Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 361.83 million

Market Size (2029)

USD 588.42 million

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Hydraulic & Machine room-Less traction

Largest Market


Market Overview

Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market was valued at USD 361.83 million in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of  8.28% through 2029. The Vietnam elevators and escalators market encompasses the sale, installation, and maintenance of vertical transportation systems, including elevators, escalators, and moving walkways, within various types of buildings such as residential complexes, commercial establishments, shopping malls, and public infrastructure projects. This market is witnessing significant growth driven by rapid urbanization and an expanding middle class, which is propelling demand for high-rise residential and commercial buildings in urban centers. Government initiatives aimed at modernizing infrastructure and developing smart cities are further contributing to the increased adoption of elevators and escalators. For instance, the Vietnamese government's focus on improving public transportation systems and constructing new metro stations, airports, and commercial complexes is driving the need for efficient vertical transportation solutions.  The rising number of international businesses and expatriates setting up operations in Vietnam is spurring demand for modern office spaces and high-end residential buildings equipped with advanced elevator and escalator systems.

Technological advancements are also playing a crucial role in the market's expansion. Innovations such as smart elevators with IoT integration, energy-efficient systems, and advanced safety features are becoming increasingly popular as building owners and developers seek to enhance user experience and comply with stringent safety regulations. The growing awareness and adoption of green building standards and sustainable construction practices are leading to higher demand for elevators and escalators that offer energy savings and reduced environmental impact. The aging population in Vietnam is contributing to the market growth, as there is a rising need for mobility solutions in residential buildings to ensure accessibility and convenience for the elderly. The competitive landscape of the market is marked by the presence of both international and domestic players, who are investing in expanding their service networks and enhancing their product portfolios to cater to the diverse needs of the Vietnamese market.

The robust economic growth and increasing disposable incomes in Vietnam are also boosting the demand for modern retail spaces and luxury hotels, further augmenting the need for advanced elevator and escalator systems. Overall, the Vietnam elevators and escalators market is poised for substantial growth, driven by urban development, technological advancements, and evolving consumer preferences, positioning it as a dynamic and rapidly expanding sector in the country's infrastructure landscape.

Key Market Drivers

Urbanization and Infrastructure Development

Urbanization and infrastructure development are major drivers for the Vietnam elevators and escalators market. Vietnam is undergoing rapid urbanization, with significant population growth in major cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. This urban expansion necessitates the construction of high-rise residential complexes, commercial buildings, and mixed-use developments, all of which require efficient vertical transportation solutions. The Vietnamese government is heavily investing in infrastructure projects to support this urban growth, including the development of smart cities and modern transportation systems. Large-scale projects such as new metro lines, airports, and commercial centers are being planned and executed, driving the demand for elevators and escalators. As cities expand vertically, the need for advanced and reliable vertical transportation becomes paramount to ensure smooth and efficient movement of people within these high-density urban environments. This trend is expected to continue over the coming years, further bolstering the market for elevators and escalators as Vietnam's urban landscape evolves and modernizes.

In addition to new constructions, the modernization of existing infrastructure is also a key factor driving the market. Many older buildings are undergoing renovations to upgrade their facilities and comply with modern safety and efficiency standards. This includes the installation of new elevators and escalators or the replacement of outdated systems with more advanced and energy-efficient models. The Vietnamese government's focus on improving the overall infrastructure quality is leading to increased investments in public buildings, hospitals, schools, and transportation hubs, all of which require high-capacity and reliable vertical transportation systems. The continuous development of urban infrastructure, combined with the need for modernization of existing structures, is creating a sustained and growing demand for elevators and escalators in Vietnam.

The real estate sector in Vietnam is experiencing robust growth, with both domestic and international investors showing keen interest in the market. The development of high-end residential properties, luxury hotels, and state-of-the-art office spaces is contributing significantly to the demand for premium elevators and escalators. These high-value projects require advanced and aesthetically pleasing vertical transportation solutions that align with the modern architectural designs and provide a superior user experience. The increasing number of real estate projects, supported by favorable government policies and economic growth, is expected to drive the demand for elevators and escalators, making urbanization and infrastructure development a crucial driver for the market.

Technological Advancements and Innovation

Technological advancements and innovation are critical drivers for the Vietnam elevators and escalators market. The industry is witnessing rapid technological progress, leading to the development of more sophisticated, efficient, and safe vertical transportation solutions. Innovations such as smart elevators, which are integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) technology, are gaining popularity in Vietnam. These smart elevators offer advanced features such as predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and energy optimization, significantly enhancing the efficiency and reliability of vertical transportation systems. IoT-enabled elevators can communicate with building management systems, providing valuable data that helps in optimizing traffic flow and reducing waiting times. The adoption of these advanced technologies is becoming increasingly important as buildings become taller and more complex, necessitating more efficient and intelligent vertical transportation solutions.

Energy efficiency is another area where technological advancements are making a significant impact. Modern elevators and escalators are designed to consume less energy, contributing to the overall sustainability of buildings. Features such as regenerative drives, which capture and reuse energy generated during the operation of elevators, are becoming more common. Advancements in materials and manufacturing processes have led to the development of lighter and more durable components, further improving the energy efficiency and lifespan of elevators and escalators. As Vietnam continues to embrace green building standards and sustainable construction practices, the demand for energy-efficient vertical transportation solutions is expected to rise, driving the market forward.

Safety innovations are also playing a crucial role in the market's growth. Modern elevators and escalators come equipped with advanced safety features such as emergency braking systems, real-time fault monitoring, and automated rescue operations. These features not only enhance the safety of passengers but also ensure compliance with stringent safety regulations. The focus on safety is particularly important in high-rise buildings and public infrastructure, where the risk of accidents needs to be minimized. As developers and building owners prioritize safety, the adoption of advanced elevators and escalators with cutting-edge safety technologies is increasing, driving the market growth.

The integration of aesthetic and design innovations is contributing to the market's expansion. Modern elevators and escalators are not just functional elements but also integral parts of a building's design. Manufacturers are offering customizable options that allow developers to choose finishes, materials, and designs that complement the architectural style of the building. This focus on design and aesthetics is particularly important in high-end residential and commercial projects, where the visual appeal of elevators and escalators can significantly enhance the overall value and appeal of the property. The continuous technological advancements and innovation in the elevators and escalators industry are thus driving the market growth in Vietnam, meeting the evolving needs of modern buildings.

Economic Growth and Rising Disposable Income

Economic growth and rising disposable income are significant drivers for the Vietnam elevators and escalators market. Vietnam has been experiencing strong economic growth over the past decade, leading to increased urbanization and development. The country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been growing steadily, supported by a favorable business environment, foreign direct investment, and robust domestic consumption. This economic growth is translating into higher disposable incomes for the Vietnamese population, leading to increased demand for modern amenities and infrastructure. As people move into urban areas and the middle class expands, there is a growing need for high-rise residential buildings, commercial spaces, and shopping centers, all of which require efficient vertical transportation systems.

The rising disposable income is also leading to a surge in the demand for luxury and high-end residential properties. As the Vietnamese population becomes more affluent, there is an increasing preference for premium housing options equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced elevators and escalators. This trend is driving developers to invest in modern vertical transportation solutions that offer superior comfort, safety, and aesthetics. High-end residential complexes and luxury condominiums often feature high-speed elevators with advanced technologies, such as touchless controls, personalized settings, and smart home integration, catering to the sophisticated preferences of affluent buyers. The growth in disposable income is thus directly contributing to the increased demand for advanced and luxurious vertical transportation systems.

The commercial real estate sector is benefiting from the economic growth and rising disposable income. As businesses expand and new enterprises enter the market, there is a growing need for modern office spaces and commercial buildings. These developments require efficient and reliable vertical transportation systems to ensure smooth and convenient movement of people within the buildings. The rise of the service sector, particularly in cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, is driving the demand for commercial spaces equipped with advanced elevators and escalators.  The retail sector is expanding, with the construction of new shopping malls and retail centers, further boosting the demand for escalators and moving walkways.

The tourism industry is another sector that is positively impacted by economic growth and rising disposable income. Vietnam is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination, leading to the construction of new hotels, resorts, and entertainment complexes. These hospitality projects require modern elevators and escalators to provide a seamless and comfortable experience for guests. The growth of the tourism industry is thus contributing to the overall demand for vertical transportation solutions in the country.

The strong economic growth and rising disposable income in Vietnam are driving the elevators and escalators market by increasing the demand for modern residential, commercial, and hospitality developments. As the Vietnamese population becomes more affluent and urbanized, the need for advanced and efficient vertical transportation systems is expected to continue rising, supporting the market's growth.

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Key Market Challenges

 Regulatory and Safety Compliance

One of the significant challenges facing the Vietnam elevators and escalators market is regulatory and safety compliance. As the market expands and the demand for advanced vertical transportation systems increases, ensuring that these systems meet stringent safety standards and regulations becomes crucial. The Vietnamese government has implemented various regulations to ensure the safety and reliability of elevators and escalators, including mandatory inspections, maintenance protocols, and certification requirements. However, the enforcement and adherence to these regulations can be inconsistent, posing a challenge for manufacturers, installers, and building owners.

Ensuring compliance with safety regulations requires substantial investment in training, certification, and ongoing education for technicians and engineers. The market's rapid growth often outpaces the availability of qualified personnel, leading to a shortage of skilled workers capable of maintaining and inspecting elevators and escalators to the required standards. This shortage can result in delays in maintenance and inspections, increasing the risk of accidents and malfunctions. Moreover, the lack of standardized training programs and certification processes further complicates the issue, as there can be significant variations in the quality of service provided by different companies.

In addition to workforce challenges, the regulatory framework itself can be complex and subject to frequent changes. Keeping up with evolving regulations and ensuring that all systems comply with the latest standards requires continuous monitoring and adaptation by companies in the market. This can be particularly challenging for smaller companies with limited resources, as they may struggle to stay abreast of regulatory changes and invest in the necessary upgrades and training.

The inspection and certification process can be time-consuming and bureaucratic, leading to delays in the installation and commissioning of new elevators and escalators. These delays can impact project timelines and increase costs for developers and building owners. In some cases, the lack of transparency and consistency in the regulatory process can also lead to corruption and unfair practices, further complicating the business environment.

To address these challenges, there is a need for greater collaboration between the government, industry associations, and private companies to streamline and standardize the regulatory framework. This includes developing comprehensive training and certification programs to ensure a steady supply of qualified personnel and implementing clear, consistent, and transparent inspection and certification processes. By addressing these regulatory and safety compliance challenges, the Vietnam elevators and escalators market can ensure the safety and reliability of its systems, supporting sustainable growth and development.

Economic and Market Volatility

Economic and market volatility present another significant challenge for the Vietnam elevators and escalators market. While Vietnam has experienced robust economic growth, it is not immune to global economic fluctuations and domestic market uncertainties. Factors such as inflation, currency exchange rate fluctuations, and changes in government policies can impact the market dynamics, influencing the demand and supply of elevators and escalators.

Inflation and rising costs of raw materials and components can increase production costs for manufacturers. As the prices of essential materials like steel, aluminum, and electronic components fluctuate, manufacturers may face challenges in maintaining competitive pricing without compromising on quality. These cost pressures can be particularly challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which may have limited ability to absorb increased costs or pass them on to customers. Moreover, fluctuations in currency exchange rates can affect the cost of imported components, further adding to the financial burden on manufacturers.

Market volatility can also impact investment decisions and construction activities, which are critical drivers of demand for elevators and escalators. During periods of economic uncertainty or slowdown, developers and investors may delay or cancel construction projects, leading to reduced demand for vertical transportation systems. This can result in fluctuations in sales and revenue for companies in the market, making it difficult to plan and forecast future growth. Changes in government policies, such as modifications to construction regulations, building codes, or investment incentives, can create uncertainty and affect market stability.

The competitive landscape of the Vietnam elevators and escalators market is dynamic, with both international and domestic players vying for market share. Intense competition can lead to price wars and reduced profit margins, particularly during periods of economic downturn or market contraction. Companies need to continuously innovate and differentiate their products and services to maintain a competitive edge, which requires significant investment in research and development.

To mitigate the impact of economic and market volatility, companies in the Vietnam elevators and escalators market need to adopt flexible and adaptive strategies. This includes diversifying their product offerings to cater to different market segments and investing in innovative technologies that enhance efficiency and reduce costs. Building strong relationships with suppliers and maintaining a robust supply chain can help manage the impact of raw material price fluctuations. Companies can focus on expanding their service and maintenance business, which provides a steady revenue stream and is less susceptible to market volatility compared to new installations.

Collaborating with government agencies and industry associations to advocate for stable and supportive policies can also help create a more predictable business environment. By addressing the challenges posed by economic and market volatility, companies in the Vietnam elevators and escalators market can navigate uncertainties and capitalize on growth opportunities, ensuring long-term sustainability and success.

Key Market Trends

Adoption of Smart and IoT-enabled Technologies

One of the prominent trends shaping the Vietnam elevators and escalators market is the adoption of smart and IoT-enabled technologies. As buildings become more technologically advanced, there is a growing demand for elevators and escalators equipped with features that enhance efficiency, convenience, and safety. Smart elevators, integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) technology, offer benefits such as real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and personalized user experiences. These elevators can optimize traffic flow, reduce waiting times, and improve energy efficiency by adjusting operations based on usage patterns and environmental conditions. IoT-enabled escalators similarly enhance operational efficiency and safety through remote diagnostics and proactive maintenance alerts. The adoption of smart and IoT-enabled technologies is driven by the increasing focus on building automation and smart city initiatives in Vietnam, where efficient vertical transportation systems play a crucial role in enhancing urban living and sustainability.

Focus on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Another significant trend in the Vietnam elevators and escalators market is the emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability. With growing awareness of environmental issues and the need to reduce carbon footprints, there is a heightened demand for eco-friendly vertical transportation solutions. Manufacturers are developing elevators and escalators that incorporate energy-saving technologies, such as regenerative drives and LED lighting, to minimize energy consumption and operational costs. These sustainable features not only help building owners achieve green building certifications but also contribute to long-term cost savings and environmental conservation. There is a trend towards using recyclable materials and designing systems that are easy to dismantle and recycle at the end of their lifecycle. Government incentives and regulations promoting energy-efficient buildings further drive the adoption of sustainable elevator and escalator solutions in Vietnam's construction sector, aligning with global efforts towards sustainability and climate resilience.

Customization and Aesthetic Design

Customization and aesthetic design are emerging as important trends influencing the Vietnam elevators and escalators market. Increasingly, building owners, developers, and architects are seeking vertical transportation solutions that not only provide functional efficiency but also enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of buildings. Manufacturers are offering a wide range of customization options, allowing customers to choose from various finishes, materials, and designs that complement the architectural style and interior décor of their projects. This trend is particularly prominent in high-end residential developments, luxury hotels, and commercial buildings where elevators and escalators are viewed as integral elements of interior design. Customized solutions include panoramic elevators with glass walls offering scenic views, decorative escalators with artistic finishes, and personalized cabin interiors with advanced lighting and touchscreen interfaces. By catering to the demand for customization and aesthetic design, manufacturers can differentiate their products in the competitive market landscape while meeting the evolving preferences of discerning customers in Vietnam's vibrant construction industry.

Segmental Insights

Elevator Technology Insights

In 2023, the traction elevator technology segment dominated the Vietnam elevators and escalators market and is poised to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. Traction elevators are preferred in high-rise buildings due to their ability to efficiently transport passengers and goods using a system of ropes, pulleys, and counterweights driven by an electric motor. These elevators offer smooth and reliable operation, higher speeds, and greater control over floor-to-floor travel, making them suitable for tall structures in urban areas experiencing rapid vertical development. The traction technology segment includes both geared and gearless traction systems, with gearless traction elevators gaining popularity for their reduced energy consumption, quieter operation, and compact design, which allows for more flexible installation options. As Vietnam continues to urbanize and construct taller buildings in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the demand for traction elevators is expected to grow. Advancements in technology, such as regenerative drives and IoT integration, are further enhancing the efficiency and performance of traction elevators, driving their adoption in commercial complexes, residential towers, and mixed-use developments. With ongoing infrastructure projects and increasing investments in urban development, traction elevator technology remains pivotal in meeting the vertical transportation needs of Vietnam's expanding urban landscape, ensuring its continued dominance in the elevators and escalators market.

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Regional Insights

In 2023, the Northern region emerged as the dominant force in the Vietnam elevators and escalators market and is projected to continue leading during the forecast period. The Northern region, encompassing major cities such as Hanoi and Hai Phong, experienced significant growth in urban development and infrastructure projects, driving the demand for vertical transportation systems. Hanoi, as the capital city and a hub of economic activity, witnessed substantial investments in commercial complexes, residential towers, and public infrastructure, all of which require efficient and reliable elevators and escalators. The Northern region's dominance can be attributed to its role as a focal point for government initiatives aimed at modernizing urban infrastructure, enhancing transportation networks, and promoting sustainable urban development. Moreover, the region's strategic location and economic significance have attracted both domestic and international investments, further fueling the construction boom and the demand for advanced vertical transportation solutions. As urbanization and population growth continue to accelerate in the Northern region, supported by favorable economic policies and urban planning initiatives, the demand for elevators and escalators is expected to remain robust. Manufacturers and service providers are responding to this demand by expanding their presence and capabilities in the Northern region, establishing service networks, and offering customized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of local projects. By maintaining its dominance, the Northern region is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of the Vietnam elevators and escalators market, driving innovation and sustainable growth in the vertical transportation sector across its urban landscape.

Recent Developments

  • In June 2024, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (Toshiba) announced the launch of its MG10-D Series, a line of conventional magnetic recording (CMR) hard disk drives (HDD) supporting both SAS and SATA interfaces, with capacities reaching up to 10TB. Leveraging over 50 years of engineering expertise, the MG10-D Series offers enhanced performance and power efficiency compared to previous models. The series includes sanitize instant erase (SIE) and self-encrypting drive (SED) options, ensuring that valuable data is protected by a storage solution renowned for its robust performance and reliability.
  • In June 2024, Otis has strengthened its long-standing partnership with Shenzhen Metro by securing a new contract to service 209 Otis units. This includes 66 elevators and 143 escalators on Line 1, Shenzhen's inaugural metro line. Line 1, which spans 30 stations, plays a critical role in connecting the city's downtown areas, supporting Shenzhen's status as a key manufacturing and commercial center in southern China.

Key Market Players

  • Mitsubishi Elevator Vietnam Company Limited
  • Schindler Vietnam Ltd
  • Thang Long Elevator Equipment Group
  • KONE Vietnam LLC
  • Hitachi Elevator Vietnam Co., Ltd
  • Toshiba Corporation

By Product Type

 By Delivery Mode

By End User Industry

By Elevator Technology

By Elevator Door Type

By Region

  • Elevator
  • Escalator & Moving Walkways
  • Maintenance & Repair
  • New Installation Modernization
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Institutional
  • Infrastructural & Others
  • Traction
  • Hydraulic & Machine room-Less traction
  • Automatic and Manual
  • Northern
  • Southern
  • Central

Report Scope:

In this report, the Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market, By Product Type:

o   Elevator

o   Escalator & Moving Walkways

  • Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market, By Delivery Mode:

o   Maintenance & Repair

o   New Installation Modernization

  • Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market, By End User Industry:

o   Residential

o   Commercial

o   Institutional

o   Infrastructural & Others

  • Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market, By Elevator Technology:

o   Traction

o   Hydraulic & Machine room-Less traction

  • Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market, By Elevator Door Type:

o   Automatic

o   Manual

  • Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market, By Region:

o   Northern

o   Southern

o   Central

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market.

Available Customizations:

Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]               

Table of content

1.         Product Overview

1.1.    Market Definition

1.2.    Scope of the Market

1.2.1.Markets Covered

1.2.2.Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.Key Market Segmentations

2.         Research Methodology

2.1.    Objective of the Study

2.2.    Baseline Methodology

2.3.    Formulation of the Scope

2.4.    Assumptions and Limitations

2.5.    Sources of Research

2.5.1.Secondary Research

2.5.2.Primary Research

2.6.    Approach for the Market Study

2.6.1.The Bottom-Up Approach

2.6.2.The Top-Down Approach

2.7.    Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.8.    Forecasting Methodology

2.8.1.Data Triangulation & Validation

3.         Executive Summary

4.         Impact of COVID-19 on Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market

5.         Voice of Customer

6.         Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market Overview

7.         Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market Outlook

7.1.    Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.By Value

7.2.    Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.By Type (Elevator, Escalator & Moving Walkways)

7.2.2.By Service (Maintenance & Repair, New Installation and Modernization)

7.2.3.By End User Industry (Residential, Commercial, Institutional, Infrastructural & Others)

7.2.4.By Elevator Technology (Traction, Hydraulic & Machine room-Less traction)

7.2.5.By Elevator Door Type (Automatic and Manual)

7.3.    By Company (2023)

7.4.    Market Map

8.         Northern Elevator & Escalator Market Outlook

8.1.    Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.By Value

8.2.    Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.By Type

8.2.2.By Service

8.2.3.By End User Industry

8.2.4.By Elevator Technology

8.2.5.By Elevator Door Type

9.         Southern Elevator & Escalator Market Outlook

9.1.    Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.By Value

9.2.    Market Share & Forecast

8.2.6.By Type

8.2.7.By Service

8.2.8.By End User Industry

8.2.9.By Elevator Technology

8.2.10.     By Elevator Door Type

10.      Central Elevator & Escalator Market Outlook

10.1. Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.     By Value

10.2. Market Share & Forecast

8.2.11.     By Type

8.2.12.     By Service

8.2.13.     By End User Industry

8.2.14.     By Elevator Technology

8.2.15.     By Elevator Door Type

11.      Market Dynamics

11.1. Drivers

11.2. Challenges

12.      Market Trends and Developments

13.      Company Profiles

13.1.  Mitsubishi Elevator Vietnam Company Limited..

13.1.1.     Business Overview

13.1.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.1.3.     Recent Developments

13.1.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.1.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

13.2.  Schindler Vietnam Ltd.

13.2.1.     Business Overview

13.2.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.2.3.     Recent Developments

13.2.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.2.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

13.3.  Thang Long Elevator Equipment Group Co. Ltd.

13.3.1.     Business Overview

13.3.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.3.3.     Recent Developments

13.3.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.3.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

13.4.  Fujitec CO., LTD

13.4.1.     Business Overview

13.4.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.4.3.     Recent Developments

13.4.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.4.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

13.5.  KONE Vietnam LLC

13.5.1.     Business Overview

13.5.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.5.3.     Recent Developments

13.5.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.5.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

13.6.  Hitachi Elevator Vietnam Co., Ltd.

13.6.1.     Business Overview

13.6.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.6.3.     Recent Developments

13.6.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.6.5.     Key Product/Services Offered


13.7.1.     Business Overview

13.7.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.7.3.     Recent Developments

13.7.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.7.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

13.8.  Toshiba Corporation

13.8.1.     Business Overview

13.8.2.     Key Revenue and Financials  

13.8.3.     Recent Developments

13.8.4.     Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

13.7.5.     Key Product/Services Offered

14.      Strategic Recommendations

15. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market was USD 361.83 million in 2023.


The traction elevator technology segment was dominant in the Vietnam Elevators & Escalators Market in 2023, driven by its efficiency and suitability for high-rise buildings in urban areas undergoing rapid development.


The Northern region, including major cities like Hanoi and Hai Phong, is the dominant region in the Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market due to significant urban development and infrastructure projects driving demand for vertical transportation systems.


Rising development of high-rise commercial and residential buildings coupled with increasing capital inflow into the real-estate sector are expected to propel the Vietnam Elevator and Escalator Market during the forecast period.


Srishti Verma

Business Consultant
Press Release

Vietnam Elevator & Escalator Market is expected to grow at a 8.28% CAGR

Jul, 2024

Rising development of high-rise commercial and residential buildings coupled with increasing capital inflow into the real-estate sector are expected to propel the Vietnam Elevator and Escalator Marke