Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2022)

USD 47.11 Million

CAGR (2023-2028)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market

Southern Vietnam

Market Overview

Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market has valued at USD 47.11 Million in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 9.91% through 2028. The Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market is currently in a phase of significant expansion, and this growth can be attributed to a variety of factors that are reshaping the landscape of how businesses and individuals manage their essential assets and services. ERP solutions have emerged as transformative tools, revolutionizing the way industries safeguard critical infrastructure across various sectors. Let's delve into the key driving forces behind the expansion and adoption of ERP solutions in Vietnam.

In the pursuit of enhanced operational efficiency, businesses in Vietnam are increasingly turning to ERP solutions. These platforms offer a comprehensive suite of tools for managing and optimizing various aspects of their operations, including finance, human resources, supply chain management, and customer relations. By centralizing and automating these processes, companies can reduce operational costs, minimize errors, and improve overall productivity.

Vietnam's economy is becoming more globally integrated, and this has led businesses to seek ERP solutions to stay competitive. With ERP systems, companies can standardize their processes to meet international standards and regulations, which is crucial for those engaging in international trade. These systems also help businesses adapt to changes in the global market, making them more agile and responsive to market demands.

In the digital age, data is a valuable asset, and companies in Vietnam are recognizing the importance of data-driven decision making. ERP systems provide advanced analytics and reporting tools that enable organizations to gain valuable insights from their data. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions, optimizing strategies, and improving customer experiences.

Various industries in Vietnam, such as finance and healthcare, face strict regulatory requirements. ERP systems offer compliance management features that help businesses adhere to these regulations. This is particularly important for data security and privacy regulations, which have become more stringent globally.

Cloud-based ERP solutions are gaining popularity in Vietnam due to their scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Businesses are increasingly adopting cloud-based ERP systems to facilitate remote work, streamline operations, and reduce IT infrastructure costs. The flexibility and mobility offered by cloud-based ERP solutions are especially relevant in the post-pandemic business landscape.

ERP providers are offering solutions tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. These businesses, often the backbone of the economy, are recognizing the advantages of ERP systems for managing their operations more effectively. The affordability and scalability of these solutions make them accessible to SMEs.

Vietnam's government and various organizations are actively promoting digital transformation. ERP systems play a key role in this transformation by helping businesses modernize their processes and infrastructure. This aligns with the government's vision for a digitally advanced and competitive economy.

In conclusion, the Vietnam ERP market is witnessing substantial growth as businesses and organizations leverage ERP solutions to enhance operational efficiency, adapt to global market dynamics, make data-driven decisions, comply with regulations, embrace cloud technology, support SMEs, and participate in the ongoing digital transformation initiatives. These driving forces highlight the pivotal role of ERP solutions in shaping the future of business operations in Vietnam.

Key Market Drivers

Digital Transformation and Modernization

Vietnam's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market is experiencing robust growth, largely driven by the nation's ambitious digital transformation initiatives and the imperative to modernize business operations. Here, we delve into how digital transformation and modernization are pivotal driving factors in this dynamic landscape.

Vietnam's government has unveiled ambitious plans to propel the nation into the digital age. The National Digital Transformation Program seeks to harness the power of technology to spur economic growth, improve the quality of public services, and enhance the country's global competitiveness. This vision has inspired businesses across sectors to adopt ERP solutions as an essential tool to align with these objectives.

ERP systems enable businesses to streamline their operations, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance overall efficiency. They provide a centralized platform for managing various functions, including finance, human resources, inventory, and customer relations. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, companies realize that adapting their operations with ERP is crucial for staying competitive and meeting customer expectations.

   The digital era has ushered in an abundance of data. ERP solutions offer advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that help organizations extract valuable insights from their data. Businesses in Vietnam are increasingly relying on data-driven decision-making to develop strategies, respond to market changes, and improve customer experiences. ERP systems are integral in this shift toward making informed, data-backed choices.

   As Vietnam's economy becomes more globally integrated, businesses must adhere to international standards and regulations to participate in global trade. ERP systems provide a means to standardize processes and meet these international requirements, which is crucial for gaining a competitive edge. Furthermore, they make companies more adaptable, helping them respond to shifting market dynamics effectively.

In conclusion, digital transformation and modernization are core drivers in the Vietnam ERP market. The government's commitment to digital initiatives, the need to optimize processes, the importance of data-driven decision-making, and the imperative of staying competitive in a global market all contribute to the rapid adoption of ERP solutions.

Cloud-Based ERP Adoption

The Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market is witnessing significant growth, and one of the key drivers propelling this expansion is the adoption of cloud-based ERP solutions. In this context, we explore the pivotal role of cloud-based ERP systems in Vietnam.

Cloud-based ERP solutions offer scalability and flexibility that are particularly appealing to businesses of all sizes in Vietnam. Whether it's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to start with a few modules or large corporations expanding their operations, cloud ERP allows companies to adjust their usage as needed, making it a cost-effective choice.

The cost-effectiveness of cloud-based ERP solutions is a major driver for their adoption in Vietnam. Businesses can avoid significant upfront infrastructure investments, reducing IT expenses and maintenance costs. This is especially advantageous for SMEs, which can access the same powerful ERP features as larger enterprises without a prohibitive financial outlay. The recent global shift towards remote work has made the mobility offered by cloud-based ERP systems even more relevant. Vietnam's businesses have increasingly adopted flexible work arrangements, and cloud ERP allows employees to access critical business data and processes from anywhere, facilitating seamless remote work and collaboration.

Traditional on-premises ERP implementations can be time-consuming and complex. In contrast, cloud-based ERP systems can be deployed more quickly. This rapid implementation is a significant advantage in today's fast-paced business environment, enabling organizations to start benefiting from ERP functionality sooner.

In summary, the adoption of cloud-based ERP solutions is a major driving factor in the Vietnam ERP market. The scalability, cost efficiency, mobility, and rapid implementation of cloud ERP systems are appealing to businesses of all sizes, making them a crucial element in the growth of ERP adoption in the country.

Regulatory Compliance and Data Security

Regulatory compliance and data security are paramount in the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market, and they are significant driving factors shaping the industry. Let's explore the crucial role these factors play in the growth of ERP adoption in Vietnam.Vietnam has witnessed an increase in regulatory requirements, especially in sectors like finance, healthcare, and data privacy. ERP solutions are pivotal for helping businesses adhere to these regulations. They offer features for data management, security, and compliance that ensure that companies meet the evolving legal and industry-specific standards. With the rise in cyber threats and data breaches, data security and privacy have become paramount concerns for businesses in Vietnam. ERP systems include robust security features, such as encryption, access controls, and audit trails, to safeguard sensitive data and protect against unauthorized access or data leaks. ERP solutions provide risk assessment tools to help businesses identify vulnerabilities and proactively address them. In an era where cyberattacks and data breaches are ever-present risks, having ERP systems in place is a critical strategy for mitigating these threats and ensuring business continuity.  Maintaining trust and a good reputation is vital in business. ERP solutions assist companies, particularly in industries handling sensitive customer data, in demonstrating their commitment to data security and compliance. This trust-building factor can be a competitive advantage and a driver for businesses to adopt ERP systems.

In conclusion, regulatory compliance and data security are fundamental driving factors in the Vietnam ERP market. The increasingly strict regulatory environment, the need for data security and privacy, risk mitigation, and trust-building all contribute to the growing adoption of ERP solutions in the country. Businesses are recognizing the importance of ERP in ensuring compliance and safeguarding sensitive data, thereby enhancing their operations and reputation.

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Key Market Challenges

Limited Awareness and Education

One of the significant challenges facing the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market is the limited awareness and education about ERP systems. Despite the growth in ERP adoption, there is still a lack of understanding among businesses and organizations about the benefits and functionalities of these solutions.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and even some larger corporations in Vietnam are unaware of what ERP systems can offer. They might not fully understand how ERP can streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and provide valuable data insights. This lack of knowledge hinders the adoption of ERP solutions.

Small businesses, in particular, may not have dedicated IT departments or professionals who can evaluate, implement, and manage ERP systems. They might lack the resources to invest in employee training or external consultants to guide them through the ERP adoption process.

Implementing an ERP system often requires a significant change in existing processes and workflows. Resistance to this change is a common challenge in many organizations. Employees and management might be reluctant to embrace new technology and new ways of working, leading to the slow adoption of ERP solutions.

ERP systems are perceived as complex, and this misconception can deter businesses from exploring these solutions. They may fear that ERP implementations are too challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. In reality, modern ERP systems are designed to be user-friendly and adaptable, but overcoming these misconceptions can be difficult.

To address this challenge, it is crucial for ERP providers and industry associations in Vietnam to engage in educational initiatives. Seminars, webinars, and workshops can help businesses understand the benefits of ERP and how these systems can be tailored to their specific needs. Simplifying the language and offering practical guidance can demystify ERP systems and make them more accessible to a wider range of businesses.

Cost and Resource Limitations

Another significant challenge in the Vietnam ERP market is the cost and resource limitations that many businesses face. Implementing and maintaining an ERP system can be a substantial financial and resource burden, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The upfront costs of implementing an ERP system, including software licensing, hardware infrastructure, and consulting services, can be daunting for businesses with limited capital. This financial barrier can deter SMEs from considering ERP adoption.

ERP systems also come with ongoing expenses, including maintenance, updates, training, and support. SMEs may struggle to allocate the necessary resources for these ongoing costs, potentially leading to suboptimal use and system neglect.

Implementing and managing ERP systems require skilled personnel, including IT professionals and consultants who are familiar with ERP software. Finding and retaining qualified staff can be challenging, particularly in a competitive job market.

Tailoring an ERP system to meet the specific needs of a business often involves customization and integration with existing software and systems. This can be a complex and costly process, especially if businesses lack in-house technical expertise.

To overcome these challenges, businesses can explore options such as cloud-based ERP solutions, which often have lower upfront costs and reduced infrastructure requirements. Additionally, government incentives and support for SMEs in adopting technology can alleviate some of the financial burdens. ERP providers can also offer more flexible pricing models to make their solutions accessible to a broader range of businesses.

Data Security and Compliance

The security of sensitive data and regulatory compliance is a growing challenge in the Vietnam ERP market, particularly in industries such as finance, healthcare, and those dealing with personal information.

With the increase in cyber threats and data breaches, businesses are understandably concerned about the security of their data when using ERP systems. Ensuring that data remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access is a significant challenge.

Various sectors in Vietnam are subject to stringent regulatory requirements, including data privacy laws and industry-specific regulations. Adhering to these regulations and ensuring that ERP systems meet compliance standards is a complex and ongoing challenge.

Establishing effective data governance practices within ERP systems is crucial to maintaining data integrity and ensuring accurate reporting. Many organizations struggle with the implementation of robust data governance strategies.

Businesses need to actively manage and mitigate risks associated with data security and compliance within their ERP systems. This includes monitoring for vulnerabilities and responding to incidents promptly.

To address these challenges, businesses can invest in robust data security measures, regularly update their ERP systems to patch vulnerabilities, and conduct thorough compliance audits. Additionally, seeking the assistance of legal and compliance experts can help ensure that ERP systems align with relevant regulations and standards. Furthermore, training employees on data security best practices is essential to mitigate the human factor in data breaches.

In conclusion, the Vietnam ERP market faces challenges related to limited awareness and education, cost and resource limitations, and data security and compliance. Overcoming these obstacles requires a combination of educational efforts, financial support, and a focus on data protection and regulatory compliance to enable a more widespread and effective adoption of ERP systems in the country.

Key Market Trends

Cloud-Based ERP Solutions

One of the prominent trends in the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market is the increasing adoption of cloud-based ERP solutions. Businesses in Vietnam are recognizing the benefits of cloud ERP, which provides a wide range of advantages in terms of scalability, flexibility, and accessibility.

Cloud-based ERP systems offer a more cost-effective approach to ERP implementation. Instead of heavy upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure, businesses can subscribe to cloud ERP services on a pay-as-you-go basis. This not only reduces the initial financial burden but also allows companies to scale their usage up or down as needed, making it particularly appealing to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with limited capital resources.

Furthermore, the flexibility offered by cloud ERP solutions is a significant draw for businesses in Vietnam. As the business landscape evolves, companies need the agility to adapt quickly to market changes. Cloud ERP systems allow organizations to implement changes and updates with ease, ensuring that they can stay competitive and responsive to shifting customer demands.

In addition, the accessibility and mobility provided by cloud-based ERP systems have become crucial in a world where remote work and collaboration are more prevalent. Cloud ERP allows employees to access critical business data and processes from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote work and ensuring seamless collaboration among teams.

As businesses in Vietnam increasingly embrace digital transformation and modernization, cloud-based ERP solutions are expected to continue their upward trajectory. They offer an attractive combination of cost savings, flexibility, and mobility that aligns well with the changing business landscape in the country.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Integration

Another noteworthy trend in the Vietnam ERP market is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities into ERP systems. AI and ML technologies are being leveraged to enhance data analysis, automation, and decision-making within ERP platforms.

These technologies enable ERP systems to process and analyze vast amounts of data more efficiently, providing businesses with valuable insights. AI and ML algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in the data, allowing organizations to make informed decisions and predictions. This is particularly valuable in sectors such as finance, where real-time data analysis is essential for investment strategies and risk management.

Automation is another significant benefit of AI and ML integration in ERP systems. These technologies can automate routine and repetitive tasks, such as data entry, inventory management, and report generation. This not only reduces the risk of human errors but also frees up employees to focus on more strategic tasks that require human expertise.

Moreover, AI and ML can enhance the user experience within ERP systems. They can personalize interfaces, providing users with relevant information and recommendations based on their roles and preferences. This makes ERP systems more user-friendly and efficient, ultimately increasing user adoption and satisfaction.

As businesses in Vietnam seek to harness the power of data for better decision-making and efficiency, the integration of AI and ML into ERP systems is expected to gain momentum. This trend aligns with the broader global movement toward leveraging data-driven technologies to gain a competitive edge in various industries.

Industry-Specific ERP Solutions

In the evolving landscape of the Vietnam ERP market, there is a growing trend toward the adoption of industry-specific ERP solutions. Businesses are recognizing the advantages of ERP systems tailored to the unique requirements and challenges of their respective sectors.

These industry-specific ERP solutions offer functionalities and features that cater to the specific needs of businesses in various sectors, such as manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and logistics. They are designed to address industry-specific processes, compliance standards, and best practices, which can result in improved efficiency and cost savings.

For example, in the healthcare sector, specialized ERP solutions can offer features for patient data management, appointment scheduling, and compliance with healthcare regulations. In manufacturing, industry-specific ERP systems may provide tools for supply chain management, production planning, and quality control.

Another advantage of industry-specific ERP solutions is that they can facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements. Certain sectors in Vietnam, such as finance and healthcare, are subject to strict regulatory standards, and industry-specific ERP systems are designed with these regulations in mind, reducing the compliance burden on businesses.

As businesses in Vietnam seek to optimize their operations and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries, the trend toward adopting industry-specific ERP solutions is expected to continue. These solutions offer a tailored approach to ERP implementation, ensuring that businesses can meet the unique demands of their sectors and comply with industry-specific regulations.

Segmental Insights

Function Insights

The Finance segment dominated the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, with a market share of 25.96% in 2022 and is expected to maintain its dominance in the forecast period.

During the projected period, it is guessed that the money fragment will keep a prevailing situation on the lookout. The set-up of monetary administration instruments presented by SAP SE gives capacities to arranging, planning, and guaging, while additionally smoothing out monetary cycles. Organizations in the monetary administrations area currently vigorously depend on present day, versatile frameworks to guarantee consistence with information and functional guidelines. Subsequently, the market is supposed to encounter critical development.  

 Besides, with the continuous computerized change, different end-clients, for example, schooling firms, publicizing and media stages, and others, have begun incorporating cloud-based ERP frameworks. Sellers are likewise acquainting new arrangements with the market. For instance, Thinksynq has as of late started the improvement of an exhaustive endeavor asset arranging (ERP) arrangement. This arrangement means to engage organizations in dealing with their start to finish activities, including deals, client the board, HR, and money and bookkeeping. The undeniable ERP arrangement is projected to be finished by 2024..

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Regional Insights

The Southern region dominated the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market with a market share of 46.64% in 2022.

The southern region of Vietnam is home to a significant number of organizations. It boasts a large pool of skilled workers who excel in implementing and supporting ERP systems.

Moreover, being a major transportation hub, businesses find it convenient to establish connections with other parts of the country and the world. The development of smart cities has become a top priority since 2018 in key municipalities like Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Da Nang, and Can Tho. These cities are gradually undergoing digital transformation, enhancing city and government services. Consequently, the demand for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions is gaining momentum in this region.

Recent Developments

  • SAP Vietnam formed a partnership with FPT Information System (FPT IS) in August 2021 to provide SAP's cloud-based ERP solutions to Vietnamese enterprises, particularly those in the manufacturing and retail sectors.
  • IFS, a global enterprise software provider, was recognized as one of the top 10 ERP solution providers in the APAC region, including Vietnam, by CIO Advisor APAC in March 2021. IFS has been expanding its presence in Vietnam, particularly in the manufacturing and industrial sectors.
  • Microsoft Vietnam launched its Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP solution in Vietnamese in October 2022. This makes Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central one of the few cloud-based ERP solutions available in Vietnamese.
  • Oracle Vietnam announced the launch of its Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP solution in Vietnam in February 2023. Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP is a suite of cloud-based ERP applications that can help businesses of all sizes to improve their efficiency and productivity.
  • Infor Vietnam announced the launch of its Infor CloudSuite Industrial ERP solution in Vietnam in March 2023. Infor CloudSuite Industrial ERP is a suite of cloud-based ERP applications that are specifically designed for the manufacturing industry.

Key Market Players

  • Oracle Vietnam Pte Ltd
  • Infor Vietnam Inc
  • Enterprise Management Software Joint Stock Company (FAST)
  • SAP Vietnam Co. Ltd.
  • Epicor Software Vietnam Company Limited
  • IBM Vietnam Co., Ltd.
  • Microsoft Vietnam Limited Liability Company
  • Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd
  • ESI Services Vietnam Co. Ltd
  • DEHA Vietnam Joint Stock Company(Syspro Software Company)

By Component

By Deployment Type


By Function

By End User

By Enterprise

By Region

  • Software
  • Services
  • On-Premises
  • Cloud
  • Finance
  • Human Resource
  • Customer Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Supply Chain
  • Others
  • Manufacturing
  • BFSI
  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Government & Utilities
  • IT & Telecom
  • Others
  • Large
  • Small & Medium
  • Southern
  • Northern
  • Central

Report Scope:

In this report, the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, By Component:

o   Software

o   Services

  • Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, By Deployment Type:

o   On-Premises

o   Cloud

  • Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, By Function:

o   Finance

o   Human Resource

o   Customer Management

o   Inventory Management

o   Supply Chain

o   Others

  • Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, By End User:

o   Manufacturing

o   BFSI

o   Healthcare

o   Retail

o   Government & Utilities

o   IT & Telecom

o   Others


  • Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, By Enterprise:

o   Large

o   Small & Medium

  • Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market, By Region:

o   Southern

o   Northern

o   Central  

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market.

Available Customizations:

Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]  

Table of content

Service Overview

                   1.1 Market Definition

                   1.2 Scope of the Market

                                  1.2.1. Markets Covered

                                  1.2.2. Years Considered for Study

                                  1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations

                   1.3. Definitions

2. Research Methodology

                   2.1. Objective of the Study

                   2.2. Baseline Methodology

                   2.3. Formulation of the Scope

                   2.4. Assumptions and Limitations

                   2.5. Sources of Research

                                2.5.1. Secondary Research

                                2.5.2. Primary Research

                   2.6. Approach for the Market Study

                                2.6.1. The Bottom-Up Approach

                                2.6.2. The Top-Down Approach

                   2.7. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

                   2.8. Forecasting Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Impact of COVID-19 on Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market

5. Voice of Customer

                 5.1. Brand Awareness

                 5.2. Key Factors Influencing Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

                 5.3. Key Satisfaction Level

                 5.4. Current Need Gaps

6. Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Outlook

                 6.1. Market Size & Forecast

                              6.1.1. By Value

                 6.2. Market Share & Forecast

                              6.2.1. By Component (Software and Services)

                              6.2.2. By Deployment Type (On-Premises and Cloud)

                              6.2.3. By Function (Finance, Human Resource, Customer Management, Inventory Management, Supply Chain, Others)

                              6.2.4. By End User (Manufacturing, BFSI, Healthcare, Retail, Government & Utilities, IT & Telecom, Others)

                              6.2.5. By Enterprise (Large, Small & Medium)

                              6.2.6. By Region

                 6.3. By Company (2022)

                 6.4. Market Map

7. Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Outlook

                  7.1. Market Size & Forecast

                                  7.1.1. By Value

                  7.2. Market Share & Forecast

                                  7.2.1. By Component

                                  7.2.2. By Deployment Type

                                  7.2.3. By End User

                                  7.2.4. By Enterprise

                                  7.2.5. By Region

8. Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Outlook

                  8.1. Market Size & Forecast

                                  8.1.1. By Value

                  8.2. Market Share & Forecast

                                  8.2.1. By Component

                                  8.2.2. By Deployment Type

                                  8.2.3. By End User

                                  8.2.4. By Enterprise

                                  8.2.5. By Region

9. Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Outlook

                  9.1. Market Size & Forecast

                                  9.1.1. By Value

                  9.2. Market Share & Forecast

                                  9.2.1. By Component

                                  9.2.2. By Deployment Type

                                  9.2.3. By End User

                                  9.2.4. By Enterprise

                                  9.2.5. By Region

10. Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Outlook

                  10.1. Market Size & Forecast

                                  10.1.1. By Value

                  10.2. Market Share & Forecast

                                  10.2.1. By Component

                                  10.2.2. By Deployment Type

                                  10.2.3. By End User

                                  10.2.4. By Enterprise

                                  10.2.5. By Region

11. Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Outlook

                  11.1. Market Size & Forecast

                                  11.1.1. By Value

                  11.2. Market Share & Forecast

                                  11.2.1. By Component

                                  11.2.2. By Deployment Type

                                  11.2.3. By End User

                                  11.2.4. By Enterprise

                                  11.2.5. By Region

12. Market Dynamics

                  12.1. Drivers

                  12.2. Challenges

13. Market Trends and Developments

14. Policy and Regulatory Landscape

15. Vietnam Economic Profile

16. Company Profiles

                  16.1. IBM Vietnam Co., Ltd.

                                  16.1.1. Business Overview

                                  16.1.2. Key Financials & Revenue

                                  16.1.3. Key Services

                                  16.1.4. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                                  16.1.5. Headquarters Address

                  16.2. SAP Vietnam Co. Ltd.

                                  16.2.1. Business Overview

                                  16.2.2. Key Financials & Revenue

                                  16.2.3. Key Services

                                  16.2.4. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                                  16.2.5. Headquarters Address

                  16.3. Oracle Vietnam Pte Ltd

                                  16.3.1. Business Overview

                               16.3.2. Key Financials & Revenue

                               16.3.3. Key Services

                               16.3.4. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.3.5. Headquarters Address

                  16.4. Microsoft Vietnam Limited Liability Company

                               16.4.1. Business Overview

                               16.4.2. Key Financials & Revenue

                               16.4.3. Key Services

                               16.4.4. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.4.5. Headquarters Address

                  16.5. Sage Software Asia Pte Ltd

                               16.5.1. Business Overview

                               16.5.2. Key Financials & Revenue

                               16.5.3. Key Services

                               16.5.4. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.5.5. Headquarters Address

                  16.6. Infor Vietnam Inc

                               16.6.1. Business Overview

                               16.6.2. Key Services

                               16.6.3. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.6.4. Headquarters Address

                  16.7. Epicor Software Vietnam Company Limited

                               16.7.1. Business Overview

                               16.7.2. Key Services

                               16.7.3. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.7.4. Headquarters Address

                  16.8. ESI Services Vietnam Co. Ltd

                               16.8.1. Business Overview

                               16.8.2. Key Services

                               16.8.3. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.8.4. Headquarters Address

                  16.9. Enterprise Management Software Joint Stock Company (FAST)

                               16.9.1. Business Overview

                               16.9.2. Key Services

                               16.9.3. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                               16.9.4. Headquarters Address

                 16.10. DEHA Vietnam Joint Stock Company (Syspro Software Company)

                                 16.10.1. Business Overview

                                 16.10.2. Key Services

                                 16.10.3. Key Personnel/Contact Person

                                 16.10.4. Headquarters Address

17. Strategic Recommendations

18. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Figure 1:  Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2018-2028F

Figure 2: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By Component, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 3: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By Deployment Type, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 4: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By Function, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 5: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By End User, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 6: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By Enterprise, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 7: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 8: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Share, By Company, By Value, 2022

Figure 9: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Map, By Component, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2022

Figure 10: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Map, By Deployment Type, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2022

Figure 11: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Map, By Function, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2022

Figure 12: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Map, By End User, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2022

Figure 13: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Map, By Enterprise, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2022

Figure 14: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market Map, By Region, Market Size (USD Million) & Growth Rate (%), 2022

Figure 15: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2018-2028F

Figure 16: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Share, By Component, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 17: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Share, By Deployment Type, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 18: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Share, By End User, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 19: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Share, By Enterprise, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 20: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Finance Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 21: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2018-2028F

Figure 22: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Share, By Component, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 23: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Share, By Deployment Type, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 24: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Share, By End User, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 25: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Share, By Enterprise, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 26: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Human Resource Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 27: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2018-2028F

Figure 28: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Share, By Component, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 29: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Share, By Deployment Type, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 30: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Share, By End User, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 31: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Share, By Enterprise, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 32: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Customer Management Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 33: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2018-2028F

Figure 34: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Share, By Component, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 35: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Share, By Deployment Type, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 36: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Share, By End User, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 37: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Share, By Enterprise, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 38: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Inventory Management Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 39: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Size, By Value (USD Million), 2018-2028F

Figure 40: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Share, By Component, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 41: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Share, By Deployment Type, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 42: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Share, By End User, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 43: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Share, By Enterprise, By Value, 2018-2028F

Figure 44: Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Market Share, By Region, By Value, 2018-2028F

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market was USD 47.11 Million in 2022.


Software is the dominating segment in the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (CIP) market.


Southern dominated the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market in 2022.


Adoption of Software Based Modern ERP Systems is one of the major driver for the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market is expected to grow at a robust CAGR of 9.91%

Dec, 2023

Acceptance of Digital Transformation & Real-time Analytics is one of the factors driving the Vietnam Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Market during the forecast period 2024-2028