Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2024)

USD 58.91 Billion

Market Size (2030)

USD 112.69 Billion

CAGR (2025-2030)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market

South India

Market Overview

India IoT in Manufacturing market was valued at USD 58.91 Billion in 2024 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 11.25% through 2030. In India, the IoT (Internet of Things) in manufacturing is driven by several factors. These include the push towards industrial automation for efficiency gains, cost reduction through predictive maintenance and asset tracking, enhanced product quality through real-time monitoring, and the adoption of smart factory solutions to remain competitive globally. Additionally, government initiatives promoting digital transformation, increasing availability of affordable IoT devices and connectivity solutions, and the rising demand for customized manufacturing solutions are further accelerating the growth of IoT in the Indian manufacturing sector. These drivers collectively aim to modernize operations and drive sustainable growth in the industry.

Key Market Drivers

The India IoT (Internet of Things) in manufacturing market is experiencing significant growth driven by a multitude of factors that are reshaping the industry landscape. These drivers are essential in propelling adoption across various sectors within manufacturing, from automotive and electronics to pharmaceuticals and consumer goods.

One of the primary drivers is the pursuit of industrial automation and digital transformation. Indian manufacturers are increasingly turning to IoT technologies to automate processes and achieve higher levels of operational efficiency. Automation not only reduces labor costs but also minimizes human error, improves productivity, and enhances overall process reliability. This shift towards automation is crucial in a competitive global market where efficiency and agility are paramount.

Cost reduction through predictive maintenance and asset tracking is another critical driver. IoT enables manufacturers to monitor equipment health in real-time, predict potential failures before they occur, and schedule maintenance proactively. This predictive approach reduces downtime, extends the lifespan of machinery, and ultimately lowers maintenance costs. For industries in India looking to optimize their operational expenditures while maintaining high production standards, IoT-driven predictive maintenance is proving to be a game-changer.

Furthermore, the demand for improved product quality and consistency is fostering IoT adoption in manufacturing. Real-time monitoring of production processes allows for immediate identification of deviations from quality standards, enabling timely corrective actions. This capability not only enhances product quality but also reduces waste and rework, contributing to cost savings and customer satisfaction. In sectors like pharmaceuticals and food processing, where regulatory compliance and consumer safety are paramount, IoT plays a crucial role in ensuring adherence to stringent quality standards.

Government initiatives and policies promoting digital transformation are also pivotal in driving IoT adoption across the Indian manufacturing landscape. Programs such as "Make in India" and initiatives aimed at boosting the digital economy have incentivized businesses to invest in IoT technologies. Additionally, supportive policies around infrastructure development, technology integration, and skill development are creating an enabling environment for IoT implementation. Government-backed efforts to improve connectivity and expand digital infrastructure further facilitate the deployment of IoT solutions, particularly in remote or underserved regions.

The availability of affordable IoT devices and connectivity solutions is another significant driver fueling market growth. As the cost of sensors, actuators, and IoT-enabled devices continues to decrease, more manufacturers in India can afford to adopt these technologies at scale. Moreover, advancements in telecommunications infrastructure, including the rollout of 5G networks, promise faster data transmission speeds and lower latency, which are crucial for real-time IoT applications. This accessibility to affordable and reliable IoT hardware and connectivity solutions is democratizing access to digital transformation for manufacturers of all sizes across India.

In addition to cost savings and operational efficiencies, the shift towards IoT in manufacturing is driven by the need for enhanced competitiveness in the global market. Indian manufacturers are increasingly embracing smart factory solutions to improve agility, flexibility, and responsiveness to changing market demands. By leveraging IoT technologies, manufacturers can optimize supply chain management, streamline production processes, and customize products to meet diverse customer requirements. This adaptability and agility are essential for staying competitive in a rapidly evolving global economy.

Lastly, the growing demand for customized manufacturing solutions is accelerating IoT adoption in India. As consumer preferences become more diverse and niche markets emerge, manufacturers are under pressure to deliver personalized products efficiently and cost-effectively. IoT facilitates mass customization by enabling real-time data analysis, predictive analytics, and agile manufacturing practices. This capability allows manufacturers to quickly reconfigure production lines, adjust product specifications, and offer personalized experiences to customers, thereby gaining a competitive edge in the market.

The India IoT in manufacturing market is driven by a convergence of factors including industrial automation, cost reduction through predictive maintenance, enhanced product quality, government support for digital initiatives, affordability of IoT solutions, global competitiveness, and the demand for customized manufacturing. These drivers collectively underscore the transformative impact of IoT technologies on the Indian manufacturing sector, paving the way for increased efficiency, innovation, and sustainable growth in the years to come.

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Key Market Challenges

The adoption of IoT (Internet of Things) in manufacturing in India faces several key challenges that impact its growth and implementation across various sectors. One significant challenge is the complexity and integration issues associated with IoT deployment. Manufacturing environments often consist of diverse legacy systems, equipment from different vendors, and varying communication protocols. Integrating IoT devices with existing infrastructure while ensuring interoperability and seamless data exchange can be complex and costly. Manufacturers must navigate compatibility issues, data security concerns, and the need for specialized expertise to effectively deploy and manage IoT solutions.

Data security and privacy concerns represent another critical challenge for IoT adoption in manufacturing. With the proliferation of connected devices and the exchange of sensitive operational data, manufacturers are vulnerable to cybersecurity threats such as data breaches, hacking attempts, and malware attacks. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures, implementing encryption protocols, and adhering to data privacy regulations (such as GDPR and local data protection laws) are essential but challenging tasks for manufacturers, especially in an increasingly interconnected and digitally reliant ecosystem.

Scalability and interoperability limitations pose significant challenges for widespread IoT adoption in manufacturing. Many IoT solutions are designed for specific use cases or deployed in isolated pilot projects, making it challenging to scale up operations across entire manufacturing facilities or integrate IoT systems seamlessly across different production lines or facilities. Manufacturers need scalable IoT platforms that can accommodate growth, support multiple applications, and seamlessly integrate with existing IT and operational technology (OT) environments without disruption.

Lack of skilled workforce and expertise in IoT technologies is another barrier hindering adoption in the Indian manufacturing sector. IoT implementation requires a blend of IT and operational expertise to design, deploy, and maintain IoT infrastructure effectively. However, there is a shortage of professionals with specialized skills in IoT architecture, data analytics, cybersecurity, and system integration. Bridging this skills gap through training programs, certifications, and partnerships with educational institutions is crucial to building a capable workforce capable of driving successful IoT initiatives in manufacturing.

Infrastructure and connectivity challenges also impede IoT adoption in India's manufacturing sector. While urban areas may have relatively robust internet connectivity, rural and remote manufacturing facilities often face infrastructure limitations such as unreliable internet access, inadequate network coverage, and bandwidth constraints. These connectivity issues can hinder real-time data transmission, delay decision-making processes, and compromise the effectiveness of IoT applications in optimizing production processes and supply chain management.

Cost considerations remain a significant hurdle for many manufacturers looking to invest in IoT technologies. While the cost of IoT hardware and sensors has been decreasing, the initial investment in IoT infrastructure, software development, and ongoing maintenance can still be prohibitive for smaller enterprises or those operating on tight budgets. Manufacturers must carefully evaluate the return on investment (ROI) and long-term benefits of IoT deployment to justify upfront costs and secure necessary funding for implementation.

Regulatory compliance and standards also pose challenges for IoT adoption in manufacturing. Manufacturers must navigate complex regulatory frameworks governing data protection, product safety, environmental sustainability, and industry-specific standards. Adhering to these regulations while deploying IoT solutions requires careful planning, legal expertise, and ongoing compliance monitoring to mitigate risks and ensure operational continuity.

Cultural and organizational resistance to change represents a significant barrier to IoT adoption in manufacturing. Traditional manufacturing practices and organizational structures may resist the shift towards digital transformation and IoT-driven automation due to concerns over job displacement, workforce retraining, and perceived risks associated with technology adoption. Overcoming resistance requires strong leadership, change management strategies, and transparent communication to align organizational goals with the potential benefits of IoT in improving efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainability.

IoT offers transformative opportunities for enhancing operational efficiency, product quality, and competitiveness in India's manufacturing sector, several challenges must be addressed to realize its full potential. Overcoming complexities in integration, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures, addressing scalability and interoperability issues, bridging the skills gap, improving infrastructure and connectivity, managing costs, navigating regulatory requirements, and addressing cultural resistance are critical steps towards successful IoT adoption and sustainable growth in manufacturing.

Key Market Trends

The IoT (Internet of Things) landscape in manufacturing across India is marked by several key trends that are shaping the industry and driving adoption across various sectors.

One prominent trend is the increasing integration of IoT with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. Manufacturers are leveraging IoT-generated data to train AI and ML algorithms, enabling predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and automated decision-making. This convergence enhances operational efficiency by predicting equipment failures, optimizing production schedules, and improving overall process reliability. AI-powered insights derived from IoT data enable manufacturers to make data-driven decisions, reduce downtime, and enhance product quality, thereby gaining a competitive edge in the market.

Another significant trend is the rise of edge computing in IoT deployments within manufacturing environments. Edge computing involves processing data closer to the source (i.e., at the edge of the network), rather than relying solely on centralized cloud servers. This approach reduces latency, improves real-time data processing capabilities, and enhances operational responsiveness in manufacturing processes. Edge computing is particularly beneficial for applications requiring rapid data analysis, such as real-time monitoring of equipment performance, predictive maintenance, and quality control.

There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency in IoT-driven manufacturing initiatives in India. Manufacturers are adopting IoT-enabled smart energy management systems to monitor and optimize energy consumption across production facilities. IoT sensors and connected devices provide real-time insights into energy usage patterns, enabling proactive energy-saving measures, demand-response strategies, and optimization of resource utilization. These initiatives not only reduce operational costs but also support environmental sustainability goals by minimizing carbon footprint and promoting efficient use of natural resources.

The advent of 5G technology is also revolutionizing IoT capabilities in manufacturing. 5G networks offer significantly faster data transmission speeds, lower latency, and higher reliability compared to previous generations of cellular networks. This enables real-time communication between IoT devices, enhances scalability of IoT deployments, and supports mission-critical applications in manufacturing, such as remote equipment monitoring, autonomous robots, and augmented reality (AR) for maintenance and training purposes. The rollout of 5G infrastructure is expected to accelerate the adoption of IoT technologies in Indian manufacturing, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and efficiency.

Moreover, the shift towards outcome-based business models is gaining traction among manufacturers adopting IoT solutions. Instead of selling products outright, manufacturers are increasingly offering IoT-enabled services and solutions that deliver measurable business outcomes, such as improved equipment uptime, reduced maintenance costs, and guaranteed product performance. This shift towards servitization aligns with evolving customer preferences for value-driven solutions and creates new revenue streams for manufacturers by monetizing IoT-generated data and insights.

The concept of digital twins is gaining prominence in IoT-enabled manufacturing. A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical asset or process that mirrors its real-world counterpart in real time. By integrating IoT sensors with simulation and modeling technologies, manufacturers can create digital twins to monitor, analyze, and optimize operational performance. Digital twins facilitate predictive maintenance, scenario analysis, and continuous improvement initiatives by providing a holistic view of equipment behavior and performance metrics. This approach enhances decision-making capabilities, minimizes downtime, and supports agile response to dynamic market conditions.

Lastly, there is a growing focus on ecosystem partnerships and collaborative innovation in the IoT manufacturing space in India. Manufacturers are increasingly collaborating with technology providers, IoT platform developers, telecommunications companies, and research institutions to co-create solutions, share expertise, and accelerate innovation in IoT-enabled manufacturing. These partnerships foster synergies, drive technology adoption, and facilitate the development of integrated IoT ecosystems that streamline operations, enhance scalability, and address industry-specific challenges effectively.

The IoT landscape in Indian manufacturing is evolving rapidly, driven by trends such as AI and ML integration, edge computing, sustainability initiatives, 5G adoption, outcome-based business models, digital twins, and ecosystem partnerships. These trends underscore the transformative potential of IoT technologies in optimizing production processes, enhancing operational efficiency, and driving sustainable growth across the manufacturing sector. Embracing these trends can position manufacturers competitively in an increasingly digital and interconnected global marketplace.

Segmental Insights

Vertical Insights

The Energy & Utilities segment dominates the India IoT in Manufacturing market, In the India IoT in Manufacturing market, the Energy & Utilities segment stands out as a dominant force driving adoption and innovation. This sector leverages IoT technologies to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and address regulatory requirements in energy generation, distribution, and utility management.

One of the primary drivers within this segment is the need for operational efficiency and cost reduction. IoT enables real-time monitoring of energy infrastructure, including power plants, substations, and distribution networks. Sensors and smart meters collect data on energy consumption patterns, equipment performance, and grid stability, allowing utilities to identify inefficiencies, minimize downtime, and optimize energy distribution. Predictive maintenance based on IoT data helps utilities preemptively address equipment failures, reducing maintenance costs and improving asset lifespan.

The Energy & Utilities sector in India faces regulatory pressures to enhance transparency, ensure reliability, and comply with environmental standards. IoT solutions facilitate compliance by providing accurate data on energy usage, emissions, and environmental impact. Utilities can monitor emissions in real time, implement proactive measures to reduce carbon footprint, and demonstrate regulatory compliance through IoT-enabled reporting and monitoring systems.

IoT also plays a crucial role in promoting energy conservation and sustainability initiatives. Smart grid technologies powered by IoT enable demand-response mechanisms, energy storage optimization, and integration of renewable energy sources into the grid. These capabilities support India's goals of increasing renewable energy capacity, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and promoting sustainable development.

The integration of IoT with advanced analytics and AI enhances decision-making processes within the Energy & Utilities sector. Predictive analytics models analyze vast amounts of IoT-generated data to forecast energy demand, optimize resource allocation, and improve grid stability. AI-driven insights enable utilities to predict peak demand periods, adjust supply accordingly, and manage energy distribution more efficiently.

Overall, the Energy & Utilities segment's leadership in adopting IoT technologies underscores its commitment to operational excellence, regulatory compliance, and sustainable energy practices in India's manufacturing landscape. By embracing IoT-driven innovation, utilities can modernize infrastructure, enhance service delivery, and meet evolving customer expectations for reliable, efficient, and environmentally conscious energy solutions.

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Regional Insights

South India emerged as the dominating region in 2024, South India has emerged as a dominant region in the India IoT in Manufacturing market, driven by several factors that highlight its leadership in adopting and leveraging IoT technologies across various manufacturing sectors. One of the key drivers is the region's robust industrial base, encompassing sectors such as automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. These industries are increasingly integrating IoT solutions to enhance operational efficiency, optimize supply chain management, and improve product quality.

South India's strong ecosystem of technology hubs and research institutions fosters innovation and collaboration in IoT-driven manufacturing initiatives. Cities like Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad are renowned for their thriving startup ecosystems, technological expertise, and research capabilities in fields related to IoT, AI, and automation. This environment supports the development and deployment of cutting-edge IoT solutions tailored to the specific needs of manufacturing industries in the region.

The presence of multinational corporations (MNCs) and large-scale enterprises in South India contributes to the adoption of IoT technologies. These companies leverage IoT to modernize production processes, implement predictive maintenance strategies, and enhance operational visibility across their manufacturing facilities. The region's cosmopolitan nature and access to skilled talent further facilitate the deployment and management of IoT initiatives, driving continuous innovation and competitive advantage in the market.

South India's proactive approach to infrastructure development, including advancements in telecommunications and digital connectivity, enhances the scalability and effectiveness of IoT implementations. Reliable internet infrastructure and connectivity enable real-time data transmission, seamless integration of IoT devices, and support for mission-critical applications in manufacturing operations. This infrastructure readiness positions South India as a preferred destination for IoT investments and initiatives aimed at enhancing manufacturing capabilities, efficiency, and competitiveness on both domestic and global scales.

South India's leadership in the India IoT in Manufacturing market underscores its strategic advantages in industrial diversity, technological innovation, talent availability, and infrastructure readiness. By embracing IoT-driven digital transformation, the region continues to drive growth, innovation, and sustainable development across its manufacturing sectors, solidifying its position as a frontrunner in India's evolving IoT landscape.

Recent Developments

  • In 2022, CTRLS Datacenters Ltd planned to set up third and its largest hyperscale data center in Hyderabad. The proposed rated-4 (tier-4) data center will be equipped with 1,600 racks and powered by 18MW of electricity.

Key Market Players

  • IBM Corporation
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Schneider Electric SE
  • Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
  • Bosch Limited
  • SAP SE
  • General Electric Company
  • Zebra Technologies Corporation
  • By Component
  • By Application Area
  • By Vertical
  • By Region
  • Solutions
  • Services
  • Platforms
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Business Process Optimization
  • Asset Tracking & Management
  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Real-Time Workforce Tracking & Management
  • Automation Control & Management
  • Emergency & Incident Management
  • Business Communication
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Automotive
  • Food & Beverages
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Chemicals & Materials
  • High-Tech Products
  • Healthcare
  • Others
  • North India
  • South India
  • West India
  • East India     

Report Scope:

In this report, the India IoT in Manufacturing Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

·         India IoT in Manufacturing Market, By Component:

o   Solutions

o   Services

o   Platforms

·         India IoT in Manufacturing Market, By Application Area:

o   Predictive Maintenance

o   Business Process Optimization

o   Asset Tracking & Management

o   Logistics & Supply Chain Management

o   Real-Time Workforce Tracking & Management

o   Automation Control & Management

o   Emergency & Incident Management

o   Business Communication

·         India IoT in Manufacturing Market, By Vertical:

o   Energy & Utilities

o   Automotive

o   Food & Beverages

o   Aerospace & Defense

o   Chemicals & Materials

o   High-Tech Products

o   Healthcare

o   Others

·         India IoT in Manufacturing Market, By Region:

o   North India

o   South India

o   West India

o   East India

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the India IoT in Manufacturing Market.

Available Customizations:

India IoT in Manufacturing Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

India IoT in Manufacturing Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Service Overview

1.1.     Market Definition

1.2.     Scope of the Market

1.2.1.    Markets Covered

1.2.2.    Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.    Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1. Objective of the Study

2.2. Baseline Methodology

2.3. Key Industry Partners

2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5. Forecasting Methodology

2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7. Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

4.    Voice of Customers

4.1.  Brand Awareness

4.2.  Factors Considered while Selecting Service Providers

4.3.  Key Satisfaction Level

4.4.  Major Challenges Faced

5.    India IoT In Manufacturing Market Outlook

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast

5.1.1.    By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.    By Component (Solutions, Service, and Platform)

5.2.2.    By Application Area (Predictive Maintenance, Business Process Optimization, Asset Tracking & Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Real-Time Workforce Tracking & Management, Automation Control & Management, Emergency & Incident Management, and Business Communication)

5.2.3.    By Vertical (Energy & Utilities, Automotive, Food & Beverages, Aerospace & Defense, Chemicals & Materials, High-Tech Products, Healthcare, Others)

5.2.4.    By Region

5.3.  By Company (2024)

5.3.  Market Map

6.    North India IoT in Manufacturing Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Value

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Component

6.2.2.    By Application Area

6.2.3.    By Vertical

7.    South India IoT in Manufacturing Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Component

7.2.2.    By Application Area

7.2.3.    By Vertical

8.    West India IoT in Manufacturing Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.    By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Component

8.2.2.    By Application Area

8.2.3.    By Vertical

9.    East India IoT in Manufacturing Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.    By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Component

9.2.2.    By Application Area

9.2.3.    By Vertical

10. Market Dynamics

10.1. Drivers

10.2. Challenges

11. Market Trends & Developments

12. Impact of COVID-19 on India IoT in Manufacturing Market

13. Policy & Regulatory Landscape

14. India Economic Profile

15. Company Profiles

15.1.             IBM Corporation

15.1.1. Business Overview

15.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.1.3. Recent Developments

15.1.4. Key Personnel

15.1.5. Key Product/Services

15.2.             Cisco Systems, Inc.

15.2.1. Business Overview

15.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.2.3. Recent Developments

15.2.4. Key Personnel

15.2.5. Key Product/Services

15.3.             Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

15.3.1. Business Overview

15.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.3.3. Recent Developments

15.3.4. Key Personnel

15.3.5. Key Product/Services

15.4.             Microsoft Corporation 

15.4.1. Business Overview

15.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.4.3. Recent Developments

15.4.4. Key Personnel

15.4.5. Key Product/Services

15.5.             Schneider Electric SE

15.5.1. Business Overview

15.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.5.3. Recent Developments

15.5.4. Key Personnel

15.5.5. Key Product/Services

15.6.             Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd.

15.6.1. Business Overview

15.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.6.3. Recent Developments

15.6.4. Key Personnel

15.6.5. Key Product/Services

15.7.             Bosch Limited

15.7.1. Business Overview

15.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.7.3. Recent Developments

15.7.4. Key Personnel

15.7.5. Key Product/Services

15.8.             SAP SE

15.8.1. Business Overview

15.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.8.3. Recent Developments

15.8.4. Key Personnel

15.8.5. Key Product/Services

15.9.             General Electric Company

15.9.1. Business Overview

15.9.2. Key Revenue and Financials

15.9.3. Recent Developments

15.9.4. Key Personnel

15.9.5. Key Product/Services

15.10.          Zebra Technologies Corporation

15.10.1.              Business Overview

15.10.2.              Key Revenue and Financials

15.10.3.              Recent Developments

15.10.4.              Key Personnel

15.10.5.              Key Product/Services

16. Strategic Recommendations

17. About Us & Disclaimer

Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


India IoT in Manufacturing market was valued at USD 58.91 Billion in 2024.


India has recently enacted regulations related to Internet of Things (IoT) in the manufacturing sector, to ensure safe and secure use of IoT technologies. Manufacturers are required to meet these regulations when deploying IoT solutions in the manufacturing sector, and to demonstrate compliance through regular audits and inspections. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in fines or other penalties.


The main drivers of India's IoT in manufacturing market include government initiatives like "Make in India," rising adoption of Industry 4.0, increasing demand for automation and data analytics, improved operational efficiency, and the proliferation of affordable IoT devices.


The main challenges of India's IoT in manufacturing market include high implementation costs, lack of skilled workforce, cybersecurity concerns, inadequate infrastructure, data privacy issues, and resistance to change from traditional manufacturing practices.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

India IoT in Manufacturing Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.25% Through 2030

Jun, 2024

Government initiatives related to the industry 4.0 are expected to increase the adoption rate of IoT devices, during the forecast period of 2026-2030.