Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 24.95 million

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Breast Tomosynthesis Segment

Largest Market

Abu Dhabi

Market Overview

UAE Mammography Devices Market has valued at USD 24.95 million in 2023 and is anticipated to witness an impressive growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 10.14% through 2029. Mammography devices are specialized medical imaging equipment designed for the examination and screening of breast tissue, primarily in the detection of breast cancer. Mammography plays a crucial role in early diagnosis, which is key to effective treatment and improved outcomes in breast cancer cases. The primary purpose of mammography devices is to capture detailed X-ray images of the breast. These images, known as mammograms, help healthcare professionals identify and evaluate abnormalities, such as tumors, cysts, or other potential signs of breast cancer. Traditional film-based mammography has been largely replaced by digital mammography. Digital systems use electronic detectors to capture and store images digitally. Digital mammography offers advantages in terms of image quality, storage, and the ability to enhance and manipulate images for better interpretation. Three-dimensional (3D) mammography, also known as tomosynthesis, captures multiple images of the breast from different angles. This technique helps reduce overlapping tissue and provides a clearer and more detailed view, improving the accuracy of breast cancer detection. Modern mammography devices are designed with features to optimize workflow efficiency and enhance patient comfort. This includes ergonomic designs, faster imaging processes, and features to minimize discomfort during examinations.

Ongoing advancements in mammography technology, such as digital mammography and 3D tomosynthesis, drive market growth. These technologies offer improved image quality, lower radiation exposure, and enhanced diagnostic accuracy, encouraging healthcare providers to upgrade their equipment. The growing awareness of women's health issues and the importance of preventive care drives the demand for mammography services. Initiatives focused on women's health and well-being contribute to increased screenings and diagnostic procedures. Educational campaigns and awareness programs aimed at informing the public about the importance of breast cancer screenings and early detection play a vital role. These efforts encourage individuals to undergo regular mammography screenings, boosting market demand.

Key Market Drivers

Technological Advancements

Traditional film-based mammography has been largely replaced by digital mammography. Digital systems use electronic detectors to capture and store images digitally, providing higher resolution and better contrast. Digital mammography allows for easier image storage, retrieval, and transmission. Also known as 3D mammography, tomosynthesis captures multiple images of the breast from different angles and creates a three-dimensional reconstruction. This technology reduces overlapping tissue in images, enhancing the clarity of abnormalities and improving the accuracy of breast cancer detection, particularly in dense breast tissue. Contrast-enhanced mammography involves the use of contrast agents to improve the visibility of blood vessels and abnormalities. This technology enhances the detection of lesions and provides additional information about blood flow, aiding in the characterization of suspicious areas. Digital Breast Tomosynthesis is an advanced form of 3D mammography that captures images at multiple angles. DBT provides a more detailed view of breast tissue, reducing the occurrence of false positives and improving the overall accuracy of breast cancer detection.

Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) is used as a complementary screening tool, especially for women with dense breast tissue. It uses ultrasound technology to create detailed images of the breast. Automated systems help in standardizing the ultrasound examination process. Breast MRI is another complementary imaging technique that provides detailed images of breast tissue. It is often used for further evaluation of suspicious findings. Advances in MRI technology, such as high-resolution imaging and faster scanning, enhance its diagnostic capabilities. AI is increasingly being integrated into mammography devices to assist in image interpretation and analysis. AI algorithms can aid in the detection of abnormalities, reduce false positives and false negatives, and improve overall efficiency in the diagnostic process.

Dedicated breast CT is an emerging technology that provides three-dimensional images of the breast. It offers high-resolution images and has the potential to provide additional information for breast cancer diagnosis. Cryoablation involves freezing cancerous tissue to destroy it. In the context of mammography, it is used as a minimally invasive treatment option for certain breast tumors. Cryoablation technology is evolving and may become a more common approach in the future. Modern mammography devices often feature wireless technologies for data transfer and improved mobility. Ergonomic designs enhance patient comfort during examinations. This factor will help in the development of the UAE Mammography Devices Market.

Growing Emphasis on Women's Health

Increased awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early detection has led to a higher demand for mammography devices. Women are encouraged to undergo regular screenings to detect potential abnormalities at an early, more treatable stage. The emphasis on women's health is part of a broader shift towards preventive healthcare. Regular mammography screenings are a key component of preventive healthcare for women, helping to identify and address potential health issues before they become more serious. Government and non-governmental organizations often run public health campaigns to raise awareness about breast cancer and the benefits of mammography screenings. These campaigns contribute to increased knowledge and understanding among women about the importance of early detection. Technological advancements in mammography devices, such as digital mammography and 3D tomosynthesis, provide more accurate and detailed imaging. As women become aware of the benefits of these advanced technologies, they are more likely to seek out these screenings.

Growing awareness of individual risk factors for breast cancer has led to a more personalized approach to healthcare. Women who are aware of their risk factors may be more proactive in undergoing regular mammography screenings as a preventive measure. Efforts to empower women with knowledge about their health and well-being contribute to an increased demand for mammography services. Education programs that focus on women's health encourage informed decision-making regarding preventive screenings. Healthcare professionals and women's health advocates play a key role in promoting the importance of mammography. Recommendations from healthcare providers and advocacy groups contribute to increased awareness and participation in breast cancer screening programs.

Cultural attitudes and social norms around women's health are evolving, with a growing recognition of the significance of early detection in improving breast cancer outcomes. This cultural shift contributes to increased acceptance and participation in mammography screening. Efforts to improve access to healthcare services, including mammography services, make it easier for women to undergo screenings. Enhanced accessibility contributes to a higher uptake of mammography services. Public figures and influencers, especially those who have experienced breast cancer, often use their platforms to advocate for mammography and early detection. Celebrity endorsements can significantly impact public perception and encourage women to prioritize screenings. This factor will pace up the demand of the UAE Mammography Devices Market.

Increasing Public Awareness and Education

Public awareness campaigns focused on breast cancer emphasize the importance of early detection through mammography. These campaigns often use various media channels to educate the public about the risks of breast cancer and the benefits of regular screenings. Education initiatives provide information about breast health, emphasizing the significance of preventive measures. As individuals become more informed about breast cancer risks and the role of mammography in early detection, they are more likely to seek screenings. Public education efforts highlight the benefits of early detection, such as increased treatment options, higher chances of successful treatment, and improved overall prognosis. This understanding motivates individuals to prioritize regular mammography screenings. Education campaigns work to dispel myths and address misconceptions about mammography and breast cancer. Accurate information helps individuals make informed decisions about undergoing screenings, reducing fears or concerns that may deter participation.

Public education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health. By understanding the purpose and importance of mammography, individuals are more likely to actively participate in breast cancer screening programs. Outreach programs in communities, schools, workplaces, and healthcare settings contribute to increased awareness. These programs may provide information about available screening services, encourage regular check-ups, and emphasize the role of mammography in women's health. Media, including television, radio, social media, and print, is a powerful tool for disseminating information. Public awareness campaigns leverage media channels to reach a broad audience, raising awareness about breast cancer and the role of mammography.

Healthcare professionals play a vital role in educating patients about the importance of mammography. They provide guidance, answer questions, and address concerns, contributing to increased confidence and participation in breast cancer screenings. Events like Breast Cancer Awareness Month and other national health observances provide opportunities to focus on breast health. These observances often feature educational activities, seminars, and awareness-building events to encourage mammography screenings. Community engagement initiatives and support groups create spaces for sharing information and experiences related to breast health. Peer support and community networks can positively influence individuals to prioritize mammography as part of their healthcare routine. This factor will accelerate the demand of the UAE Mammography Devices Market.

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Key Market Challenges

Affordability and Accessibility

Economic disparities within the UAE population may impact the affordability of mammography services. While some individuals may have the financial means to undergo regular screenings, others may face challenges due to financial constraints. The cost of healthcare services, including mammography screenings, can be relatively high. Affordability becomes a significant factor, especially for those without comprehensive health insurance coverage or financial support. Insufficient insurance coverage or lack of coverage for preventive services like mammography can hinder accessibility. Individuals without insurance or with limited coverage may be reluctant to undergo screenings due to financial concerns. Geographic factors, particularly in more remote or underserved areas, can impact accessibility to healthcare facilities offering mammography services. Limited availability of screening centers in certain regions may lead to reduced accessibility for residents. Limited public transportation options and transportation costs may pose challenges for individuals seeking mammography services. Transportation barriers can hinder access to healthcare facilities, especially for those in rural or less developed areas. Cultural attitudes and societal norms can influence the perception of preventive healthcare, including mammography. Overcoming cultural barriers and promoting awareness about the importance of screenings may enhance accessibility. Engaging in community outreach programs can help address accessibility challenges by bringing mammography services closer to the population. Mobile mammography units and outreach clinics can reach individuals who may face difficulty accessing centralized facilities.

Workforce Training and Shortages

A shortage of skilled radiologists, especially those trained in interpreting mammography images, can limit the capacity of healthcare facilities to offer mammography services. The demand for trained professionals may outpace the availability of qualified personnel. Mammography technology evolves, and keeping the workforce updated on the latest advancements requires continuous training. Inadequate training programs or limited opportunities for ongoing education may hinder the ability of healthcare professionals to utilize new technologies effectively. The availability of specialized training facilities for mammography may be limited. This shortage can impact the number of healthcare professionals receiving hands-on training, especially in the interpretation of digital mammography and other advanced imaging techniques. High patient volumes and increased demand for mammography services can contribute to heavy workloads for healthcare professionals. This workload, coupled with potential staff shortages, may lead to burnout and impact on the quality of care provided. Attracting and retaining skilled radiologists and technologists in the field of mammography can be challenging. Factors such as competitive job markets, international recruitment, and limited incentives may affect staffing levels. Workforce shortages are often more pronounced in remote or underserved areas. Providing specialized mammography services in these regions may be challenging due to the limited availability of trained professionals.

Key Market Trends

Integration with Healthcare IT

Mammography devices are increasingly integrated with EHR systems. This integration streamlines the storage, retrieval, and sharing of mammography images and related patient information, creating a centralized and comprehensive healthcare record. Integration with PACS allows for the efficient storage and retrieval of mammography images. PACS enable healthcare professionals to access and interpret mammography results digitally, leading to quicker diagnoses and enhanced collaboration among healthcare teams. The trend involves enhancing interoperability between mammography devices and various healthcare IT systems. This ensures that mammography data can be seamlessly shared and integrated into a patient's overall medical history for a more comprehensive view. Integration with healthcare IT contributes to workflow efficiency by automating processes related to image storage, retrieval, and analysis. Automated workflows can lead to faster turnaround times for mammography results and improved overall efficiency in healthcare settings. The integration of mammography devices with healthcare IT supports telehealth initiatives. Healthcare professionals can remotely access mammography images, enabling virtual consultations and improving access to specialized care, especially in remote or underserved areas. Cloud-based solutions are being increasingly adopted for the storage and management of mammography data. This allows for scalable and secure storage, facilitating easier access to images by authorized healthcare providers regardless of their physical location. The integration of AI technologies with mammography devices and healthcare IT is on the rise. AI algorithms can assist in the interpretation of mammography images, aiding healthcare professionals in detecting abnormalities and improving diagnostic accuracy.

Segmental Insights

Product Type Insights

In 2023, the UAE Mammography Devices Market largest share was held by Full-Field Digital Mammography segment and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. Full-Field Digital Mammography offers high-resolution images with exceptional clarity. The superior image quality enables healthcare professionals to detect subtle abnormalities in breast tissue, contributing to accurate and early diagnosis. FFDM represents a digital advancement over traditional analog or film-based mammography. The digital technology used in FFDM allows for efficient image capture, storage, and transmission, leading to enhanced diagnostic capabilities. FFDM typically involves lower radiation doses compared to traditional film mammography. The reduction in radiation exposure is beneficial for patients and aligns with a broader industry focus on minimizing radiation while maintaining diagnostic accuracy. FFDM systems offer streamlined workflow processes. Digital images can be quickly acquired, viewed, and transmitted for interpretation. This efficiency is essential in busy healthcare settings, allowing for faster patient throughput and reduced waiting times.

Technology Insights

In 2023, the UAE Mammography Devices Market largest share was held by Digital segment and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. Digital mammography represents a technological advancement over traditional film-based mammography. The superior image quality, lower radiation doses, and enhanced diagnostic capabilities of digital mammography have contributed to its widespread adoption. Digital mammography offers higher sensitivity and specificity in detecting breast abnormalities compared to traditional methods. This increased accuracy is crucial for early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, leading to the segment's dominance. Digital mammography provides quicker image acquisition and processing, leading to improved efficiency in healthcare settings. The faster workflow benefits both healthcare providers and patients, contributing to the segment's popularity. Digital mammography seamlessly integrates with Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) and electronic health records. This integration facilitates easy storage, retrieval, and sharing of mammography images, enhancing the overall efficiency of healthcare processes.

End-User Insights

In 2023, the UAE Mammography Devices Market largest share was held by Diagnostic Centers segment in the forecast period and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years.  Diagnostic centers often specialize in providing imaging and diagnostic services. Mammography is a crucial aspect of breast cancer detection, and diagnostic centers are equipped with advanced mammography devices to offer specialized breast imaging services. Diagnostic centers are dedicated to medical imaging and diagnostic procedures. Their focused approach allows for efficient and timely breast cancer screenings using mammography devices, contributing to the segment's prominence in the market. Diagnostic centers typically invest in state-of-the-art medical equipment, including advanced mammography devices. This commitment to using the latest technology attracts individuals seeking high-quality and accurate breast screenings. Diagnostic centers are often strategically located in urban areas, providing easy accessibility to a broad population. The convenience of visiting a diagnostic center for mammography screenings, as opposed to hospitals, can encourage more people to undergo regular breast cancer screenings. Diagnostic centers are known for providing quicker turnaround times for test results compared to larger healthcare facilities. This efficiency is particularly important in breast cancer diagnosis, where timely detection is crucial for effective treatment.

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Regional Insights

The Abu Dhabi region dominates the UAE Mammography Devices Market in 2023. Abu Dhabi, as the capital and largest emirate of the UAE, has invested significantly in developing a robust healthcare infrastructure. State-of-the-art medical facilities, including hospitals and diagnostic centers equipped with advanced mammography devices, contribute to the dominance of the region. Abu Dhabi is known for its economic strength, driven largely by the oil and gas industry. This economic stability allows for substantial investments in healthcare, making it possible to acquire and maintain advanced medical equipment, including mammography devices. The government of Abu Dhabi has been proactive in implementing healthcare initiatives and policies. These initiatives often include breast cancer awareness programs, early detection campaigns, and the establishment of well-equipped healthcare facilities, all of which contribute to the prominence of the region in the mammography devices market. Abu Dhabi has positioned itself as a medical tourism hub in the region. Patients from within the UAE and neighboring countries may travel to Abu Dhabi for advanced medical services, including breast cancer screening and diagnosis, further driving the demand for mammography devices in the region.

Recent Developments

  • In September 2023, Emirates Health Services (EHS) has unveiled a 3D mammogram unit at Al Hamidiya Health Centre in the Emirate of Ajman. This initiative, in collaboration with the Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi Charity Foundation, is part of EHS's ongoing commitment to enhance healthcare services and promote early detection of breast cancer. The inauguration of the unit stems from the cooperative agreement between Emirates Health Services and the Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi Charity Foundation, with the shared goal of delivering advanced, comprehensive, and integrated healthcare services to the targeted population.
  • In January 2023, the world's first AI-driven portable 3D breast ultrasound scanner is set to be introduced in the UAE. Unveiled at the ongoing Arab Health 2023 in Dubai, this innovative and convenient machine is designed for whole-breast ultrasounds, offering significant assistance in the diagnosis of breast cancer. While mammograms are traditionally regarded as the 'standard' for breast cancer diagnosis, the upcoming device aims to revolutionize breast care through automated imaging and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), promising faster results.

Key Market Players

  • Siemens Healthineers UAE
  • GE Healthcare FZE
  • Philips Healthcare Middle East
  • Canon Medical System UAE
  • Fujifilm Middle East FZE
  • Carestream UAE
  • Konica Minolta UAE
  • Hologic UAE


  • By Product Type
  • By Technology
  • By End-User
  • By Region
  • Full-Field Digital Mammography
  • Film-Screen Mammogram
  • Breast Tomosynthesis
  • Digital
  • Analog
  • Hospitals & Clinics
  • Diagnostic Centers
  • Others
  • Dubai
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Sharjah
  • Rest of UAE


Report Scope:

In this report, the UAE Mammography Devices Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  •  Mammography Devices Market, By Product Type:

o   Full-Field Digital Mammography

o   Film-Screen Mammogram

o   Breast Tomosynthesis

  •         Mammography Devices Market, By Technology:

o   Digital

o   Analog

  • Mammography Devices Market, By End-User:

o   Hospitals & Clinics

o   Diagnostic Centers

o   Others

  • Mammography Devices Market, By region:

o   Dubai

o   Abu Dhabi

o   Sharjah

o   Rest of UAE


Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies presents in the UAE   Mammography Devices Market.

Available Customizations:

UAE Mammography Devices Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

UAE Mammography Devices Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Applications

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Overview of the Market

3.2.  Overview of Key Market Segmentations

3.3.  Overview of Key Market Players

3.4.  Overview of Key Regions/Countries

3.5.  Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends

4.    UAE Mammography Devices Market Outlook

4.1.  Market Size & Forecast

4.1.1.     By Value

4.2.  Market Share & Forecast

4.2.1.    By Product Type (Full-Field Digital Mammography, Film-Screen Mammogram, Breast Tomosynthesis)

4.2.2.    By Technology (Digital, Analog)

4.2.3.    By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, Others)

4.2.4.     By Region (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Rest of UAE)

4.2.5.     By Company

4.3.  Product Market Map

5.    UAE Full-Field Digital Mammography Market Outlook

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

5.1.1.By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.     By Technology

5.2.2.     By End User

6.    UAE Film-Screen Mammogram Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

6.1.1.By Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.     By Technology

6.2.2.     By End User

7.    UAE Breast Tomosynthesis Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast       

7.1.1.By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.     By Technology

7.2.2.     By End User

8.    Policy & Regulatory Landscape

9.    UAE Economic Profile

10. Competitive Landscape

10.1.     Siemens Healthineers UAE

10.2.     GE Healthcare FZE

10.3.     Philips Healthcare Middle East

10.4.     Canon Medical System UAE

10.5.     Fujifilm Middle East FZE

10.6.     Carestream UAE

10.7.     Konica Minolta UAE

10.8.     Hologic UAE

11. Strategic Recommendations

12. About us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Mammography Devices Market was estimated to be USD 24.95 million in 2023.


Philips Healthcare Middle East, Canon Medical System UAE are some of the key players operating in the Mammography Devices Market.


Ensuring that mammography services are accessible and affordable to a broader population is a challenge.


The UAE healthcare sector has been adopting advanced medical technologies, and mammography is no exception.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

UAE Mammography Devices Market to grow at a CAGR of 10.14% to 2029

Dec, 2023

Increasing healthcare infrastructure and a supportive regulatory environment are the major drivers for the UAE Mammography Devices Market.