Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 48 Billion

Market Size (2029)

USD 67.54 Billion

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market

Middle East and Africa


Market Overview

Global Oil and Gas EPC Market was valued at USD 48 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 5.7% through 2029. The Global Oil and Gas EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Market is a vital sector in the energy industry, encompassing a wide array of projects crucial for the exploration, production, and transportation of oil and gas resources. This market plays a pivotal role in the development of oil and gas fields, refining facilities, and pipeline networks. Companies operating in this industry provide end-to-end solutions, from conceptualization and design to procurement and construction, ensuring the seamless execution of energy projects. The market is driven by the constant demand for energy resources, prompting oil and gas companies to invest significantly in new exploration activities and infrastructure development. Technological advancements, coupled with a focus on cost-effective and environmentally sustainable practices, are shaping the market landscape. The market is influenced by geopolitical factors, regulatory policies, and global economic trends. As the global energy landscape continues to evolve, the Oil and Gas EPC Market remains at the forefront, facilitating the efficient production and distribution of vital energy resources to meet the demands of industries and consumers worldwide.

Key Market Drivers

Surging Global Energy Demand and Infrastructure Development

The Global Oil and Gas EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Market are witnessing unprecedented growth due to the surging global energy demand and the need for extensive infrastructure development. As economies expand and populations grow, the demand for energy, particularly oil and gas, has reached staggering levels. Emerging markets, in particular, are experiencing rapid industrialization and urbanization, driving the need for increased energy production and distribution networks. This demand surge necessitates significant investments in the oil and gas sector, including the construction of new refineries, pipelines, liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and petrochemical plants. EPC companies, with their expertise in designing, procuring materials, and constructing large-scale energy facilities, are instrumental in meeting these demands. They play a vital role in developing the intricate network of infrastructure required to extract, process, and transport oil and gas resources efficiently. The rise in renewable energy sources hasn't diminished the demand for oil and gas; rather, it has increased the need for complementary infrastructure, such as energy storage facilities and grid enhancements, to ensure the seamless integration of diverse energy sources. EPC firms are at the forefront of this transition, diversifying their portfolios to include renewable energy projects alongside conventional oil and gas ventures. The ongoing advancements in technology, including digitalization, automation, and data analytics, have further enhanced the efficiency and productivity of oil and gas operations. EPC companies leverage these technologies to optimize project timelines, reduce costs, enhance safety measures, and ensure the sustainability of energy infrastructures. In essence, the surging global energy demand, coupled with the imperative of building resilient and advanced energy infrastructures, continues to drive the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market, making these companies indispensable contributors to the world's energy landscape.

Technological Advancements and Digitalization

Technological advancements stand as a cornerstone driver in the Oil and Gas EPC Market. Innovations in drilling techniques, reservoir modeling, automation, and data analytics have revolutionized the industry. Advanced sensors, IoT devices, and AI-powered algorithms are integrated into oil and gas operations, enabling real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and efficient resource utilization. Digitalization facilitates remote monitoring of assets, optimizing operational efficiency and reducing downtime. Digital technologies enhance safety protocols, allowing for predictive risk analysis and prevention measures. EPC companies are at the forefront of implementing these technologies, ensuring that oil and gas projects are not only efficient but also technologically sophisticated and sustainable.

Environmental Regulations and Sustainability Initiatives

Environmental regulations and sustainability initiatives are exerting significant influence on the Global Oil and Gas EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Market, driving a transformative shift towards eco-friendly practices and innovative technologies. As the world grapples with climate change concerns and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, governments and international bodies are imposing stringent environmental regulations on the oil and gas industry. EPC companies are responding by integrating sustainable practices into their projects, adopting cleaner technologies, and implementing energy-efficient solutions. They are focusing on developing environmentally responsible infrastructure, such as low-carbon emission refineries, carbon capture and storage facilities, and renewable energy integration projects. Sustainability initiatives, both from governmental bodies and corporations, are pushing EPC companies to explore green alternatives, invest in renewable energy projects, and adopt circular economy principles to minimize waste and maximize resource utilization. These efforts not only ensure compliance with regulations but also enhance the market reputation of EPC firms, attracting environmentally conscious clients and investors. Sustainability initiatives are driving innovation within the industry, leading to the development of advanced technologies like green hydrogen production, biofuels, and carbon-neutral processes. EPC companies are leveraging these innovations to design and construct energy projects that align with the global sustainability agenda. They are also investing in research and development to create environmentally friendly solutions for oil and gas exploration, extraction, and processing. The demand for sustainable practices is not only coming from regulatory bodies but also from consumers and investors who are increasingly environmentally conscious. Companies that prioritize environmental responsibility are not just meeting compliance standards; they are also gaining a competitive edge in the market, attracting socially responsible investors and environmentally aware clients. In summary, environmental regulations and sustainability initiatives are acting as catalysts for innovation, pushing the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market towards greener and more sustainable practices, ultimately reshaping the industry and paving the way for a more eco-conscious future.

Geopolitical Factors and Energy Security

Geopolitical factors and energy security play pivotal roles in propelling the Global Oil and Gas EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) Market to new heights. Geopolitical stability, or the lack thereof, significantly influences the global energy landscape. Regions rich in oil and gas resources are often situated in politically sensitive areas. Hence, geopolitical tensions, conflicts, and regulatory changes can swiftly impact oil and gas supplies. In this context, the strategic significance of energy security cannot be overstated. Energy security involves ensuring a stable, affordable, and uninterrupted supply of energy, especially in the face of geopolitical uncertainties. This imperative drives nations and corporations to invest substantially in diverse sources of energy, including oil and gas, and to bolster their infrastructure for exploration, extraction, transportation, and processing. EPC companies, at the forefront of this energy security paradigm, offer turnkey solutions to enhance the production and transportation capacities of oil and gas. They engineer and construct pipelines, refineries, and other critical facilities that are essential for energy security measures, enabling countries to fortify their domestic energy resources and reduce reliance on potentially unstable regions. EPC firms adeptly navigate the complex geopolitical landscape, forging collaborations and partnerships that ensure the uninterrupted flow of resources. The integration of advanced technologies, such as digital twin simulations and real-time monitoring systems, allows these companies to optimize existing infrastructures, enhance operational efficiencies, and respond swiftly to geopolitical developments, thereby ensuring the reliability and security of the energy supply chain. In essence, the symbiotic relationship between geopolitical factors and energy security serves as a driving force behind the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market, compelling stakeholders to innovate, collaborate, and invest in resilient infrastructures that safeguard the world’s energy future.

Focus on Health, Safety, and Risk Management

The paramount focus on Health, Safety, and Risk Management (HSRM) stands as a cornerstone driving force behind the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market. In an industry inherently fraught with hazards, ensuring the well-being of the workforce and safeguarding valuable assets are not just priorities but imperatives. Rigorous safety protocols, continuous training, and cutting-edge technologies are deployed to mitigate risks and uphold the highest safety standards. EPC companies invest significantly in developing and implementing comprehensive safety management systems that encompass every facet of their operations, from exploration and drilling to construction and maintenance. Regular risk assessments, thorough analyses of potential hazards, and proactive measures to address identified risks are integral components of these systems. Advanced technologies, such as IoT sensors, real-time monitoring systems, and predictive analytics, are harnessed to detect anomalies and foresee potential issues, allowing for preventive actions that avert disasters before they occur. A safety-conscious approach not only protects the workforce but also safeguards the environment and surrounding communities. EPC projects are meticulously planned and executed to minimize their ecological footprint, adhering to stringent environmental regulations. The industry's reputation and stakeholder trust are intrinsically linked to its safety record. Companies that demonstrate an unwavering commitment to HSRM build trust with investors, regulatory bodies, and the communities in which they operate. This trust is fundamental in securing project approvals, attracting investments, and fostering collaborative relationships, driving the industry's sustainable growth. Furthermore, the focus on HSRM is not just a moral obligation but also a business imperative. Incidents in the oil and gas sector can have far-reaching consequences, from financial liabilities to reputational damage. By prioritizing safety, EPC companies mitigate the potential for accidents, ensuring operational continuity and protecting their bottom line. Stringent safety practices enhance workforce morale and productivity, creating a positive work environment conducive to innovation and excellence. In essence, the unwavering emphasis on Health, Safety, and Risk Management is a linchpin in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market, shaping the industry's ethical standards, operational efficiency, and long-term sustainability. It underscores a commitment to human lives, the environment, and the industry's future, ensuring responsible and resilient growth in a challenging and dynamic landscape.

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Key Market Challenges

Volatility in Oil and Gas Prices

One of the significant challenges faced by the Global Oil and Gas EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) market is the volatility in oil and gas prices. Fluctuations in oil and gas prices can significantly impact project economics and investment decisions. When oil prices are low, oil and gas companies tend to reduce their capital expenditures, leading to a decrease in project activity and a slowdown in the EPC market. On the other hand, when oil prices are high, there is increased investment in exploration and production activities, driving demand for EPC services. EPC companies need to navigate these price fluctuations and adapt their strategies to remain competitive and sustainable in the market.

Project Delays and Cost Overruns

Project delays and cost overruns are common challenges in the Oil and Gas EPC market. Complex projects, technical complexities, regulatory requirements, and unforeseen circumstances can lead to delays in project execution. Delays can result in increased costs, penalties, and revenue losses for both EPC companies and their clients. Factors such as labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, and changes in project scope can contribute to project delays and cost overruns. EPC companies need to effectively manage project risks, implement robust project management practices, and maintain strong communication and collaboration with clients and stakeholders to mitigate these challenges.

Safety and Environmental Compliance

Safety and environmental compliance are critical challenges in the Oil and Gas EPC market. The industry operates in hazardous environments, and ensuring the safety of workers, equipment, and the environment is of utmost importance. EPC companies need to adhere to stringent safety regulations, implement robust safety management systems, and provide adequate training and resources to their workforce. Similarly, environmental regulations and sustainability considerations require EPC companies to adopt environmentally friendly practices, minimize environmental impacts, and comply with emissions and waste management regulations. Failure to meet safety and environmental compliance standards can result in legal consequences, reputational damage, and project delays.

Technological Advancements and Skills Gap

Technological advancements in the Oil and Gas industry, such as digitalization, automation, and advanced analytics, present both opportunities and challenges for EPC companies. While these technologies can enhance project efficiency, productivity, and safety, their implementation requires skilled personnel and expertise. EPC companies need to invest in training and upskilling their workforce to adapt to these technological advancements. However, there is a skills gap in the industry, with a shortage of qualified professionals with expertise in emerging technologies. EPC companies need to attract and retain talent, foster innovation, and collaborate with technology providers to overcome this challenge and leverage the benefits of technological advancements.

Key Market Trends

Increasing Focus on Renewable Energy Projects

One key trend in the Global Oil and Gas EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) market is the increasing focus on renewable energy projects. As the world transitions towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, there has been a significant shift in investment towards renewable energy projects such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. This trend is driven by various factors, including government initiatives, environmental concerns, and the declining costs of renewable energy technologies. EPC companies in the oil and gas sector are adapting to this trend by diversifying their portfolios and expanding their capabilities to include renewable energy projects. They are leveraging their expertise in project management, engineering, and construction to undertake large-scale renewable energy projects. This includes the design and construction of solar and wind farms, installation of offshore wind turbines, and development of energy storage solutions.

Digitalization and Automation

Another prominent trend in the Global Oil and Gas EPC market is the increasing adoption of digitalization and automation technologies. EPC companies are leveraging digital tools and technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics to optimize project execution, improve productivity, and enhance safety. Digitalization enables real-time monitoring and data analysis, allowing EPC companies to make informed decisions and optimize project performance. It also facilitates remote collaboration and communication, enabling seamless coordination between project teams and stakeholders. Automation technologies, such as robotics and drones, are being used for tasks such as inspection, surveying, and construction, improving efficiency and reducing human error.

Focus on Cost Optimization and Efficiency

Cost optimization and efficiency have always been critical factors in the oil and gas industry, and this trend continues to shape the EPC market. With fluctuating oil prices and increasing competition, EPC companies are under pressure to deliver projects within budget and on schedule. To achieve cost optimization, EPC companies are adopting various strategies such as modularization, standardization, and lean construction practices. Modularization involves the fabrication of components in controlled environments, reducing construction time and costs. Standardization allows for the reuse of designs and specifications, streamlining project execution. Lean construction practices focus on eliminating waste and improving productivity throughout the project lifecycle. EPC companies are exploring innovative contracting models, such as Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation (EPCI) contracts, which provide greater cost certainty and risk sharing between project stakeholders.

Segmental Insights

Service Type Insights

The Engineering segment emerged as the dominant force in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market, a trend that is expected to persist throughout the forecast period. Engineering services play a pivotal role in the industry, encompassing a wide array of activities such as project planning, feasibility studies, design, and technical consultancy. The growing complexity of oil and gas projects, coupled with the need for innovative and sustainable solutions, has elevated the significance of engineering services. Companies are increasingly relying on engineering expertise to optimize operations, enhance safety standards, and maximize production efficiency. Advancements in digital technologies, such as 3D modeling, simulation, and digital twin applications, have bolstered the demand for engineering services, enabling detailed analysis and predictive modeling for better decision-making. As the industry continues to evolve, the Engineering segment is anticipated to maintain its dominance, driven by the indispensable role it plays in ensuring the successful execution of oil and gas projects, adhering to stringent regulations, and embracing eco-friendly practices, thereby sustaining its leading position in the market.

End User Insights

The Upstream segment emerged as the dominant force in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market and is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. The Upstream sector involves exploration, drilling, and extraction activities, forming the foundation of the entire oil and gas industry. High demand for energy resources globally and technological advancements in exploration techniques have intensified activities in the Upstream segment. Major oil and gas companies are heavily investing in Upstream projects to discover and tap into new reserves, especially in challenging environments like deepwater and unconventional shale formations. Advancements in drilling technologies, such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, have revolutionized extraction processes, making previously inaccessible reserves economically viable. The Upstream segment's dominance is further bolstered by increasing global energy consumption, driving continuous exploration efforts. As the demand for oil and gas remains robust, the Upstream segment is poised to maintain its leadership position, attracting substantial investments in exploration projects, technological innovations, and infrastructure development to meet the world's growing energy needs.

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Regional Insights

  • Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region emerged as the dominant force in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market, and it is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. The MENA region is home to some of the world's largest proven oil reserves and is a significant hub for oil and gas production and exploration activities. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar are key players in the global oil market, with substantial investments in upstream and downstream projects. The region's dominance can be attributed to its strategic location, abundant hydrocarbon resources, and continuous efforts to modernize and expand its oil and gas infrastructure. Government initiatives to attract foreign investments and collaborations with international oil companies have further fueled the growth of the oil and gas sector in the MENA region. The geopolitical stability in some parts of the region has also contributed to its dominance, providing a favorable environment for oil and gas operations. With the global energy demand continuing to rise, especially in rapidly developing economies, the MENA region is expected to maintain its leadership position, supported by ongoing investments, technological advancements, and strategic collaborations, ensuring its continued dominance in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market.

Recent Developments

  • In March 2024, Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited (KPTL) has secured a significant Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract from Saudi Aramco, one of the world's largest oil companies. This contract highlights KPTL's growing presence in the international oil and gas sector and its capability to execute large-scale infrastructure projects. The deal underscores KPTL's strategic expansion into the Middle Eastern market, enhancing its portfolio of high-value projects and reinforcing its reputation as a leading global EPC service provider.

Key Market Players

  • Bechtel Corporation
  • TechnipFMC plc
  • McDermott International, Ltd
  • Saipem S.p.A.
  • Fluor Corporation
  • Petrofac Limited
  • AtkinsRéalis Group inc.
  • KBR, Inc.
  • Larsen & Toubro Limited 
  • Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

 By Service Type

By Location

By End User

By Region

  • Engineering
  • Procurement
  • Onshore
  • Offshore
  • Upstream
  • Midstream
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • South America
  • Middle East & Africa


Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Oil and Gas EPC Market, By Service Type:

o   Engineering

o   Procurement

  • Oil and Gas EPC Market, By Location:

o   Onshore

o   Offshore

  • Oil and Gas EPC Market, By End User:

o   Upstream

o   Midstream  

  • Oil and Gas EPC Market, By Region:

o   North America

§  United States

§  Canada

§  Mexico

o   Europe

§  France

§  United Kingdom

§  Italy

§  Germany

§  Spain

§  Belgium

o   Asia-Pacific

§  China

§  India

§  Japan

§  Australia

§  South Korea

§  Indonesia

§  Vietnam

o   South America

§  Brazil

§  Argentina

§  Colombia

§  Chile

§  Peru

o   Middle East & Africa

§  South Africa

§  Saudi Arabia

§  UAE

§  Turkey

§  Israel

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Oil and Gas EPC market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Global Oil and Gas EPC Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]               

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Formulation of the Scope

2.4.  Assumptions and Limitations

2.5.  Sources of Research

2.5.1.    Secondary Research

2.5.2.    Primary Research

2.6.  Approach for the Market Study

2.6.1.    The Bottom-Up Approach

2.6.2.    The Top-Down Approach

2.7.  Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.8.  Forecasting Methodology

2.8.1.    Data Triangulation & Validation

3.    Executive Summary

4.    Impact of COVID-19 on Global Oil and Gas EPC Market

5.    Voice of Customer

6.    Global Oil and Gas EPC Market Overview

7.    Global Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Service Type (Engineering, Procurement)

7.2.2.    By Location (Onshore, Offshore)

7.2.3.    By End User (Upstream, Midstream)

7.2.4.    By Region (North America, Europe, South America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific)

7.3.  By Company (2023)

7.4.  Market Map

8.    North America Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.    By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Service Type

8.2.2.    By Location

8.2.3.    By End User

8.2.4.    By Country

8.3.  North America: Country Analysis

8.3.1.    United States Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

8.3.2.    Canada Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

8.3.3.    Mexico Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

9.    Europe Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.    By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Service Type

9.2.2.    By Location

9.2.3.    By End User

9.2.4.    By Country

9.3.  Europe: Country Analysis

9.3.1.    Germany Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

9.3.2.    France Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

9.3.3.    United Kingdom Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

9.3.4.    Italy Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

9.3.5.    Spain Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

9.3.6.    Belgium Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Service Type           By Location           By End User

10. South America Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook

10.1.            Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1. By Value

10.2.            Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1. By Service Type

10.2.2. By Location

10.2.3. By End User

10.2.4. By Country

10.3.            South America: Country Analysis

10.3.1. Brazil Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

10.3.2. Colombia Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

10.3.3. Argentina Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

10.3.4. Chile Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

10.3.5. Peru Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

11. Middle East & Africa Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook

11.1.            Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1. By Value

11.2.            Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1. By Service Type

11.2.2. By Location

11.2.3. By End User

11.2.4. By Country

11.3.            Middle East & Africa: Country Analysis

11.3.1. Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

11.3.2. UAE Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

11.3.3. South Africa Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

11.3.4. Turkey Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

11.3.5. Israel Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12. Asia Pacific Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook

12.1.            Market Size & Forecast

12.1.1. By Value

12.2.            Market Share & Forecast

12.2.1. By Service Type

12.2.2. By Location

12.2.3. By End User

12.2.4. By Country

12.3.            Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis

12.3.1. China Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12.3.2. India Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12.3.3. Japan Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12.3.4. South Korea Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12.3.5. Australia Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12.3.6. Indonesia Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

12.3.7. Vietnam Oil and Gas EPC Market Outlook     Market Size & Forecast         By Value     Market Share & Forecast         By Service Type         By Location         By End User

13. Market Dynamics

13.1.            Drivers

13.2.            Challenges

14. Market Trends and Developments

15. Company Profiles

15.1.            Bechtel Corporation

15.1.1. Business Overview

15.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.1.3. Recent Developments

15.1.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.1.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.2.            TechnipFMC plc

15.2.1. Business Overview

15.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.2.3. Recent Developments

15.2.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.2.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.3.            McDermott International, Ltd

15.3.1. Business Overview

15.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.3.3. Recent Developments

15.3.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.3.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.4.            Saipem S.p.A.

15.4.1. Business Overview

15.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.4.3. Recent Developments

15.4.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.4.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.5.            Fluor Corporation

15.5.1. Business Overview

15.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.5.3. Recent Developments

15.5.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.5.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.6.            Petrofac Limited

15.6.1. Business Overview

15.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.6.3. Recent Developments

15.6.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.6.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.7.            AtkinsRéalis Group inc.

15.7.1. Business Overview

15.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.7.3. Recent Developments

15.7.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.7.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.8.            KBR, Inc.

15.8.1. Business Overview

15.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.8.3. Recent Developments

15.8.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.8.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.9.            Larsen & Toubro Limited

15.9.1. Business Overview

15.9.2. Key Revenue and Financials  

15.9.3. Recent Developments

15.9.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.9.5. Key Product/Services Offered

15.10.         Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

15.10.1.              Business Overview

15.10.2.              Key Revenue and Financials  

15.10.3.              Recent Developments

15.10.4.              Key Personnel/Key Contact Person

15.10.5.              Key Product/Services Offered

16. Strategic Recommendations

17. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market was USD 48 Billion in 2023.


The dominant segment by Service Type in the global oil and gas EPC market in 2023 was Engineering.


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have historically been the dominant force in the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market due to its vast oil reserves and extensive production capabilities.


Major drivers for the Global Oil and Gas EPC Market include rising energy demand, technological advancements, exploration of unconventional resources, and growing investments in oil and gas infrastructure.


Parvati Sharma

Account Manager BD
Press Release

Oil and Gas EPC Market is expected to register a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period

May, 2024

Global Oil and Gas EPC Market is rising due to growing energy demand, exploration of new reserves, and investments in oil and gas infrastructure projects worldwide in the forecast period 2025-2029F.