Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 109.44 Million

Market Size (2029)

USD 148.57 Million

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Smartphones & Tablets

Largest Market

Northern France

Market Overview

France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market has valued at USD 109.44 million in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 5.07% through 2029. Scratch-resistant glass enhances the aesthetics of products by maintaining a pristine and clear surface. Whether it's the sleek design of a smartphone or the transparent quality of an automotive windshield, consumers appreciate the visual appeal of products that remain unmarred by scratches. This demand for visually appealing and well-maintained products drives manufacturers to incorporate scratch-resistant glass in various applications.

Key Market Drivers

Growing Demand for Durable and Long-Lasting Smartphone Displays

One of the significant drivers of the scratch-resistant glass market in France is the rapidly growing demand for durable and long-lasting smartphone displays. With the increasing reliance on smartphones for communication, entertainment, work, and more, consumers are looking for devices that can withstand the wear and tear of daily life. Scratch-resistant glass has become a critical feature in smartphone manufacturing, as it not only enhances the aesthetics of the device but also prolongs its lifespan.

Consumers in France, like many parts of the world, are increasingly investing in high-end and flagship smartphones that come equipped with scratch-resistant glass, such as Corning's Gorilla Glass or Asahi Glass's Dragontrail Glass. These glasses are designed to resist scratches from keys, coins, or accidental drops, which are common causes of screen damage. The trend towards larger and more expensive smartphones has further accentuated the need for durable screens, as the cost of screen replacements can be substantial. As a result, French consumers are willing to pay a premium for smartphones with scratch-resistant glass, driving the market's growth.

Moreover, the rapid advancements in smartphone technology, such as the development of foldable and flexible displays, have created new opportunities for scratch-resistant glass manufacturers. These innovative designs require glass that is not only durable but also flexible and scratch-resistant. Companies in the industry are constantly innovating to meet these demands, thereby boosting the demand for scratch-resistant glass.

In summary, the growing demand for smartphones with durable and long-lasting displays in France is a key driver of the scratch-resistant glass market. As consumers continue to seek premium devices, manufacturers will need to invest in advanced glass technologies to meet these expectations, driving growth in the industry.

Increasing Use of Scratch-Resistant Glass in Automotive Applications

Another prominent driver of the scratch-resistant glass market in France is the increasing use of scratch-resistant glass in automotive applications. The automotive industry has evolved significantly in recent years, with a strong focus on safety, comfort, and aesthetics. Scratch-resistant glass has emerged as a crucial component in achieving these objectives.

French consumers, like their global counterparts, have become more discerning when it comes to the quality of their vehicles. As a result, automotive manufacturers are incorporating scratch-resistant glass not only in the windshields but also in side windows, rear windows, and sunroofs. This not only enhances the vehicle's aesthetics but also provides safety benefits by ensuring a clear field of vision for drivers. Furthermore, these glass types are more resistant to stone chips, minor impacts, and environmental factors, contributing to the longevity and safety of the vehicle.

The trend toward electric and autonomous vehicles in France also plays a significant role in driving the demand for scratch-resistant glass. As the automotive industry evolves, it requires cutting-edge technologies, and scratch-resistant glass aligns with the advanced features and needs of electric and autonomous vehicles. French consumers are increasingly inclined towards sustainable and innovative automotive solutions, which further boosts the use of this type of glass.

In addition, French regulations and standards pertaining to automotive safety and quality have become more stringent, leading automakers to opt for high-quality materials like scratch-resistant glass. These regulations mandate that vehicles adhere to certain safety and environmental criteria, further propelling the use of such glass in the automotive sector.

In conclusion, the increasing integration of scratch-resistant glass in various automotive applications aligns with the evolving consumer preferences and regulatory requirements in France, making it a critical driver of the scratch-resistant glass market.

Growing Emphasis on High-Quality Display Solutions in Consumer Electronics

The third driver of the scratch-resistant glass market in France is the growing emphasis on high-quality display solutions in a wide range of consumer electronics beyond smartphones. As technology continues to advance, consumers expect vivid, crisp, and immersive displays in their electronic devices, including tablets, laptops, televisions, and wearable gadgets. Scratch-resistant glass is a pivotal component in achieving these expectations.

French consumers, like consumers worldwide, have elevated their standards when it comes to the quality of their electronic devices. They demand vibrant and clear screens that can withstand daily use without losing their visual appeal. Scratch-resistant glass not only enhances the durability of these devices but also maintains the visual clarity of the displays, which is crucial in ensuring an optimal user experience.

Laptop and tablet manufacturers, in particular, have embraced the use of scratch-resistant glass to protect their screens from scratches and damages caused by everyday use. This has led to the incorporation of such glass in a significant portion of the devices available in the market.

The emergence of OLED and high-definition displays in televisions has led to an increased need for scratch-resistant glass. French consumers are keen on experiencing top-notch entertainment at home, and this requires television screens that are not only sharp but also durable. Scratch-resistant glass ensures that these expensive screens remain in pristine condition for an extended period.

In the realm of wearables, devices like smartwatches and AR/VR headsets also benefit from scratch-resistant glass, as these gadgets are often subjected to various environmental conditions. French consumers are becoming more health-conscious and tech-savvy, driving the demand for such devices, which, in turn, boosts the market for scratch-resistant glass.

The growing emphasis on high-quality display solutions in a variety of consumer electronics in France is a significant driver of the scratch-resistant glass market. As consumers seek superior visual experiences in their devices, manufacturers will continue to incorporate scratch-resistant glass to meet these expectations and ensure the longevity of these products.  


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Key Market Challenges

Intense Competition and Market Saturation

One of the foremost challenges facing the scratch-resistant glass market in France is intense competition and market saturation. Over the years, the demand for scratch-resistant glass in various applications, such as smartphones, automotive, and consumer electronics, has led to a proliferation of manufacturers and suppliers vying for market share. As a result, the market has become highly competitive, with numerous players offering similar products and technologies.

This saturation of the market has several adverse effects. Firstly, it exerts downward pressure on prices, leading to thinner profit margins for manufacturers. The price wars in the industry can hinder investments in research and development, which are crucial for the innovation and advancement of scratch-resistant glass technologies. Moreover, it can create a challenging environment for new entrants or smaller players, as they often struggle to compete with the established manufacturers who benefit from economies of scale and brand recognition.

Market saturation also results in a cluttered and fragmented supply chain. For consumers, this can lead to confusion and an overwhelming array of choices, making it difficult to discern the differences between various scratch-resistant glass products. This may, in turn, discourage consumers from actively seeking out and purchasing scratch-resistant glass-equipped products.

To address this challenge, manufacturers in France must focus on product differentiation, innovation, and strategic partnerships to stand out in the crowded market. Additionally, collaboration and consolidation among smaller companies may help create more competitive and efficient solutions, strengthening the industry as a whole.

Technological Advancements and Evolving Standards

Another significant challenge for the scratch-resistant glass market in France is keeping up with technological advancements and evolving industry standards. As consumer demands continue to evolve, manufacturers must constantly invest in research and development to stay ahead in terms of technology and product quality.

Technological advancements in the glass industry often translate to thinner, lighter, and more durable glass solutions. However, these advancements also pose challenges, as they necessitate new manufacturing processes, materials, and testing methods. Staying updated with the latest innovations while adhering to stringent quality and safety standards can be both costly and complex.

The scratch-resistant glass market is influenced by the ever-changing standards and regulations in various industries. For example, automotive safety standards may be updated to include more stringent requirements for glass quality and performance. Compliance with these standards not only requires significant investment but can also necessitate redesigning existing products to meet the new specifications. This poses a considerable challenge for manufacturers in terms of both time and resources.

The rapidly evolving field of technology, with trends like foldable displays, curved screens, and augmented reality devices, further complicates the challenge. Manufacturers need to adapt their scratch-resistant glass products to accommodate these innovative designs, often requiring a reevaluation of existing production processes.

To address this challenge, French scratch-resistant glass manufacturers need to maintain a proactive approach to research and development, keeping abreast of emerging technologies, and closely monitoring industry standards. Collaboration with industry organizations and government bodies can help ensure that products meet evolving requirements.

Environmental Concerns and Sustainability

Environmental concerns and sustainability have become a prominent challenge for the scratch-resistant glass market in France. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on reducing the environmental footprint of manufacturing processes and products in various industries. The glass industry, including scratch-resistant glass production, is no exception.

The manufacture of scratch-resistant glass often involves energy-intensive processes, including glass melting and tempering. Additionally, the disposal of glass waste and the use of certain chemicals in glass coatings can have adverse environmental impacts. These factors have raised concerns about the sustainability of the industry.

French consumers and businesses are increasingly seeking eco-friendly and sustainable products, and this trend is expected to grow. Sustainable practices are not only driven by ethical considerations but also by regulatory pressures and the potential for cost savings. Meeting these demands for sustainability can be challenging, as it may require significant investments in more energy-efficient manufacturing processes and recycling initiatives.

Moreover, the development of environmentally friendly scratch-resistant coatings is an ongoing challenge. Finding alternatives to chemicals and materials that are harmful to the environment, while maintaining the desired performance characteristics of scratch-resistant glass, is a complex task.

To address the sustainability challenge, manufacturers in the French scratch-resistant glass market should invest in green technologies, such as energy-efficient manufacturing processes and recycling programs. Collaboration with environmental organizations and adherence to international standards for eco-friendly production can also help mitigate these concerns and ensure long-term sustainability in the industry. Additionally, consumer education about the environmental impact of their choices can influence purchasing decisions, making sustainability a competitive advantage for manufacturers that embrace it.

Key Market Trends

Increasing Adoption of Scratch-Resistant Glass in Wearable Technology

One notable trend in the France scratch-resistant glass market is the increasing adoption of scratch-resistant glass in wearable technology. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and augmented reality (AR) glasses, have gained significant popularity among consumers. These devices are subjected to daily use and are often worn on the wrist or head, making them susceptible to scratches and damage. To address this, manufacturers are incorporating scratch-resistant glass to enhance the durability and longevity of these wearables.

French consumers have shown a growing interest in wearable technology, driven by the desire for fitness tracking, health monitoring, and the convenience of having information readily accessible on their wrists or in their line of sight. However, the wear and tear these devices endure can lead to wearables losing their aesthetic appeal and functionality over time. Scratch-resistant glass addresses this issue, ensuring that the screens remain in pristine condition, even with continuous use.

The rise of AR and virtual reality (VR) devices has expanded the scope of scratch-resistant glass applications in wearables. AR glasses, for instance, require high-quality optics to deliver a clear and immersive augmented reality experience. Scratch-resistant glass is essential to maintain the optical clarity of these devices, as any scratches or blemishes on the glass can significantly hinder the user's experience.

Manufacturers in the French scratch-resistant glass market are thus actively collaborating with wearable technology companies to develop specialized glass solutions that meet the unique requirements of these devices. This trend aligns with the broader consumer demand for innovation and high-quality, durable wearables, driving the adoption of scratch-resistant glass in this burgeoning market segment.

Growing Emphasis on Antibacterial and Antiviral Properties

A significant trend in the France scratch-resistant glass market is the growing emphasis on incorporating antibacterial and antiviral properties into the glass coatings. This trend has been particularly accelerated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has heightened awareness about the transmission of viruses and bacteria through frequently touched surfaces.

French consumers, like people worldwide, have become more conscious about the cleanliness and hygiene of commonly used items and surfaces. As a result, there is an increasing demand for scratch-resistant glass with antimicrobial properties in applications such as public touchscreens, mobile devices, and self-service kiosks.

The idea behind this trend is to create glass surfaces that not only resist scratches but also actively eliminate or reduce the presence of harmful microorganisms on the surface. This is achieved through the integration of specialized coatings that have been engineered to combat bacteria and viruses.

The healthcare sector has been particularly responsive to this trend. Hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities in France have started to adopt touchscreens and glass surfaces with antibacterial and antiviral properties to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Similarly, businesses in various industries, including hospitality, retail, and transportation, have recognized the importance of providing hygienic and safe environments for their customers and employees.

French manufacturers of scratch-resistant glass are at the forefront of developing and marketing such solutions. This trend aligns with the broader shift towards creating healthier and safer environments, which has been accelerated by the pandemic. The incorporation of antibacterial and antiviral properties in scratch-resistant glass represents a significant market opportunity, as it caters to the heightened hygiene concerns of consumers and businesses alike. As this trend continues to evolve, it is expected to reshape the scratch-resistant glass market in France and drive innovation in glass coating technologies.

Segmental Insights

Product Type Insights

The Polyvinyl Chloride segment emerged as the dominating segment in 2023. The demand for sustainable construction materials is driving the use of PVC in windows and doors, and incorporating scratch-resistant glass can further enhance their longevity.

PVC is extensively used for window frames and profiles in the construction industry. Scratch-resistant glass in PVC window frames provides durability and enhances the aesthetic appeal of buildings. PVC is used in automotive interiors and trim components, where scratch-resistant glass can protect the surface from wear and damage.

Manufacturers are investing in developing PVC compounds that are more environmentally friendly and have improved scratch resistance. This involves researching and incorporating alternative plasticizers and additives. Innovations in PVC extrusion and molding processes are enabling the creation of intricate and durable PVC profiles for various applications. France has strict regulations regarding the use of PVC in certain applications, such as construction and packaging. Manufacturers need to ensure compliance with these regulations while using PVC in scratch-resistant glass products. 


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Regional Insights

Northern France emerged as the dominating region in the France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market in 2023. Northern France is home to several key players in the glass industry, making it a prominent region in the France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market. The presence of major cities like Lille, Amiens, and Rouen fosters demand for scratch-resistant glass in various applications. Northern France has a strong industrial and automotive sector, including manufacturing facilities for automobiles and machinery. These industries rely on scratch-resistant glass for equipment and vehicle components. The automotive sector, in particular, demands scratch-resistant glass for windshields, side windows, and sunroofs.

The industrial sector in Northern France comprises various industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics. Equipment used in these industries often requires durable and scratch-resistant glass to ensure longevity and performance. Northern France hosts automotive manufacturing hubs, which contribute to the demand for scratch-resistant glass for both domestic vehicle production and export.

The region's strategic location and robust transportation infrastructure create export opportunities for scratch-resistant glass products manufactured in Northern France. The region has been embracing sustainability initiatives, with a focus on reducing environmental impact. This aligns with global trends toward greener manufacturing processes and materials. Northern France's position as a hub for industrial and automotive activities provides a solid foundation for the growth of the scratch-resistant glass market. As technological advancements continue and sustainability becomes a priority, the region is likely to see continued growth in this market.

In summary, Northern France plays a significant role in the France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market, primarily driven by the presence of industrial and automotive sectors. The region's focus on safety, technological advancements, and sustainability aligns with broader industry trends and positions it for growth in the scratch-resistant glass market.

Recent Developments

  • In 2022, Nippon Sheet Glass (NSG) acquired French scratch-resistant glass maker Soverglass.

Key Market Players

  • Schott AG
  • Saint-Gobain Glass Germany
  • Corning Incorporated
  • Koch Industries, Inc.
  • Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd
  • Covestro AG
  • Buhler Technologies GmbH
  • Kuraray Europe GmbH
  • DOWA Thermotech Co., Ltd.          

By Product Type

By Application

By Region

  • Polyvinyl Chloride
  • Silicone
  • Polyolefins
  • Others
  • Smartphones & Tablets
  • Automotive
  • Interior Architecture
  • Others
  • Northern France
  • Western France
  • Southern France
  • Eastern France
  • Central France


Report Scope:

In this report, the France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market, By Product Type:

o   Polyvinyl Chloride

o   Silicone

o   Polyolefins

o   Others      

  • France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market, By Application:

o   Smartphones & Tablets

o   Automotive

o   Interior Architecture

o   Others        

  • France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market, By Region:

o   Northern France

o   Western France

o   Southern France

o   Eastern France

o   Central France            

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market.

Available Customizations:

France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.         Product Overview

1.1.     Market Definition

1.2.     Scope of the Market

1.2.1.Markets Covered

1.2.2.Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.Key Market Segmentations

2.         Research Methodology

2.1.     Objective of the Study

2.2.     Baseline Methodology

2.3.     Formulation of the Scope

2.4.     Assumptions and Limitations

2.5.     Sources of Research

2.5.1.Secondary Research

2.5.2.Primary Research

2.6.     Approach for the Market Study

2.6.1.The Bottom-Up Approach

2.6.2.The Top-Down Approach

2.7.     Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.8.     Forecasting Methodology

2.8.1.Data Triangulation & Validation

3.         Executive Summary

4.         Impact of COVID-19 on France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market

5.         Voice of Customer

6.         France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Overview

7.         France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Outlook

7.1.     Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.By Value

7.2.     Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.By Product Type (Polyvinyl Chloride, Silicone, Polyolefins and Others)

7.2.2.By Application (Smartphones & Tablets, Automotive, Interior Architecture and Others)

7.2.3.By Region (Northern France, Western France, Southern France, Eastern France and Central France)

7.3.     By Company (2023)

7.4.     Market Map

8.         Northern France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Outlook

8.1.     Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.By Value

8.2.     Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.By Product Type

8.2.2.By Application

9.         Western France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Outlook

9.1.     Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.By Value

9.2.     Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.By Product Type

9.2.2.By Application

10.      Southern France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Outlook

10.1.  Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.   By Value

10.2.  Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1.   By Product Type

10.2.2.   By Application

11.      Eastern France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Outlook

11.1.  Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1.   By Value

11.2.  Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1.   By Product Type

11.2.2.   By Application  

12.      Central France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market Outlook

12.1.  Market Size & Forecast

12.1.1.   By Value

12.2.  Market Share & Forecast

12.2.1.   By Product Type

12.2.2.   By Application 

13.      Market Dynamics

13.1.  Drivers

13.2.  Challenges

14.      Market Trends and Developments

15.      Company Profiles

15.1.  Schott AG

15.1.1.   Business Overview

15.1.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.1.3.   Recent Developments

15.1.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.1.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.2.  Saint-Gobain Glass Germany

15.2.1.   Business Overview

15.2.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.2.3.   Recent Developments

15.2.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.2.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.3.  Corning Incorporated

15.3.1.   Business Overview

15.3.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.3.3.   Recent Developments

15.3.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.3.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.4.  Koch Industries, Inc.

15.4.1.   Business Overview

15.4.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.4.3.   Recent Developments

15.4.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.4.5.   Key Product/Services Offered


15.5.1.   Business Overview

15.5.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.5.3.   Recent Developments

15.5.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.5.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.6.  Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd

15.6.1.   Business Overview

15.6.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.6.3.   Recent Developments

15.6.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.6.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.7.  Covestro AG

15.7.1.   Business Overview

15.7.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.7.3.   Recent Developments

15.7.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.7.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.8.  Buhler Technologies GmbH

15.8.1.   Business Overview

15.8.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.8.3.   Recent Developments

15.8.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.8.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.9.  Kuraray Europe GmbH

15.9.1.   Business Overview

15.9.2.   Key Revenue and Financials  

15.9.3.   Recent Developments

15.9.4.   Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.9.5.   Key Product/Services Offered

15.10.   DOWA Thermotech Co., Ltd. 

15.10.1.                Business Overview

15.10.2.                Key Revenue and Financials  

15.10.3.                Recent Developments

15.10.4.                Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.10.5.                Key Product/Services Offered

16.      Strategic Recommendations

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The market size of the France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market was USD 109.44 million in 2023.


The Polyvinyl Chloride segment demonstrated significant dominance in 2023. The demand for sustainable construction materials is driving the use of PVC in windows and doors, and incorporating scratch-resistant glass can further enhance their longevity.


Northern France dominated the France scratch-resistant glass market due to its strong industrial base, concentration of major manufacturers, advanced technology adoption, and robust demand from automotive and consumer electronics sectors.


The major drivers for the France scratch-resistant glass market are increased demand for durable consumer electronics, advancements in manufacturing technology, growth in the automotive industry, and rising adoption of smart devices.


Srishti Verma

Business Consultant
Press Release

France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market is expected to grow at a 5.07% CAGR Through 2029

Jun, 2024

France Scratch-Resistant Glass Market is expected to grow owing to use in wide range of industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, construction, and healthcare throughout the forecast pe