Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2022)

USD 62 Billion

CAGR (2023-2028)


Fastest Growing Segment

Passenger Car

Largest Market

United States

Market Overview

North America Ride hailing market has valued at USD 62 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 5.72%. The North American ride-hailing market has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade, driven by significant technological advancements and a notable shift in consumer preferences towards convenient and personalized mobility solutions. This transformative growth has been primarily fueled by the emergence of leading players like Uber and Lyft, who have established their dominance in the market by leveraging their expansive networks, implementing dynamic pricing strategies, and prioritizing a customer-centric approach to maintain their market share.

However, the ride-hailing industry is not immune to disruption, as emerging competitors are making their mark with unique value propositions. These new players are revolutionizing the industry by implementing robust safety protocols and offering environmentally-friendly transportation options, catering to the growing demand for sustainable and responsible mobility solutions.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for the ride-hailing market, there is optimism for a rebound as normalcy returns. With a renewed focus on safety and contactless travel alternatives, the industry is expected to witness a surge in demand. Additionally, the North American ride-hailing market is benefiting from the increasing penetration of smartphones, rapid urbanization, and evolving lifestyle trends, all of which contribute to its growth trajectory.

Looking ahead, the North American ride-hailing market is poised for continuous expansion and innovation. As technology continues to advance and consumer preferences continue to evolve, the industry will adapt and thrive, providing even more convenient, efficient, and sustainable mobility solutions for millions of people across the continent.               

Key Market Drivers

Urbanization and Congestion Mitigation

The continued rapid urbanization of North America's major cities, with the influx of population and businesses, has resulted in significant challenges related to traffic congestion and parking. As city infrastructures struggle to keep up with the growing demand for transportation, ride-hailing services have emerged as a viable solution for urban residents. These services provide a convenient and efficient alternative to owning and parking a personal vehicle, reducing the overall traffic congestion. By utilizing ride-hailing services, urban dwellers can optimize their mobility and navigate through the bustling cities with ease, contributing to a more sustainable and livable urban environment. As cities continue to expand and evolve, the demand for ride-hailing as a means to alleviate congestion and enhance urban mobility is expected to further increase, transforming the way people move within urban landscapes.

Smartphone Penetration and Digital Connectivity

The widespread adoption of smartphones and digital connectivity has been a fundamental driver of the ride-hailing industry. Ride-hailing companies leverage mobile apps to connect riders with drivers, facilitating seamless booking, tracking, and payment processes. The convenience of booking a ride with just a few taps on a smartphone has contributed to the industry's rapid growth and user adoption.

Cost-Effective Transportation

Ride-hailing services provide cost-effective and convenient transportation options, which are especially advantageous when compared to the expenses associated with owning a private vehicle. In densely populated urban areas, where parking spaces are scarce and expensive, and maintenance and insurance costs can quickly add up, ride-hailing emerges as an attractive alternative. Its affordability appeals to a wide range of users, including daily commuters looking to save on parking fees and occasional riders seeking a hassle-free transportation solution. By eliminating the financial burdens and inconveniences of car ownership, ride-hailing offers a flexible and sustainable mobility option for individuals from all walks of life.

Shared Mobility and Environmental Concerns

With the growing environmental consciousness and a strong desire for sustainable transportation options, more and more individuals are considering shared mobility solutions. Ride-hailing services have emerged as a convenient and efficient way for multiple passengers to share a single vehicle, not only reducing the number of cars on the road but also contributing to lower emissions and a greener environment. In response to this demand, ride-hailing companies are increasingly expanding their offerings to include shared ride options, further promoting and encouraging eco-friendly transportation alternatives. By embracing these shared mobility solutions, we can collectively make a positive impact on our planet and create a more sustainable future.

Driver Employment Opportunities

The ride-hailing industry has revolutionized the job market, creating abundant employment opportunities for a significant number of drivers across North America. This has had a profound impact on individuals, especially those seeking flexible work arrangements or supplementary income. Ride-hailing has emerged as a reliable source of livelihood, offering drivers the freedom to choose their own working hours and earn income on their own terms. This driver-partner model has not only provided income stability for many but has also played a pivotal role in driving the growth and success of the industry. With its convenience, accessibility, and economic benefits, ride-hailing has become a preferred choice for both drivers and passengers alike.

Technological Advancements and Innovation

Continuous technological advancements play a pivotal role in shaping the evolution of the ride-hailing market. With innovations like real-time GPS tracking, predictive algorithms for efficient rider-driver matching, and continuous improvements in safety features, the overall user experience has been greatly enhanced. Additionally, the ongoing development of autonomous vehicles, although not yet widely adopted, continues to captivate the industry with its potential for revolutionizing transportation. The ride-hailing sector remains an area of significant interest and investment, as stakeholders strive to unlock new possibilities and redefine the future of mobility.  

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Key Market Challenges

Regulatory Complexities and Legal Battles

One of the foremost challenges for ride-hailing companies in North America is navigating the complex web of regulations and legal requirements that vary from city to city and state to state. This includes considerations such as licensing, insurance, background checks, and safety regulations. Regulatory bodies often grapple with how to classify and regulate ride-hailing services, leading to a patchwork of rules and requirements that can differ even within neighboring cities. This regulatory uncertainty can result in legal battles and fines for companies, impacting their ability to operate consistently and expand into new markets. It also adds an additional layer of complexity for drivers who may need to meet different requirements depending on where they operate. Therefore, ride-hailing companies must invest significant resources into understanding and complying with the ever-evolving regulatory landscape to ensure their operations remain compliant and sustainable in the long run.

Driver Classification and Labor Rights

The classification of ride-hailing drivers as independent contractors rather than employees has been a highly debated and contentious issue in recent years. On one side of the argument, some drivers and labor advocates firmly believe that drivers should be considered employees, deserving of various benefits and protections. These include not only the guarantee of a minimum wage and overtime pay, but also access to healthcare benefits and other social protections.

The ongoing lawsuits and labor disputes surrounding driver classification have far-reaching implications, not only for the drivers themselves but also for the ride-hailing companies involved. These legal battles have the potential to significantly impact labor costs and even challenge the very foundations of ride-hailing business models. As the discussions continue, finding a balance between the needs of drivers and the operational realities of the industry remains a complex and important challenge.

Safety Concerns and Incidents

Safety remains a paramount concern for both riders and drivers in the ride-hailing industry. Incidents involving rider-driver conflicts, accidents, and incidents of harassment have drawn attention and raised questions about the safety measures and background checks implemented by ride-hailing companies. Ensuring the safety of both riders and drivers while maintaining a seamless user experience is a constant challenge.

Competition and Pricing Pressures

In the highly competitive ride-hailing market of North America, multiple companies fiercely compete for market share, striving to attract and retain users. This intense competition has resulted in price wars and subsidies, creating a challenging environment where companies struggle to achieve profitability while offering affordable rides to users.

To navigate this competitive landscape, companies must strike a delicate balance between providing cost-effective transportation options for users and ensuring a sustainable income for drivers. This ongoing challenge requires innovative strategies and careful considerations to thrive in this dynamic industry.

Data Privacy and Security

Ride-hailing platforms collect and store a wealth of personal and location data from both riders and drivers. Ensuring the privacy and security of this data is a critical challenge, especially in an era of increasing concern about data breaches and misuse. Companies must invest in robust data protection measures and comply with evolving data privacy regulations.

Public Transit Integration and Congestion Management

While ride-hailing can alleviate congestion in some cases, it also poses challenges related to its integration with public transit systems. Inefficiencies can arise when ride-hailing services compete with or duplicate existing public transportation routes. Coordinating ride-hailing with public transit to create seamless, multi-modal transportation options while reducing congestion remains a complex challenge.   

Key Market Trends

Multi-Modal Integration

A significant and transformative trend in the North American ride-hailing market is the integration of various transportation modes into a single platform, revolutionizing the way people navigate cities. Recognizing the need for seamless and convenient travel experiences, ride-hailing companies are forging partnerships with public transit agencies to offer riders an extensive range of transportation options.

This groundbreaking integration empowers users to effortlessly plan, book, and pay for rides across a diverse array of modes, including buses, subways, ride-hailing services, e-scooters, and bike-sharing networks, all within a single, user-friendly app. Gone are the days of juggling multiple apps and struggling to find the most efficient route; now, users can enjoy the convenience of choosing from a multitude of transportation options tailored to their specific needs.

By addressing the notorious "last-mile" challenge, this trend aims to provide users with comprehensive and efficient mobility solutions that bridge the gap between transportation hubs and their final destinations. Whether it's a short trip to the grocery store or a daily commute to work, this integrated approach revolutionizes urban mobility, enhancing accessibility and reducing congestion.

The integration of various transportation modes into a single platform not only improves the overall travel experience but also contributes to sustainable and eco-friendly transportation practices. By encouraging the use of public transit and shared mobility services, this trend aligns with the global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and create more livable, greener cities.

In conclusion, the integration of transportation modes in the North American ride-hailing market represents a significant shift towards a more connected, efficient, and sustainable urban transportation landscape. By providing users with a comprehensive range of options and simplifying the planning and booking process, this trend promises to transform the way people move within cities, making travel more convenient, accessible, and environmentally friendly.

Sustainability and Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Sustainability is gaining importance in the ride-hailing sector. Companies are increasingly focused on reducing their carbon footprint by transitioning to electric or hybrid vehicle fleets. Many ride-hailing platforms are incentivizing drivers to use EVs and providing in-app features that allow riders to choose environmentally friendly rides. This trend aligns with broader efforts to combat climate change and reduce emissions in urban areas.

Enhanced Safety Features

Safety remains a top priority in the North America ride-hailing market. Companies are continually investing in technology and features to improve safety for both riders and drivers. This includes real-time ride tracking, two-way anonymous feedback, and emergency assistance buttons within the app. Additionally, some platforms are exploring the integration of in-car safety measures, such as audio and video recording, to enhance security during rides.

Micro-Mobility Integration

Micro-mobility solutions, such as e-scooters and e-bikes, have gained popularity as convenient modes of urban transportation. Several ride-hailing companies have expanded their services to include these micro-mobility options, allowing users to seamlessly rent e-scooters or e-bikes within the same app they use for ride-hailing. This trend offers riders more flexibility and convenience for short-distance trips and addresses the need for sustainable, last-mile transportation solutions.

Evolving Business Models

Ride-hailing companies are exploring and diversifying their business models beyond passenger transportation. Many have expanded into the food delivery sector, offering services like Uber Eats and UberEats, as well as courier and package delivery services. These additional revenue streams provide a buffer against the seasonal and market-specific fluctuations in the ride-hailing sector and contribute to the overall growth of these companies.

Accessibility and Inclusion

Ensuring that ride-hailing services are accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities, is a growing trend. Companies are working to improve wheelchair-accessible vehicle options, provide training to drivers on assisting riders with disabilities, and enhance the user experience for riders with diverse needs. This trend reflects a commitment to making transportation more inclusive and accommodating to a wider range of passengers.    

Segmental Insights

Material Type Insights

The North American ride-hailing market has experienced significant growth in recent years. This growth can be attributed to a combination of factors, including technological advancements, increasing urbanization, and evolving consumer preferences for convenience and efficiency.

Technological advancements have played a crucial role in shaping the ride-hailing industry. With high smartphone penetration rates and the widespread availability of high-speed internet, consumers now have easy access to ride-hailing services at their fingertips. This accessibility has contributed to the success of companies like Uber and Lyft, which have capitalized on these trends by offering a wide range of service options to cater to diverse consumer needs.

In addition to traditional ride-hailing services, these companies have expanded their offerings to include luxury rides, shared rides, bike services, and even food delivery. This diversification of services provides consumers with more choices and flexibility, further driving the growth of the market.

However, the ride-hailing industry also faces challenges in the form of regulations and safety concerns. As the industry continues to grow, regulators are grappling with how to effectively oversee and regulate these services, ensuring the safety and well-being of both drivers and passengers. Addressing these challenges will be crucial to sustaining the long-term growth of the ride-hailing market.

Overall, the North American ride-hailing market has emerged as a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. With ongoing technological advancements and changing consumer preferences, it is poised for continued growth in the coming years.  

Vehicle Type Insights

In terms of vehicle type insights, the North America ride-hailing market showcases a strong preference for comfortable and fuel-efficient cars. The market is predominantly dominated by mid-sized cars, which strike a perfect balance between comfort, cost, and fuel efficiency. These cars are widely favored by both drivers and passengers alike.

However, there is an emerging trend in the market with a growing demand for luxury cars. This is particularly evident in the business rides and premium services segment, where clients seek an elevated experience and are willing to pay a premium for it. This shift towards luxury cars reflects the evolving needs and preferences of the discerning consumers in this market.

Moreover, with the increasing awareness and emphasis on environmental sustainability, there is a significant anticipation of a shift towards eco-friendly choices in the coming years. The advent of electric vehicles has opened up new possibilities for ride-hailing services to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. This aligns with the growing environmental consciousness among both service providers and customers, driving the demand for eco-friendly options.

Overall, the North America ride-hailing market is evolving to meet the diverse needs and preferences of its customers. The market's inclination towards comfortable and fuel-efficient cars, along with the rising demand for luxury and eco-friendly options, sets the stage for a dynamic and progressive future in the industry.  

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Regional Insights

The North America ride-hailing market has experienced remarkable growth in recent years. This surge can be primarily attributed to factors such as rapid urbanization, which has led to increased demand for convenient transportation options. Furthermore, the widespread adoption of internet and smartphones has significantly contributed to the popularity of ride-hailing services, as people can easily book rides with just a few taps on their devices.

In addition to addressing the need for convenience, ride-hailing services in the United States and Canada have emerged as effective solutions for tackling traffic congestion and reducing personal vehicle ownership. With the rise of urban areas and the associated challenges of limited parking spaces and increased traffic volumes, ride-hailing has become a preferred choice for many commuters.

Leading companies in the market, such as Uber and Lyft, have played a pivotal role in driving the expansion of the ride-hailing industry. Through their innovative offerings and competitive pricing strategies, they have attracted a large customer base and reshaped the way people travel. However, it is important to acknowledge that the market also faces challenges on various fronts. Regulatory issues and safety concerns have been subjects of debate and scrutiny, demanding attention and action from stakeholders to ensure the sustained growth and well-being of the industry.

Overall, the North America ride-hailing market continues to evolve and transform the transportation landscape. With its convenience, flexibility, and potential for reducing congestion, it is poised to be a key player in the future of mobility in the region.

Recent Developments

  • In January 2021, Uber Technologies Inc. partnered with EVgo to provide EV charging discounts to the drivers for around 800+ cities in the United States.
  • In February 2020, Grab raised an investment of over USD 850 million from Japanese investors, including Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. and TIS Inc. This investment will be used to create accessible and affordable financial services for Southeast Asia to boost financial inclusion in the region.

Key Market Players

  • Didi Chuxing Technology Co.
  • Uber Technologies Inc.
  • Lyft Inc.
  • Grab Holdings Inc.
  • Free now (Daimler)
  • BlaBla Car
  • ANI Technologies Pvt. Ltd
  • FastGo Vietnam JSC
  • ZuumViet
  • Be Group JSC

By Type

By Car Sharing

By Service

By Vehicle Type

By Country

  • E-hailing
  • Station-Based
  • Car Sharing
  • Rental
  • P2P
  • Corporate
  • Navigation
  • Payment
  • Information
  • Passenger Cars
  • Two-Wheeler
  • Canada
  • United States
  • Mexico


Report Scope:

In this report, the North America Ride hailing market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Ride hailing market, By Type:    

o   E-hailing

o   Station-Based

o   Car Sharing

o   Rental

  • Ride hailing market, By Car Sharing: 

o   P2P

o   Corporate

  • Ride hailing market, By Service:  

o   Navigation

o   Payment

o   Information

  • Ride hailing market, By Vehicle Type:  

o   Passenger Cars

o   Two-Wheeler

  • Ride hailing market, By Country:  

o   Canada

o   United States

o   Mexico   

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the North America Ride hailing market.

Available Customizations:

North America Ride hailing market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

North America Ride hailing market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Introduction

1.1.  Market Overview

1.2.  Key Highlights of the Report

1.3.  Market Coverage

1.4.  Market Segments Covered

1.5.  Research Tenure Considered

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Market Overview

3.2.  Market Forecast

3.3.  Key Regions

3.4.  Key Segments

4.    Impact of COVID-19 on North America Ride hailing market

5.    Voice of Customer Analysis

5.1.  Brand Awareness

5.2.  Brand Satisfaction

5.3.  Factors Affecting Purchase Decision

6.    North America Ride hailing market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Volume & Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Type Market Share Analysis (E-hailing, Station-Based, Car Sharing & Rental)

6.2.2.    By Car Sharing Market Share Analysis (P2P, Corporate)

6.2.3.    By Service Market Share Analysis (Navigation, Payment, Information)

6.2.4.    By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Passenger Cars, Two-Wheeler)

6.2.5.    By Country Market Share Analysis        Canada Market Share Analysis        United States Market Share Analysis        Mexico Market Share Analysis  

6.2.6.    By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others - By Value, 2022)

6.3.  North America Ride hailing market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.1.    By Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment  

6.3.2.    By Car Sharing Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.3.    By Service Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment  

6.3.4.    By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment  

6.3.5.    By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.6.    Canada Ride hailing market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Volume & Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Type Market Share Analysis           By Car Sharing Market Share Analysis           By Service Market Share Analysis           By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.7.    United States Ride hailing market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Volume & Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Type Market Share Analysis           By Car Sharing Market Share Analysis           By Service Market Share Analysis           By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.8.    Mexico Ride hailing market Outlook        Market Size & Forecast           By Volume & Value        Market Share & Forecast           By Type Market Share Analysis           By Car Sharing Market Share Analysis           By Service Market Share Analysis           By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

7.    SWOT Analysis

7.1.  Strength

7.2.  Weakness

7.3.  Opportunities

7.4.  Threats

8.    Market Dynamics

8.1.  Market Drivers

8.2.  Market Challenges

9.    Market Trends and Developments

10. Competitive Landscape

10.1.           Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies)

10.1.1. Didi Chuxing Technology Co.     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.2. Uber Technologies Inc.     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.3. Lyft Inc.     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.4. Grab Holdings Inc.     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.5. Free now (Daimler)     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.6. BlaBla Car     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.7. ANI Technologies Pvt. Ltd     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.8. FastGo Vietnam JSC     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.9. ZuumViet     Company Details     Key Product Offered     Recent Developments     Key Management Personnel

10.1.10.              Be Group JSC  Company Details  Key Product Offered  Recent Developments  Key Management Personnel 

11. Strategic Recommendations

11.1.           Key Focus Areas

11.1.1. Target Countries

11.1.2. Target By Material

11.1.3. Target By Vehicle Type

12. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the North America Ride hailing market was estimated to be USD 62 Billion in 2022.


In 2022, the dominant segment by vehicle type in the North American ride-hailing market was the four-wheeler segment. This is attributed to the increased preference for personal mobility, the need for social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rise in the number of ride-hailing service providers in the region.


The dominant country in the North American ride-hailing market is the United States. This dominance is largely due to the presence of major industry players like Uber and Lyft, coupled with high smartphone penetration and digital literacy among the population.


The major drivers for the North America ride-hailing market include increasing urbanization, the convenience of app-based transportation services, and a shift towards shared mobility, driven by factors like cost-effectiveness and reduced car ownership.


Srishti Verma

Business Consultant
Press Release

Ride hailing market to Grow with a CAGR of 5.72% in North America through to 2028

Nov, 2023

The major drivers for the North America ride-hailing market include increasing urbanization, the convenience of app-based transportation services, and a shift towards shared mobility, driven by facto