Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2022)

USD 273.59 million

CAGR (2023-2028)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market

Saudi Arabia


Market Overview

Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market was valued at USD 273.59 million in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 7.73% through 2028. Multiple countries in the MENA region encounter severe weather conditions, particularly scorching summers. Elevated temperatures can result in amplified battery consumption on mobile devices. Power banks featuring rapid charging capabilities are particularly in demand within such environments.

Key Market Drivers

Increasing Mobile Device Penetration & Dependency       

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Power Bank Market is currently witnessing robust growth, driven primarily by the increasing prevalence and reliance on mobile devices across the region. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have become integral to the daily lives of individuals in MENA, serving multiple purposes ranging from communication to entertainment, navigation, and productivity. This surge in mobile device usage has generated substantial demand for dependable and portable power sources, thus propelling the power bank market forward.

In recent years, the MENA region has observed a significant surge in smartphone adoption, with an increasing number of consumers depending on these devices for their connectivity needs. The convenience and versatility of smartphones have led to a rise in data consumption, mobile gaming, and media streaming, further amplifying the requirement for power banks. Users in the region often find themselves on the move, whether for business or leisure, making power banks an essential accessory to keep their devices charged and operational throughout the day.

Additionally, the MENA region boasts a young and tech-savvy population, inclined towards adopting the latest mobile technologies and accessories. Consequently, there has been a surge in demand for power banks with advanced features, higher capacity, and faster charging capabilities. Manufacturers and suppliers in the MENA Power Bank Market are responding to this demand by introducing innovative and high-performance products that cater to the evolving needs of consumers.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the adoption of mobile devices in the region, as remote work and online learning became the new norm. With increased screen time and reliance on digital communication platforms, consumers sought reliable power sources to ensure uninterrupted connectivity. This trend is expected to persist even as the pandemic subsides, thereby bolstering the power bank market in MENA.

In summary, the MENA Power Bank Market's primary driving force, the increasing penetration and reliance on mobile devices, is fueled by the rising adoption of smartphones and tablets, the region's mobile-centric lifestyle, and the demand for dependable power sources to sustain constant connectivity and digital engagement. This upward trajectory is likely to continue as technology advances and mobile devices remain indispensable in the daily lives of individuals in the region.

Tourism & Travel Industry Expansion  

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Power Bank Market is witnessing substantial growth propelled by the expansion of the tourism and travel industry in the region. MENA showcases a rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and numerous tourist destinations, making it an increasingly favored choice for both domestic and international travelers. As the tourism sector expands, the demand for portable power solutions, such as power banks, has surged, enhancing the overall travel experience and providing a boost to the power bank market.

One of the key drivers of this growth is the evolving nature of travel. Modern-day travelers heavily rely on their smartphones and other electronic devices for navigation, communication, photography, and entertainment during their trips. Whether it's using GPS for directions, sharing updates on social media, or capturing memorable moments with their cameras, tourists are dependent on their devices throughout their journeys. Consequently, the need for reliable power sources has become crucial.

In response to this demand, hotels, airports, and transportation providers in the MENA region have started offering charging stations and power bank rental services. However, many knowledgeable travelers prefer to carry their own power banks, ensuring uninterrupted access to their devices, particularly in remote or off-grid locations. This trend has driven the sales of power banks in the region, with many tourists considering them an essential travel accessory.

Furthermore, the unique climate and geography of the MENA region contribute to the popularity of outdoor activities and adventures, such as desert safaris and mountain excursions. These activities often take travelers far from traditional power sources, making power banks indispensable for keeping devices charged. The rugged and durable power banks designed for outdoor use are especially in demand among adventure seekers.

In addition to individual travelers, the MENA region hosts numerous events, conferences, and festivals, attracting a large number of attendees who require reliable power sources to stay connected and capture moments. The rise of such events further strengthens the power bank market in the region.

In conclusion, the expansion of the tourism and travel industry in the MENA region plays a significant role in driving the Power Bank Market. The increasing reliance of travelers on electronic devices, the provision of charging services by travel-related businesses, and the popularity of outdoor activities contribute to the growing demand for power banks in the region. As tourism continues to flourish in MENA, the power bank market is poised for sustained growth.

Infrastructure Development & Urbanization     

The MENA Power Bank Market is experiencing significant growth driven by ongoing infrastructure development and rapid urbanization in the region. The demand for portable power solutions like power banks has witnessed a remarkable upswing as countries in MENA invest in building modern cities and improving connectivity.

Urbanization plays a pivotal role in this trend. MENA countries are witnessing a substantial migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of better job opportunities, education, and improved living standards. This migration has led to a higher concentration of population in cities, where access to public charging infrastructure may not always be readily available. Consequently, urban dwellers increasingly rely on power banks to keep their devices charged while on the move.

Infrastructure development, including the construction of smart cities, transportation hubs, and public spaces, has also contributed to the growth of the power bank market. Smart cities in the MENA region are equipped with digital amenities and services that require continuous connectivity. These include smart transportation systems, digital signage, and Wi-Fi hotspots, all of which depend on mobile devices. Power banks emerge as a convenient solution for residents and visitors to these cities, ensuring uninterrupted access to these services.

Moreover, the MENA region is known for its extreme weather conditions, including scorching summers. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can quickly drain a mobile device's battery. In such environments, power banks equipped with quick-charging capabilities and high-capacity batteries become indispensable, allowing users to stay connected without worrying about their devices running out of power.

The expansion of businesses and commercial centers in urban areas has also fueled the demand for power banks. Retailers, cafes, and restaurants are increasingly providing charging stations or offering power bank rental services to attract and retain customers. This strategy not only enhances the customer experience but also drives sales in the power bank market.

In conclusion, the growth of the MENA Power Bank Market is strongly influenced by infrastructure development and urbanization in the region. The migration to urban centers, the need for continuous connectivity in smart cities, and the extreme weather conditions prevalent in the region all contribute to the rising demand for power banks. As urbanization and infrastructure development continue in MENA, the power bank market is expected to thrive further, meeting the evolving needs of urban populations.

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Key Market Challenges

Intense Competition and Market Saturation      

One of the key challenges confronting the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Power Bank Market is the intense competition and market saturation it faces. In recent years, this region has witnessed a rapid growth in the power bank market, resulting in an influx of both domestic and international manufacturers and suppliers. While healthy competition is beneficial, the overcrowded market poses several obstacles.

Firstly, intense competition often triggers price wars, compelling manufacturers to lower prices in order to attract customers. This can lead to reduced profit margins and hindered investments in research and development, consequently impeding innovation. With a plethora of low-cost options available, consumers may prioritize affordability over product quality, potentially compromising the overall user experience.

Secondly, market saturation means that there are numerous power bank brands and models available, making it challenging for consumers to make informed choices. This can result in confusion and indecision, which can impact sales and consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, smaller players may struggle to establish a presence in the market, further consolidating market share among a few dominant companies.

Another aspect of market saturation is the difficulty in product differentiation. Power banks have become increasingly commoditized, with many products offering similar features and specifications. Manufacturers must find ways to distinguish their products, whether through design, brand reputation, or unique features, in order to stand out in a crowded market.

To tackle this challenge, companies operating in the MENA Power Bank Market must prioritize innovation, product differentiation, and effective marketing strategies. By developing power banks with advanced features, enhanced durability, and faster charging capabilities, manufacturers can attract discerning consumers who prioritize quality over price.

Counterfeit and Substandard Products     

The proliferation of counterfeit and substandard power bank products poses a significant challenge to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Power Bank Market. Counterfeit power banks, often manufactured without authorization, replicate well-known brands, creating difficulties for consumers in distinguishing between genuine and fake products. These counterfeit items not only endanger consumers but also undermine the reputation of legitimate manufacturers and suppliers.

Counterfeit power banks are typically sold at lower prices, appealing to cost-conscious consumers. However, these products often lack the quality, safety features, and performance capabilities of genuine power banks. They may fail to meet safety standards, potentially resulting in risks such as overheating, fires, or damage to connected devices.

In contrast, substandard power banks originate from lesser-known or unregulated manufacturers who do not adhere to industry standards. These products may have misleading specifications and fail to deliver the promised performance. Consumers who purchase substandard power banks are often disappointed with their performance, associating these negative experiences with the entire power bank market.

The prevalence of counterfeit and substandard products not only erodes consumer trust but also impedes the growth of legitimate businesses in the MENA Power Bank Market. It is crucial for regulators, industry associations, and manufacturers to collaborate in combating counterfeiting and ensuring that consumers have access to safe and reliable power bank options.

Manufacturers in the MENA region should also invest in product authentication measures, such as holographic labels or QR codes, to enable consumers to verify the authenticity of their purchases. Additionally, education and awareness campaigns can inform consumers about the risks associated with counterfeit and substandard products, empowering them to make informed choices and prioritize safety.

Evolving Consumer Needs and Technological Advancements  

The MENA Power Bank Market is faced with the challenge of keeping pace with evolving consumer needs and rapid technological advancements. As technology continues to progress, consumer expectations for power bank performance and features also evolve, placing pressure on manufacturers and suppliers to stay ahead of the curve.

One aspect of this challenge is the growing demand for higher-capacity power banks. With the increasing power and larger batteries of mobile devices, consumers expect power banks to have sufficient capacity to provide multiple charges. Meeting these demands requires manufacturers to develop power banks with larger battery cells, which can result in increased production costs and product size.

Another aspect is the need for faster charging technologies. As devices incorporate quick charging capabilities, consumers expect their power banks to support these technologies. Power banks that offer fast charging are highly sought after, and manufacturers need to invest in research and development to integrate these features into their products.

Furthermore, the integration of wireless charging technology is becoming a desirable feature in power banks. Consumers are seeking convenience, and wireless power banks allow for cable-free charging of their devices. Meeting this demand requires additional investment in technology and design.

Additionally, consumers in the MENA region are increasingly environmentally conscious. This has led to a growing demand for eco-friendly power banks made with sustainable materials and energy-efficient components. Manufacturers must consider the environmental impact of their products and incorporate eco-friendly practices into their production processes.

To address these challenges, companies operating in the MENA Power Bank Market must maintain agility and adaptability. This includes investing in research and development to stay abreast of technological advancements, understanding and anticipating consumer trends, and incorporating eco-friendly practices into their manufacturing processes. By doing so, they can continue to meet the evolving needs of consumers and remain competitive in a dynamic market.

Key Market Trends

Integration of Advanced Charging Technologies      

One significant trend observed in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Power Bank Market is the integration of advanced charging technologies. With the increasing sophistication and power requirements of mobile devices, consumers are increasingly seeking power banks that can keep up with their charging needs. In response, manufacturers in the MENA region are incorporating cutting-edge charging technologies into their products.

Notably, the adoption of USB Power Delivery (PD) and Qualcomm Quick Charge (QC) technologies in power banks stands out as a remarkable advancement. These technologies enable faster and more efficient charging, allowing users to quickly charge their devices on the go. With USB PD and QC support, power banks can deliver higher wattages and adapt to the specific charging requirements of various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Another innovative trend in the MENA Power Bank Market is the rise of wireless charging. Many consumers in the region are drawn to the convenience of wireless charging, which eliminates the need for cumbersome charging cables. Wireless power banks come equipped with Qi wireless charging pads, enabling users to charge their compatible devices simply by placing them on the power bank's surface. This trend aligns with the region's preference for seamless and cable-free charging solutions.

Moreover, power banks with solar charging capabilities are gaining traction in MENA. Leveraging the region's abundant sunlight, solar power banks harness renewable energy sources to charge devices. This trend reflects the growing environmental consciousness in the region, as consumers seek eco-friendly alternatives for their charging needs.

Manufacturers and suppliers in the MENA Power Bank Market are prioritizing the incorporation of these advanced charging technologies into their products to meet the evolving needs of consumers. As consumers continue to prioritize fast, efficient, and convenient charging solutions, the integration of these technologies is expected to remain a dominant trend in the market.

Emphasis on Design and Portability      

Another significant trend in the MENA Power Bank Market is the growing focus on design and portability. Power banks are now considered not only functional accessories, but also fashion statements and lifestyle products. Manufacturers are placing greater importance on aesthetics and form factor, catering to consumers who value both performance and style.

Slim and sleek power bank designs have gained popularity in the MENA region. These power banks are characterized by their thin profiles and lightweight construction, facilitating easy portability in pockets or small bags. The emphasis on portability aligns with the region's fast-paced lifestyle, where consumers are frequently on the move and require compact charging solutions.

Furthermore, manufacturers are exploring a variety of materials and finishes to enhance the visual appeal of their power banks. Premium materials such as aluminum and glass, as well as finishes like metallic and matte, are being utilized to create visually appealing power banks that complement the design of premium smartphones.

Customization and personalization options are also becoming more prominent. Some manufacturers allow consumers to choose from a range of colors, patterns, and even personalized engravings to make their power banks unique and reflective of their individual style.

Additionally, power banks with integrated LED displays that visually indicate the remaining battery capacity have gained popularity. These displays not only provide useful information but also add a touch of sophistication to the product.

In summary, the emphasis on design and portability in the MENA Power Bank Market reflects the evolving consumer preferences in the region. Manufacturers strive to create power banks that not only perform well, but also align with the aesthetic sensibilities of their target audiences. As consumers continue to seek stylish and portable charging solutions, this trend is expected to persist.

Segmental Insights

Capacity Insights

The 8001 – 12000 mAh segment emerged as the dominant player in 2022. The 8001 to 12000mAh segment in the MENA region has experienced substantial growth. This capacity range appeals to a wide range of consumers, including casual users, business professionals, and travelers. The demand for power banks in this segment is driven by the need for dependable, mid-range capacity solutions to keep devices charged throughout the day.

Consumers in the MENA region are increasingly seeking power banks in the 8001 to 12000mAh range with fast charging capabilities. Quick charging technologies like USB Power Delivery (PD) and Qualcomm Quick Charge (QC) are becoming standard features in many power banks within this range. Additionally, wireless charging technology is gaining momentum in this segment. Some power banks in this range offer Qi wireless charging, providing users with the convenience of charging compatible devices without the need for cables.

Manufacturers can differentiate their products and cater to consumers seeking unique power banks by offering customization options such as branding, colors, and personalized engravings. Furthermore, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable power banks. Manufacturers can explore opportunities to produce power banks in this capacity range using sustainable materials and energy-efficient components.

In conclusion, the 8001 to 12000mAh segment of the MENA Power Bank Market presents significant growth potential. By focusing on innovation, safety, customization, and sustainability, manufacturers can tap into this dynamic market and meet the diverse needs of consumers in the region.

Distribution Channel Insights

The Offline segment is projected to experience rapid growth during the forecast period. Offline sales of power banks primarily occur through retail stores. These stores encompass electronics retailers, mobile phone shops, department stores, convenience stores, and airport kiosks. These physical locations serve as points of sale for power banks, enabling consumers to personally view, handle, and purchase the products.

Offline stores provide consumers with the opportunity to physically examine power banks, assess their specifications, and compare different models prior to making a purchase. This hands-on experience can be particularly appealing to consumers who value tactile interaction with products. Offline retail offers the advantage of immediate availability, allowing consumers to acquire a power bank and commence usage promptly. This immediacy can be especially appealing in urgent situations or while traveling.

Retailers can leverage in-store promotions, discounts, and bundle deals to attract and retain customers. Special offers or packages that include power banks with other electronic devices can be enticing to consumers. Retail staff can receive training on the features and benefits of various power bank models, enabling well-informed sales representatives to provide valuable assistance to customers and enhance their shopping experience.

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Country Insights

Saudi Arabia emerged as the dominant player in 2022. The power bank market in Saudi Arabia has witnessed consistent growth in recent years. The rising popularity of smartphones, tablets, and other portable electronic devices has fueled the demand for power banks. This trend is expected to continue as mobile device penetration and dependency increase. Similarly, Saudi Arabia, along with other MENA countries, has seen a surge in demand for power banks with advanced features. Consumers in the country seek power banks with higher capacities, fast charging capabilities, and compatibility with a wide range of devices. Notably, the integration of USB Power Delivery (PD) and Qualcomm Quick Charge (QC) technologies has emerged as a significant trend in the market. In Saudi Arabia, e-commerce platforms have gained substantial traction. Consumers increasingly prefer purchasing power banks online due to the wider product selection and competitive prices available. This shift has resulted in intensified competition among online retailers and encouraged manufacturers to offer their products through e-commerce channels.

Saudi Arabia has been actively promoting tourism by opening attractions like NEOM and the Red Sea Project. This presents an opportunity for power bank manufacturers to cater to the charging needs of tourists who heavily rely on their devices while exploring the country. As environmental consciousness grows in Saudi Arabia, manufacturers can explore the introduction of eco-friendly power bank options. Utilizing sustainable materials, energy-efficient technologies, and solar-powered solutions can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 plan includes initiatives to drive technological advancement and innovation. Manufacturers that align their products with these initiatives can benefit from government support and incentives. Collaboration with local retailers, telecommunications companies, and e-commerce platforms can aid power bank manufacturers in expanding their market presence in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, partnering with businesses that offer power banks as value-added services can be a strategic move.

In conclusion, the power bank market in Saudi Arabia exhibits a dynamic and growing nature, driven by factors such as smartphone adoption, technological advancements, and increasing e-commerce activity.

Recent Developments

  • In 2022, Anker, a leading global manufacturer of power banks, launched its Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000 in the UAE. This power bank features a built-in battery and a solar panel, making it ideal for use in remote areas or during power outages.

Key Market Players

  • Anker Innovations
  • Xiaomi
  • RAVPower
  • Zendure
  • Huawei
  • Samsung
  • Energizer
  • Belkin
  • Promate Technologies
  • MyCharge

By Type

By Capacity

By USB Ports

By Distribution Channel

By Country

  • Lithium-ion
  • Lithium Polymer
  • Up to 4000 mAh
  • 4001 – 8000 mAh
  • 8001 – 12000 mAh
  • Above 12000 mAh
  • One Port
  • Two Ports
  • Three Ports
  • Above
  • Online
  • Offline
  • UAE
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Iran
  • Kuwait
  • Qatar
  • Oman
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt
  • Rest of MENA


Report Scope:

In this report, the Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market, By Type:

o   Lithium-ion

o   Lithium Polymer  

  • Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market, By Capacity:

o   Up to 4000 mAh

o   4001 – 8000 mAh

o   8001 – 12000 mAh

o   Above 12000 mAh      

  • Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market, By USB Ports:

o   One Port

o   Two Ports

o   Three Ports

o   Above     

  • Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market, By Distribution Channel:

o   Online

o   Offline     

  • Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market, By Country:

o   UAE

o   Saudi Arabia

o   Iran

o   Kuwait

o   Qatar

o   Oman

o   Jordan

o   Lebanon

o   Bahrain



Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market.

Available Customizations:

Middle East and North Africa Power Bank market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.            Product Overview

1.1.        Market Definition

1.2.        Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.            Research Methodology

2.1.        Objective of the Study

2.2.        Baseline Methodology

2.3.        Formulation of the Scope

2.4.        Assumptions and Limitations

2.5.        Sources of Research

2.5.1.    Secondary Research

2.5.2.    Primary Research

2.6.        Approach for the Market Study

2.6.1.    The Bottom-Up Approach

2.6.2.    The Top-Down Approach

2.7.        Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.8.        Forecasting Methodology

2.8.1.    Data Triangulation & Validation

3.            Executive Summary

4.            Voice of Customers

5.            Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market Outlook

5.1.        Market Size & Forecast

5.1.1.    By Value

5.2.        Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.    By Type (Lithium-ion and Lithium Polymer)

5.2.2.    By Capacity (Up to 4000 mAh, 4001 – 8000 mAh, 8001 – 12000 mAh and Above 12000 mAh)

5.2.3.    By USB Ports (One Port, Two Ports, Three Ports and Above)

5.2.4.    By Distribution Channel (Online and Offline)

5.2.5.    By Country

5.3.        By Company (2022)

5.4.        Market Map

6.            United Arab Emirates Power Bank Market Outlook

6.1.        Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Value 

6.2.        Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Type

6.2.2.    By Capacity

6.2.3.    By USB Ports

6.2.4.    By Distribution Channel

7.            Saudi Arabia Power Bank Market Outlook

7.1.        Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.    By Value 

7.2.        Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Type

7.2.2.    By Capacity

7.2.3.    By USB Ports

7.2.4.    By Distribution Channel

8.            Iran Power Bank Market Outlook

8.1.        Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.    By Value 

8.2.        Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Type

8.2.2.    By Capacity

8.2.3.    By USB Ports

8.2.4.    By Distribution Channel

9.            Kuwait Power Bank Market Outlook

9.1.        Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.    By Value 

9.2.        Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Type

9.2.2.    By Capacity

9.2.3.    By USB Ports

9.2.4.    By Distribution Channel

10.         Qatar Power Bank Market Outlook

10.1.     Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1. By Value 

10.2.     Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1. By Type

10.2.2. By Capacity

10.2.3. By USB Ports

10.2.4. By Distribution Channel

11.         Oman Power Bank Market Outlook

11.1.     Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1. By Value 

11.2.     Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1. By Type

11.2.2. By Capacity

11.2.3. By USB Ports

11.2.4. By Distribution Channel

12.         Jordan Power Bank Market Outlook

12.1.     Market Size & Forecast

12.1.1. By Value 

12.2.     Market Share & Forecast

12.2.1. By Type

12.2.2. By Capacity

12.2.3. By USB Ports

12.2.4. By Distribution Channel

13.         Lebanon Power Bank Market Outlook

13.1.     Market Size & Forecast

13.1.1. By Value 

13.2.     Market Share & Forecast

13.2.1. By Type

13.2.2. By Capacity

13.2.3. By USB Ports

13.2.4. By Distribution Channel

14.         Bahrain Power Bank Market Outlook

14.1.     Market Size & Forecast

14.1.1. By Value 

14.2.     Market Share & Forecast

14.2.1. By Type

14.2.2. By Capacity

14.2.3. By USB Ports

14.2.4. By Distribution Channel

15.         Egypt Power Bank Market Outlook

15.1.     Market Size & Forecast

15.1.1. By Value 

15.2.     Market Share & Forecast

15.2.1. By Type

15.2.2. By Capacity

15.2.3. By USB Ports

15.2.4. By Distribution Channel

16.         Market Dynamics

16.1.     Drivers

16.2.     Challenge

17.         Market Trends & Developments

18.         Company Profiles

18.1.            Anker Innovations

18.1.1. Business Overview

18.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.1.3. Recent Developments

18.1.4. Key Personnel

18.1.5. Key Product/Services

18.2.            Xiaomi

18.2.1. Business Overview

18.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.2.3. Recent Developments

18.2.4. Key Personnel

18.2.5. Key Product/Services

18.3.            RAVPower

18.3.1. Business Overview

18.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.3.3. Recent Developments

18.3.4. Key Personnel

18.3.5. Key Product/Services

18.4.            Zendure

18.4.1. Business Overview

18.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.4.3. Recent Developments

18.4.4. Key Personnel

18.4.5. Key Product/Services

18.5.            Huawei

18.5.1. Business Overview

18.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.5.3. Recent Developments

18.5.4. Key Personnel

18.5.5. Key Product/Services

18.6.            Samsung

18.6.1. Business Overview

18.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.6.3. Recent Developments

18.6.4. Key Personnel

18.6.5. Key Product/Services

18.7.            Energizer

18.7.1. Business Overview

18.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.7.3. Recent Developments

18.7.4. Key Personnel

18.7.5. Key Product/Services

18.8.            Belkin

18.8.1. Business Overview

18.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.8.3. Recent Developments

18.8.4. Key Personnel

18.8.5. Key Product/Services

18.9.            Promate Technologies

18.9.1. Business Overview

18.9.2. Key Revenue and Financials

18.9.3. Recent Developments

18.9.4. Key Personnel

18.9.5. Key Product/Services

18.10.         MyCharge

18.10.1.        Business Overview

18.10.2.        Key Revenue and Financials

18.10.3.        Recent Developments

18.10.4.        Key Personnel

18.10.5.        Key Product/Services

19.         Strategic Recommendations

20.         About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market was USD 273.59 million in 2022.


The Offline segment emerged as the dominant player in 2022. Offline sales of power banks primarily occur through retail stores. These stores encompass electronics retailers, mobile phone shops, department stores, convenience stores, and airport kiosks. These physical locations serve as points of sale for power banks, enabling consumers to personally view, handle, and purchase the products.


Increasing Mobile Device Penetration & Dependency is one of the major drivers for the Middle East and North Africa Power Bank Market.


Parvati Sharma

Account Manager BD
Press Release

Middle East & North Africa Power Bank Market growth to Grow with a robust CAGR through to 2028

Nov, 2023

Surge in smartphone adoption, driven by factors such as increased affordability and improved connectivity infrastructure are expected to drive the Middle East & North Africa Power Bank Market growth