitude following launch
  • If the landing gear or flaps are not set up properly, warnings will sound
  • If the aircraft has strayed too far from the glideslope, warnings will sound
  • Callouts for excessive bank angles

Here are some of the common features found in TAWS systems.

  • Terrain Display

TAWS systems use databases of topographic information to show a visual picture of the landscape around the aircraft. This enables pilots to clearly see the height, contours, and potential impediments of the landscape.

  • Terrain Proximity Warnings

When an aircraft is approaching dangerous terrain, such as mountains, hills, or towers, TAWS gives audio and visual alarms. These alerts are based on the altitude, terrain separation, and closing rate of the aircraft.

  • Excessive Descent Rate Warnings

TAWS monitors the aircraft's rate of descent and provides warnings if it exceeds a safe threshold. This helps prevent situations where the aircraft is descending too rapidly and may collide with the ground.

  • Excessive Terrain Closure Rate Warnings

TAWS determines the aircraft's rate of closure to the surrounding terrain. The technology warns the pilot to take quick action to avert a probable accident if the closure rate is determined to be excessive.

  • Altitude Callouts

TAWS can offer altitude callouts to make sure the pilot is informed of the current altitude of the aircraft. These callouts act as a reminder and aid in maintaining situational awareness, particularly during crucial flying stages.

  • Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS)

RAAS is one of the more sophisticated TAWS systems, helping pilots during takeoff and landing. In order to inform pilots of the remaining runway distance, approach speed, or whether they are approaching the wrong runway, RAAS uses audio warnings and visual indications.

  • Data Integration

TAWS systems frequently connect with other avionics systems, including the flight management system (FMS), radar altimeter, and GPS of the aircraft. Data from these systems may be combined to provide the pilots with a more precise and complete situational awareness using TAWS.

TAWS technology may change between various aircraft types and avionics producers. The kind of aircraft and the avionics suite installed can affect the precise features and capabilities of a TAWS system.

In 2021, CHC Group, Leonardo Helicopters, and Shell Brazil entered into a strategic partnership to launch the first Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System (H-TAWS). With the aid of H-TAWS software and hardware, the aircraft's precise three-dimensional position and velocity are computed in real-time in connection to precise databases of the terrain's height and the positions of dangerous obstructions. When flying in conditions that are intrinsically dangerous, the technology enables the pilot to make quick adjustments to the flight path to avoid controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) occurrences.

According to TechSci Research report on “Terrain Awareness and Warning System Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2030F, Segmented By System Type (Class A, Class B, Class C), By Engine Type (Piston Engine, Turbine Engine), By Application (Civil Airlines, Chartered Planes, Civilian/Private Rotorcraft, Military & Defense Aircraft, Fighter Planes, Carrier Planes and Rotorcraft), By Region”, the global terrain awareness and warning system market is expected to grow at a formidable rate. The market growth can be attributed to the rise in number of commercial flights and recent shift in consumer behavior in the transportation industry.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Aviation is one of the hardest-to-decarbonize sectors of the economy due to the long lifespan of airplanes and the limited number of viable pathways for reducing emissions. Global aviation accounts for approx. 2% of the greenhouse gas emissions, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is an alternative jet fuel that can lower greenhouse gas emissions throughout the course of its lifespan. It is generated from biofuels made from agriculture residues, trees, corn, cooking oil, synthetic fuels, and green hydrogen. To reduce aviation greenhouse gas emissions, the Biden administration aims to increase the production of sustainable jet fuel to 3 billion gallons per year by 2030 from 15.8 million gallons in 2022. This would offer benefits such as reduced local air pollution, decarbonizing aviation, and considerable employment opportunities. Around 19.8 exajoules of sustainable aviation fuels could be needed for aviation sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions. In addition, several major airlines have pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 in an effort to fight climate change.

Currently, sustainable aviation fuel accounts for less than 0.1% of the total fuel used by major US airlines. United Airlines, a major American airline headquartered in Chicago, has been using a blend of used oil or waste fat and fossil fuels on some flights. The company has also announced plans to power 50,000 flights using ethanol-based sustainable aviation fuels by 2028. In 2023, the airline also launched USD100 million fund with Air Canada, Boeing, GE Aerospace, JPMorgan Chase, and Honeywell to invest in startups and expand the sustainable fuel aviation industry. The fund is expected to grow as much as USD500 million over the next three years, with the aim of rapidly expanding supply and cutting down sustainable aviation fuels. SAFs are three times more expensive than conventional fuels.

In comparison to conventional jet fuel, SAF has the potential to cut life-cycle CO2 emissions by up to 99%, depending on the technical approach and feedstocks utilized to make the fuel. Improvements in local air quality brought on by decreased sulfur content and decreases in soot pollution are two other significant advantages. Communities that produce and refine SAF feedstocks stand to gain significant employment and financial advantages as production increases.

Emerging SAFs

  • SAF from Wet Waste, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

SAFs compatible with jet engines can be utilized from food waste and other wet waste through biorefining process, which could further support net-zero carbon flight. Scientists at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) reports that a 165% drop in net-zero carbon emissions compared to fossil fuel jet can be achieved by targeting the food waste such as animal manure, wastewater sludge, waste fats, oils, and grease, which are usually dumped in landfills. The wet waste produces methane, which accounts for approx. 6% of GHG emissions worldwide. The emissions route can be stopped by using it as a feedstock for fuel production, but the moisture in the waste makes it difficult to employ techniques like pyrolysis and gasification to make liquid biofuels. Anaerobic digestion, which yields biogas, is often used to recover energy from wet waste. Wet waste has the energy potential to replace almost 20% of the jet fuel used in the United States. Southwest Airlines has been collaborating with NREL and other organizations to make SAF commercially viable and cost-effective.

NREL and Alder Fuels have partnered to refine and develop a unique method for producing carbon negative SAF from wet waste, a cheap resource that includes food waste, animal manure, sewage, and unusable fats, oils, and greases. That technique, which was first introduced in a prestigious scientific magazine in early 2021, is getting ever closer to being commercialized in the market. A zero-carbon footprint may be achieved by producing energy-dense liquid fuels using Alder's superior pyrolysis technology and NREL's SAF from wet waste. The resultant fuel might enable net-zero-carbon flying when mixed in large quantities—up to 100%—with regular jet fuel.

  • Bio-based polycyclic alkane SAF, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientists at LANL are striving to produce bio-derived compounds to assist renewable jet fuel meet or surpass current criteria while also providing a performance advantage. Bio-acetone produced from a variety of biomass resources, such as maize stover or bioenergy crops, may produce SAF with 13% more energy than regular jet fuel if enhanced with UV light and catalysts. Chemists Andrew Sutton (now at Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Cameron Moore, and their group at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) have discovered a way to boost the energy content of fuel made from bio-based feedstocks with funding from the Bioenergy Technologies Office through the Chemical Catalysis for Bioenergy Consortium. Sutton's team began with acetone, which can be made effectively from biomass by a variety of biochemical processes, as reported in Sustainable Energy and Fuels.

Isophorone, a cyclic molecule, is created when three acetone molecules are joined together. The scientists employed ultraviolet (UV) radiation to synthesise a more complicated molecule that incorporates a stretched cyclobutane from two separate isophorone molecules. The UV energy is basically trapped in the molecule via this mechanism, increasing the molecule's total energy. Sutton and his colleagues created polycyclic alkane molecules, which are appropriate for jet fuel, by removing the oxygen atoms using chemical catalysts.

The polycyclic alkane combination may be made in the country using biomass and mixed with regular jet fuel before being "dropped in" to the current aviation system. This implies that new plane models and fuel technology are not required. Additionally, using renewable aviation fuel helps the environment by lowering CO2 emissions.

In accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Capacity-Building and Training for Sustainable Aviation Fuels initiative (ACT-SAF), the European Commission has also announced assistance for the development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). The initiative will provide chosen nations with €4 million in support as part of its commitment to the European Green Deal's goal to assist partner nations in decarbonizing. The fundings will be used to increase SAF production, conduct feasibility studies, and provide support for these fuels' certification. Despite SAF’s potential, there is a lot of work to be done before its impact can be felt. In 2021, more than 33 million gallons were added to commercial, transport and military flights — which is a far cry from the 118 billion gallons the International Air Transport Association projects will be needed to meet the aviation sector’s 2050 Net Zero goals.

In order to boost SAF production in 2022, a variety of commercial sector agreements, nonprofit collaborations, and changes in governmental legislation came together. By 2030, 3 billion gallons of SAF will be produced thanks to legislation affecting multiple U.S. federal entities. Numerous airlines have made use commitments, and the Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition, a WEF project made up of 60 multinational corporations, has targeted the aviation sector's utilization of SAF at 10% by 2030.

The availability of biomass feedstock for the SAF sector is anticipated to reach 3,815 megatons (Mt) annually by 2030. This should provide almost 120% of the 108 billion gallons per year of estimated worldwide jet fuel consumption in 2030. It should be noted that these numbers do not take into consideration other production methods for SAF, such as the Power-to-Liquid (PtL) pathway, which uses carbon capture technology. Feedstock availability is least likely to be a barrier to achieving SAF targets by 2030, although it will be influenced by the supply chain and geopolitical risk.

According to the TechSci Research report on “Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028, Segmented By Fuel Type (Biofuel, Hydrogen Fuel, Power to Liquid Fuel), By Technology Type (Fischer-Tropsch, Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA), Synthetic Iso-Paraffinic (SIP) and Alcohol-to-Jet (AJT), By Application Market Share Analysis, By Region”, the global sustainable aviation fuel market is expected to grow at a rapid rate. The market growth can be attributed to the increasing focus on enhancing sustainability in the aviation sector and innovation in aviation fuel by the market players.

Space Situational Awareness

Satellites are used for a variety of tasks, including communications and scientific research. Every year, many more satellites are put into orbit around the Earth. Satellites are essential to the survival of humanity and the operation of contemporary civilization. The capabilities of the satellites circling the Earth play an important role in meeting many of the demands and difficulties created by modern society's expectations. As of May 2023, nearly 7,702 active satellites are operating in the Earth’s orbit. In near future, more than 20,000 satellites will be put up in space, including super-microsatellite, microsatellite, and nanosatellite. Development of CubeSat has enabled the deployment of satellites far smaller than traditional ones in a single launch, which is responsible for the increasing traffic in the earth’s orbit. The staggering amount of active and inactive satellites in earth’s orbit pose a threat of possible collisions, which could very easily take out a key piece of space infrastructure.


Moreover, a multitude of foreign bodies such as asteroids, broken rocket bodies, fragments from the disintegration and erosion of non-active space objects, mission-related debris, derelict spacecrafts, etc. can create a havoc on the network of functional satellites in the orbit. Moreover, rising demand for satellite services such as communication, navigation, and Earth observation are creating a demand for increasing the number of satellites in orbit. The highly congested space environment has led to an increasing need for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) systems, designed to monitor and track debris to avoid collisions and minimize damage. As space activities continue to explore, the importance of space situational awareness is growing considerably. The military and private sector are investing in advancing SSL systems to gather knowledge, understanding, and characterization of things happening in the space.

Growing Role of AI in Space Situational Awareness

Artificial intelligence (AI) has grown in significance in the field of space situational awareness (SSA) in recent years. Space surveillance and the detection and mitigation of dangers from space might both be revolutionized by AI-driven SSA. AI-driven SSA essentially entails the use of AI algorithms to find and classify items in the near-Earth environment, such satellites, and debris. This might significantly improve the capacity to watch over and safeguard satellites, spacecraft, and other space-based assets. AI-driven SSA might be used to identify and classify new risks including cyberattacks, space weather phenomena, and space object collisions. Additionally, AI-driven SSA could lessen the possibility of satellite-debris collisions and offer early warning of possible dangers. Additionally, real-time monitoring of the space environment using AI-driven SSA might be utilized to detect emergent risks quickly and pro-actively.

AI-driven SSA development is a fascinating and quickly developing subject. Governments, space agencies, and other stakeholders must keep funding this technology if they are to fully reap its potential advantages and reduce its hazards. AI-driven SSA has the potential to completely transform how space is used with the right funding and assistance.

Chinese researchers are leveraging artificial intelligence for space collision avoidance and debris mitigation. The AI algorithms can monitor and help avoid space debris that stand obstacle for global space missions. This would improve the control of super-large-scale constellations, make better use of orbital resources, ensure the safety of spacecraft in orbit, and develop new technologies with a quick computation capability to prevent large-scale space trash. Even the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) is seeking new machine learning algorithms and high-tech computing capabilities to enhance situational awareness. This would ensure greater military situational awareness of the potential threats in the space domain. As governments across the world are investing to enhance national security and protect critical space infrastructure, the adoption of SSA systems is expected to grow further in the coming years.

Use of Advanced Sensors in SSA systems

By delivering precise and timely information on objects in space, such as satellites, space debris, and possible dangers, advanced sensors play a critical role in Space Situational Awareness (SSA) systems. These sensors support the tracking, describing, and behaviour prediction of orbiting objects. Here are a few examples of cutting-edge sensors utilized in SSA systems.

  • Radar Sensors

Radio waves are used by radar-based sensors to find and follow things in space. They are very good at tracking space junk and give precise location and velocity data. Radar sensors can be ground-based or space-based and can operate in a variety of frequency bands, including S-band, X-band, and L-band.

  • Optical Sensors

Using infrared or visible light, optical sensors, such as telescopes and cameras, are used to detect and track objects in space. They can find and follow satellites and other objects, and they offer high-resolution photos. For accurate tracking and identification, optical sensors are frequently employed in combination with radar sensors.

  • RF Sensors

Radio frequency (RF) sensors are devices that scan the electromagnetic spectrum for satellite signals and analyze them. Based on the RF emissions of satellites, including their distinct radio frequency characteristics, these sensors can recognize and locate them. For detecting and describing things in space, RF sensors are crucial.

  • Infrared (IR) Sensors

IR (Infrared) sensors pick up on the heat signature that objects in space release. For tracking satellite launches and ballistic missile launches, they are very helpful. The temperature, size, and direction of objects in space may all be determined with the help of infrared (IR) sensors, which can be used from either ground-based or space-based platforms.

  • LiDAR Sensors

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors employ laser beams to detect the separation between objects and produce accurate 3D maps of the immediate area. They are highly accurate at determining the size, location, and speed of space objects. LiDAR sensors are useful for detecting space junk and preventing collisions.

  • GPS receivers

The Global positional System (GPS) may be used to track objects in space by providing precise positional data from satellites and ground-based stations. These receivers can determine the location and velocity of satellites and other objects by monitoring the time delay of GPS signals.

  • Space-based Telescopes

Advanced telescopes deployed in space, such as the Hubble Space Telescope or the James Webb Space Telescope, can capture high-resolution images of objects in space. These telescopes are crucial for observing and studying distant satellites, space debris, and celestial bodies.

According to TechSci Research report on “Space Situational Awareness Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028F, Segmented By Offering (Service, Software), By Object (Mission Related Debris, Rocket Bodies, Fragmentation Debris, Non-Functional Spacecraft, Functional Spacecraft), By End Use (Commercial, Government & Military) and By Region”, the global space situational awareness market is anticipated to grow at a rapid rate. The market growth can be attributed to the increase in the number of satellites launches into space and advancements in space situational awareness systems.

How can Space Situational Awareness Strengthen Military Operations?

Military operations require a high level of space situational awareness (SSA), particularly when dealing with space-based resources and activities. It entails keeping an eye on, following, and comprehending the space environment, including satellites, debris, and other space objects. Military forces can track and distinguish between friendly and enemy satellites with the use of SSA. They can monitor satellite activity and spot possible dangers or abnormalities by keeping an extensive catalogue of satellites, their orbits, and properties.

SSA enables the detection of potential threats to space-based assets, such as anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons, ballistic missile launches, or unauthorized spacecraft movements. Early warning capabilities provided by SSA systems allow military forces to respond effectively to any perceived threats. Besides, military organizations can prevent possible collisions between functioning satellites by tracking and forecasting satellite trajectories, lowering the danger of damage and preserving the availability of vital space-based capabilities. SSA enables proactive actions to safeguard these assets from disruption or destruction by assisting in the identification of possible risks such deliberate interference, jamming, or cyberattacks.

SSA expands military situational awareness into space and gives commanders vital knowledge about satellite-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities. Military forces can more efficiently utilize space-based capabilities when decision-making and planning are improved by having a better understanding of the space environment. Military SSA systems constantly follow and keep an eye on the actions of enemy satellites, gathering important information about their capabilities and intentions. Making suitable reaction plans and reducing possible dangers are made easier with the use of this knowledge.

The U.S. Space Force's USD145 million contract with Lockheed Martin continues to modernize and maintain vital space infrastructure, allowing the Space Force's fundamental capability of Space Domain Awareness (SDA). MOSSAIC detects, tracks, and labels deep space objects in support of the U.S. military's space surveillance and command centers in Colorado, California, and Virginia to deliver precise and timely space surveillance data for military, civil, and commercial customers. More such initiatives by the government to strengthen their military operations are projected to boost the space situational awareness market in the coming years.

Emerging Innovations in Aircraft Engines

When it comes to the way we travel, change has definitely arrived, and more changes are now urgently needed, and hence inevitable. To develop new breakthroughs, the aircraft industry has long operated beneath the radar. Additionally, the abrupt environmental changes brought on by climate change have elevated technology advancements in aircraft engines. In recent years, significant advancements in aviation engine technology have been made with the goal of increasing performance, lowering emissions, and boosting efficiency. Here are some noteworthy breakthroughs setting the standard for aviation engine development.

  • High-Bypass Ratio Engines

Engines with a high bypass ratio feature bigger fans that circulate more air around the engine core, which enhances fuel economy and lowers noise levels. High-bypass ratio engines were first created by General Electric (GE) with the GE90 and GE9X engines and by Rolls-Royce with the Trent series engines, which include the Trent 1000 and Trent XWB.

  • Geared Turbofan (GTF) Engines

GTF engines use a gear system to separate the fan and turbine speeds, enabling each to run at its ideal speed. This innovation decreases noise levels, cuts pollutants, and increases fuel efficiency. The PW1100G and PW1500G engines from Pratt & Whitney's PW1000G portfolio are well-known examples of geared turbofan engines.

  • Open Rotor Engines

Unducted fan engines, commonly referred to as open rotor engines, have unshrouded counter-rotating propellers. By using the aerodynamic advantages of the propellers, they offer greater fuel economy than conventional turbofans. The LEAP-1C engine with open rotor technology is being developed by CFM International, a joint venture between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines, for the upcoming generation of narrow-body aircraft.

  • Hybrid-electric Propulsion

A number of businesses are looking on hybrid-electric propulsion for aircraft engines as the focus on sustainability increases. To reduce pollutants and boost efficiency, these engines combine classic jet fuel burning with electric motors. Zunum Aero, a firm supported by Boeing and JetBlue Airways is developing hybrid-electric regional aircraft, and Rolls-Royce's collaboration with Airbus and Siemens on the E-Fan X prototype.

  • Additive Manufacturing

3D printing and additive manufacturing have completely changed how airplane engine parts are made. Complex designs, weight reduction, and increased fuel economy are all made possible by this technology. For its GE LEAP engines, General Electric has heavily incorporated additive manufacturing, while other businesses like Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce are also utilizing 3D printing for engine parts.

  • Green Engines

Technology advancements must be made immediately to solve the issues of emissions and noise reduction. The Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, two of the most frequently used aero planes in service today, have demonstrated that newer variants of the same aircraft can transport more people while using 23% less fuel. Engine fuel burn efficiency affects emissions of CO2, H2O, O2, and N2. The focus areas are advanced engine externals and installations, including novel noise attenuation, high efficiency Low Pressure (LP) spool technology while furthering high speed turbine design, option of an aggressive mid-turbine inter-duct, high efficiency and lightweight compressor, and lightweight low-pressure systems for turbofans, including composite fan blades. Rolls Royce has successfully run an aircraft engine on hydrogen, which marks a significant development towards proving the gas could be the key to decarbonization of air travel.

Continuous innovations and advancements in aircraft engine technology are being made by businesses like General Electric, Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, and CFM International, among others. These developments are meant to improve efficiency, lessen their negative effects on the environment, and satisfy the changing demands of the aviation sector.

According to TechSci Research report on “Aircraft Engine Market- Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition, Opportunity and Forecast, 2017-2035 Segmented By Engine Type (Turbofan, Piston, Turboprop, Turboshaft), By Aircraft Type (Narrow Body, Rotocrafts, Business Aircrafts, Fighter Aircrafts, Wide Body Aircrafts, Regional Aircrafts), By Platform (Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing), By Application (Commercial, Military), By Region”, the aircraft engine market is projected to grow at a formidable rate. The market growth can be attributed to the increase in technological development and rising demand for international tourism.

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