Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 685.89 Million

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market


Market Overview

India Sanitary Pads Market has valued at USD 685.89 million in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 6.23% through 2029. Sanitary pads in India have undergone significant changes over the years, playing a crucial role in women's health and hygiene. These absorbent hygiene products, primarily made of layers of cotton and polymer, are designed to manage menstruation and maintain personal comfort and cleanliness during a woman's menstrual cycle.

Historically, menstrual hygiene practices in India were often inadequate and unhygienic, leading to various health issues. However, with increasing awareness and government initiatives, the availability and affordability of sanitary pads have improved. Several Indian companies have emerged as major players in the sanitary pad market, offering a wide range of products to cater to different preferences and budgets.

One of the most notable initiatives was the "Menstrual Hygiene Scheme" launched in 2010, which aimed to provide subsidized sanitary napkins to rural women. This program, along with awareness campaigns, has played a vital role in addressing the stigmas and taboos associated with menstruation.

Despite these positive changes, challenges remain, including accessibility in remote areas, affordability for marginalized communities, and environmental concerns related to disposable pads. Initiatives to promote reusable and eco-friendly options are gaining momentum.

In summary, India's sanitary pad landscape has evolved significantly, positively impacting women's health, and breaking the silence surrounding menstruation. However, continued efforts are necessary to ensure equitable access, affordability, and sustainability in menstrual hygiene management.

Key Market Drivers

Increasing Awareness

A significant driver behind the growth of sanitary pads in India is the increasing awareness regarding menstrual hygiene. Traditionally, India has been plagued by deep-seated taboos and stigmas surrounding menstruation. Many women, particularly in rural areas, had limited access to information and resources to manage their menstrual cycles safely and hygienically. However, in recent years, there has been a marked shift in societal attitudes.

Awareness campaigns and initiatives, both by governmental and non-governmental organizations, have played a pivotal role in breaking the silence and dispelling myths surrounding menstruation. These campaigns focus on educating women and girls about the importance of maintaining menstrual hygiene and using appropriate products like sanitary pads. They also emphasize the significance of menstrual hygiene for physical well-being, empowering women to openly discuss and address menstrual-related issues.

The advent of digital media and the internet has further amplified these efforts. Younger generations have greater access to information, enabling them to challenge long-standing norms and demand improved menstrual hygiene. Increased awareness has contributed to the growing acceptance and use of sanitary pads, particularly in urban and semi-urban areas, where access to information is more widespread.

Government Initiatives

Government initiatives have been instrumental in promoting the use of sanitary pads and improving menstrual hygiene across India. One notable program is the "Menstrual Hygiene Scheme," launched in 2010, which aimed to provide subsidized sanitary napkins to women in rural areas. This initiative recognized the economic constraints faced by many women and sought to make these products more affordable and accessible.

Under this scheme, self-help groups and women's organizations were actively involved in manufacturing and distributing sanitary pads. This not only made the products more readily available but also empowered women economically by involving them in the production process.

Additionally, the "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" (Clean India Campaign) has brought menstrual hygiene into the mainstream conversation on cleanliness and sanitation. This broader initiative, launched in 2014, aims to build toilets and improve sanitation facilities in rural areas. Access to clean and private sanitation spaces is closely tied to menstrual hygiene, and the program indirectly encourages the use of sanitary pads by providing the necessary infrastructure for its effective disposal and use.

Government initiatives have not only increased the affordability of sanitary pads but have also played a crucial role in reducing the associated stigma. By endorsing menstrual hygiene through such programs, the government has contributed to a more open and accepting environment for discussions about women's health.

Evolving Product Offerings

The market for sanitary pads in India has evolved significantly in terms of product offerings. Traditionally, sanitary pads were primarily made of cotton and were available in limited variations. However, over the years, innovation in the industry has resulted in a wide range of products catering to various preferences and budgets.


Firstly, the market now offers a diverse array of pad types, such as ultra-thin, maxi, regular, and overnight pads, each designed to address specific needs during different stages of menstruation. These options allow women to choose products that best suit their individual requirements, providing greater comfort and convenience.

Moreover, there has been a surge in the availability of eco-friendly and reusable sanitary pads. With growing environmental concerns, many women are now seeking sustainable alternatives to disposable pads. These reusable options are made from materials like organic cotton and can be washed and reused for an extended period, reducing the environmental footprint of menstrual hygiene.

In addition to product diversity, sanitary pad companies have also focused on enhancing the absorbency and leak protection features. These improvements have further boosted the product's effectiveness and user satisfaction.

The introduction of sanitary pad vending machines in schools, colleges, and public restrooms has also made it more convenient for women and girls to access these products, especially during emergencies. These developments in product offerings have contributed to a more comfortable and accessible experience for women in India.

Socio-Cultural Transformations

Socio-cultural transformations in India have had a profound impact on the acceptance and use of sanitary pads. As the country continues to urbanize and modernize, there has been a gradual shift in societal norms and attitudes towards menstruation.

Women's empowerment movements and changing gender dynamics have played a pivotal role in transforming the conversation around menstruation. Women are increasingly asserting their rights, demanding equal treatment, and advocating for their health and well-being. This shift in women's roles and their growing participation in the workforce has necessitated better menstrual hygiene solutions, making sanitary pads a fundamental aspect of women's lives.

Furthermore, urbanization has brought about lifestyle changes, with women engaging in various activities, including sports and outdoor work, which require reliable menstrual hygiene solutions. Sanitary pads offer convenience and protection that align with these modern lifestyles.

Socio-cultural transformations have also been reflected in media and popular culture, where menstruation is portrayed more openly and positively. Films, TV shows, and advertisements have started to challenge traditional norms, depicting menstruation as a natural bodily function rather than a taboo subject.


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Key Market Challenges


Affordability remains a significant barrier to the widespread use of sanitary pads in India. While various government initiatives have sought to make these products more economical, many women, particularly in rural and economically disadvantaged areas, still find them prohibitively expensive. This issue arises from several factors.

First, the pricing of sanitary pads varies widely, and high-quality branded products are often beyond the reach of low-income individuals. The cost of these products includes manufacturing, distribution, and marketing expenses, which further increase their retail price. As a result, many women resort to using unhygienic and cheaper alternatives, such as cloth or rags, which pose severe health risks.

Second, the affordability challenge is exacerbated by the recurring nature of menstruation, as women need a steady supply of sanitary pads every month. For families living in poverty, allocating a significant portion of their income to menstrual hygiene can be difficult.

While government schemes aim to subsidize sanitary pads and make them more affordable, the effectiveness of these programs can be limited by factors such as proper implementation and availability in remote areas. Additionally, awareness about such schemes and their benefits often does not reach the most marginalized communities, preventing them from accessing the support they need.


Accessibility is another critical challenge associated with sanitary pads in India. Even when affordable options are available, women in remote and rural regions may still struggle to access them due to various factors.

One primary issue is the lack of infrastructure and distribution networks in remote areas. Many villages lack proper retail outlets or pharmacies that stock sanitary pads, making them challenging to obtain. This forces women to travel long distances to purchase these products, which is not only inconvenient but also time-consuming.

The absence of sanitation facilities in schools and public spaces is another significant barrier to accessibility. Without private spaces for changing and disposing of used pads, girls and women often feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, further limiting their ability to access and use sanitary pads in public places.

Moreover, cultural factors play a role in limiting accessibility. In some regions, women may be prohibited from entering temples or participating in religious ceremonies during menstruation. These taboos can restrict their mobility and access to sanitary products during their periods.

Efforts to address the accessibility challenge include the installation of sanitary pad vending machines in schools, colleges, and public restrooms. However, these initiatives remain limited in scope and need to be expanded to reach more areas and communities.

Environmental Concerns

As the usage of sanitary pads has grown in India, environmental concerns have also surfaced as a challenge. Disposable sanitary pads are typically made from a combination of cotton, plastic, and absorbent materials. The non-biodegradable nature of these products has raised concerns about their environmental impact.

Improper disposal of used sanitary pads is a common problem, with many ending up in landfills or being disposed of in ways that harm the environment. The plastic components in these products can take hundreds of years to break down, contributing to pollution and environmental degradation. The environmental impact of disposable pads extends to the resources used in their production and transportation as well.

To address these concerns, there is a growing need for more eco-friendly and sustainable menstrual hygiene products. Reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups have gained popularity as more environmentally conscious alternatives. However, these options require proper education and infrastructure for cleaning and maintaining, which can be lacking in some areas. Additionally, these alternatives may not be affordable or accessible for all women.

The challenge of environmental sustainability is compounded by the lack of recycling facilities and waste management infrastructure in many parts of India. To address this challenge, there is a need for comprehensive awareness campaigns and policies that promote both sustainable menstrual hygiene options and responsible disposal practices.

Cultural Taboos

Cultural taboos and stigmas related to menstruation remain deeply entrenched in many parts of India, acting as a formidable challenge to promoting the use of sanitary pads and proper menstrual hygiene.

In some regions, menstruating women are considered impure and are excluded from participating in religious rituals, entering kitchens, or visiting temples. These restrictions can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment, making it difficult for women to openly discuss their menstrual needs or access sanitary products. As a result, many women may resort to using traditional but unhygienic methods during their periods.

Breaking these taboos and challenging deeply ingrained beliefs is a complex and sensitive process. Education and awareness campaigns are critical in addressing this challenge. These campaigns must aim not only to educate women and girls but also to involve men and community leaders in changing their perceptions and attitudes toward menstruation.

Furthermore, media and popular culture can play a pivotal role in dispelling taboos. Positive portrayals of menstruation in films, television, and advertising can contribute to shifting societal norms and making the topic less taboo.

Key Market Trends

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Options

One prominent trend in the sanitary pad industry in India is the growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly menstrual hygiene products. As environmental awareness increases, consumers are looking for alternatives to traditional disposable pads that have a lower ecological footprint. This trend has given rise to a range of eco-friendly options.

Reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups have gained popularity among women who want to reduce their environmental impact. Cloth pads are typically made from organic and biodegradable materials and can be washed and reused for an extended period. Menstrual cups, made of medical-grade silicone or rubber, are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual flow, reducing the need for disposable products. These alternatives not only contribute to less waste but are also cost-effective in the long run.

Sanitary pad companies have recognized this trend and are introducing more sustainable options. They are investing in research and development to create biodegradable and compostable sanitary pads. These products break down more quickly in landfills, reducing their environmental impact.

The sustainability trend is not just about the products themselves but also extends to the manufacturing and packaging processes. Companies are increasingly adopting environmentally friendly practices and using recyclable materials for their packaging. Sustainability has become a key selling point for many sanitary pad brands, attracting environmentally conscious consumers.

Digital Advancements in Marketing and Distribution

The digital revolution in India has transformed how sanitary pads are marketed and distributed. As more people in India gain access to smartphones and the internet, companies are leveraging digital platforms to reach their target audience. This trend is not only changing the way products are marketed but also how they are distributed.

Online marketing and e-commerce have become powerful tools for reaching consumers. Sanitary pad brands are using social media, influencer marketing, and online advertisements to raise awareness and engage with their customers. Online platforms provide a space for discussions on menstrual health, reducing the stigma around menstruation.

E-commerce platforms have made it more convenient for consumers to purchase sanitary pads. Women can now order products online, and they are delivered discreetly to their homes, saving them the trouble of visiting physical stores. This is particularly beneficial for those in remote areas where access to quality products may be limited.

Moreover, digital technology has enabled the development of innovative apps and tools for menstrual tracking and education. These apps help women track their menstrual cycles, predict periods, and learn more about their reproductive health. Some apps also provide information about the best sanitary pad choices and offer reminders for changing pads.

Focus on Inclusivity and Accessibility

Inclusivity and accessibility have become critical considerations in the design and marketing of sanitary pads in India. Recognizing that the needs of all women are not the same, sanitary pad companies are making efforts to cater to a broader audience.

One significant aspect of inclusivity is size and absorbency options. Companies are expanding their product lines to include a range of sizes and absorbencies, ensuring that women can choose products that best suit their individual needs. This is especially important for women with heavy flows, who may have previously struggled to find suitable options.

Sanitary pad companies are also focusing on making products that are suitable for women with sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested pads are becoming more common to reduce the risk of skin irritations and allergies.

Accessibility is a key focus as well, with initiatives to make sanitary pads available in schools and public spaces. Installing vending machines in schools and colleges has made it easier for students to access these products. Furthermore, companies are looking into ways to distribute sanitary pads to remote and underserved areas, such as rural villages and tribal regions.

The focus on inclusivity and accessibility extends to pricing as well. Companies are offering a range of products at different price points to cater to various income levels, ensuring that sanitary pads are affordable to a wide range of consumers.

Rise of Menstrual Health Awareness Campaigns

Menstrual health awareness campaigns have gained momentum in India, marking a significant trend in the sanitary pad industry. These campaigns aim to educate women, girls, and society at large about the importance of menstrual health and hygiene.

Non-governmental organizations, government initiatives, and sanitary pad companies are taking the lead in organizing these campaigns. They address not only the physical aspects of menstrual hygiene but also the social and cultural dimensions, challenging the taboos and stigmas surrounding menstruation.

These campaigns use a variety of mediums, including television, radio, print media, and social media, to disseminate information and create awareness. They promote open conversations about menstruation and provide women with the knowledge and resources they need to manage their periods hygienically.

In addition to general awareness, these campaigns often focus on the specific needs of adolescent girls, who may be starting their menstrual journey and require guidance and support. They aim to ensure that girls have access to sanitary pads and proper education about menstrual health.

Furthermore, menstrual health awareness campaigns are driving policy changes and advocacy efforts, pushing for better infrastructure, sanitation facilities, and more comprehensive government programs related to menstrual hygiene.

Segmental Insights

Product Type Insights

The market for reusable menstrual pads is a rapidly growing segment in the Indian sanitary pad industry. These eco-friendly alternatives are gaining popularity as women seek sustainable options that reduce waste and are cost-effective in the long run. Reusable pads, typically made from organic and biodegradable materials, offer a durable and washable solution, making them an attractive choice for those who are environmentally conscious. This trend reflects the increasing awareness of the environmental impact of disposable pads and a shift toward more sustainable and planet-friendly menstrual hygiene products. As accessibility and awareness continue to grow, reusable pads are poised for significant expansion in India.

Sales Channel Insights

The online market for sanitary pads is a thriving and rapidly growing segment in India's menstrual hygiene industry. With the increasing availability of smartphones and internet access, consumers are opting for the convenience of online shopping. E-commerce platforms offer a wide range of sanitary pad options, making it easier for women to choose and purchase products discreetly from the comfort of their homes. This trend aligns with the changing consumer behavior, especially among urban and tech-savvy populations, and underscores the pivotal role of digital technology in the marketing and distribution of sanitary pads. As digital accessibility continues to expand, the online segment is set to see further growth in India.


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Regional Insights

Northern India stands out as the dominating region in the Indian sanitary pad market. This region encompasses states with high population densities and significant urbanization, contributing to increased demand for menstrual hygiene products. Northern states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Haryana have witnessed considerable government initiatives, awareness campaigns, and improved access to sanitary pads. Moreover, changing socio-cultural dynamics, combined with growing digital penetration, have driven the adoption of sanitary pads in North India. The region's dominance in the market reflects its collective influence in setting trends and shaping the landscape of menstrual hygiene products across the country.

Recent Developments

  • In Jun 2023, Niine released PLA-based biodegradable sanitary pads. These products are fully chemical-free and vegan-friendly, making them a safe, pleasant, and environmentally responsible alternative to typical sanitary pads.
  • In Oct 2023, Sirona, India's feminine hygiene company, released its innovative range of rash-free sanitary pads.

Key Market Players

  • Procter & Gamble Corporation
  • Johnson & Johnson Private Limited
  • Unicharm India Private Limited
  • Kimberly Clark Corporation
  • Nua
  • Torunskie Zaklady Materialow Opatrunkowych S.A.
  • Azah Personal Care Pvt. Ltd.
  • Wet and Dry Personal Care Pvt. Ltd.
  • Sirona Hygiene Private Limited
  • Shudh Plus Hygiene Products Private Limited

 By Product Type

By Sales Channel

By Region

  • Disposable
  • Reusable/Cloth
  • Departmental Stores
  • Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
  • Pharmacy
  • Online
  • Others
  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West

Report Scope:

In this report, the India Sanitary Pads market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • India Sanitary Pads Market, By Product Type:

o   Disposable

o   Reusable/Cloth

  • India Sanitary Pads Market, By Sales Channel:

o   Departmental Stores

o   Supermarkets/Hypermarkets

o   Pharmacy

o   Online

o   Others     

  • India Sanitary Pads Market, By Region:

o   North

o   South

o   East

o   West

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the India Sanitary Pads market.

Available Customizations:

India Sanitary Pads Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

India Sanitary Pads Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Introduction

1.1.  Product Overview

1.2.  Key Highlights of the Report

1.3.  Market Coverage

1.4.  Market Segments Covered

1.5.  Research Tenure Considered

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary      

3.1.  Market Overview

3.2.  Market Forecast

3.3.  Key Regions

3.4.  Key Segments

4.    Voice of Customer

4.1.  Factors Influencing Purchase Decision

4.2.  Challenges Faced Post Purchase

4.3.  Brand Awareness

5.    India Sanitary Pads Market Outlook

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast

5.1.1.    By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.    By Product Type Market Share Analysis (Disposable, Reusable/Cloth)

5.2.2.    By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis (Departmental Stores, Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Pharmacy, Online, Others)

5.2.3.    By Regional Market Share Analysis        North Market Share Analysis        South Market Share Analysis        East Market Share Analysis        West Market Share Analysis

5.2.4.    By Top 5 Companies Market Share Analysis, Others (2023)

5.3.  India Sanitary Pads Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.1.    By Product Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.2.    By Sales Channel Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.3.    By Regional Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.    India Disposable Sanitary Pads Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Type Market Share Analysis (Regular, Pantyliners, Ultra-Thin, Maxi/Super, Other)

6.2.2.    By Wings Vs Without Wings Market Share Analysis

6.2.3.    By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis

6.3.  Pricing Analysis

7.    India Reusable/Cloth Sanitary Pads Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Type Market Share Analysis (Pads, Pantyliners)

7.2.2.    By Sales Channel Market Share Analysis

7.3.  Pricing Analysis

8.    Market Dynamics

8.1.  Drivers

8.2.  Challenges

9.    Impact of COVID-19 on INDIA Sanitary Pads Market

9.1.  Impact Assessment Model  

9.1.1.    Key Segments Impacted

9.1.2.    Key Regions Impacted

10. Market Trends & Developments

11. Porter’s Five Forces Model

11.1.             Competitive Rivalry

11.2.             Bargaining Power of Buyers

11.3.             Bargaining Power of Suppliers

11.4.             Threat of New Entrants

11.5.             Threat of Substitutes

12. SWOT Analysis

12.1.             Strengths

12.2.             Weaknesses

12.3.             Opportunities

12.4.             Threats

13. Policy and Regulatory Landscape

14. India Economic Profile

15. Competitive Landscape

15.1.   Company Profiles

15.1.1. Procter & Gamble Corporation     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.2. Johnson & Johnson Private Limited     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.3. Unicharm India Private Limited     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.4. Kimberly Clark Corporation     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.5. Nua     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.6. Torunskie Zaklady Materialow Opatrunkowych S.A.     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.7. Azah Personal Care Pvt. Ltd.     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.8. Wet and Dry Personal Care Pvt. Ltd.     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.9. Sirona Hygiene Private Limited     Company Details     Product & Services     Financials (As Per Availability)     Key market Focus & Geographical Presence     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

15.1.10.              Shudh Plus Hygiene Products Private Limited  Company Details  Product & Services  Financials (As Per Availability)  Key market Focus & Geographical Presence  Recent Developments  Key Management Personnel

16. Strategic Recommendations

16.1.             Key Focus Areas

16.2.             Target Product Type

16.3.             Target Sales Channel

17. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the India Sanitary Pads market was estimated to be USD 685.89 million in 2023.


The growth of the India Sanitary Pads market is driven by factors including increasing awareness, government initiatives, evolving product offerings, and societal changes. These elements collectively promote better menstrual hygiene and product adoption.


Trends in the India Sanitary Pads market include a focus on sustainability, digital marketing and distribution, inclusivity and accessibility, and a rise in menstrual health awareness campaigns, reflecting changing consumer preferences and societal awareness.


Major challenges in the India Sanitary Pads market encompass affordability, accessibility, environmental concerns, and persistent cultural taboos. These hurdles hinder widespread adoption and proper menstrual hygiene practices.


Parvati Sharma

Account Manager BD
Press Release

India Sanitary Pads Market to Grow with a CAGR of 6.23% through 2029

Nov, 2023

India Sanitary Pads Market is being propelled by the rising awareness regarding menstrual hygiene, product innovation and increasing female literacy rate and women empowerment.