Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 59.32 Billion

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment

Consumer Electronics

Largest Market

 South Region

Market Overview

The India Internet of Things (IoT) market was valued at USD 59.32 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 18.84% during the forecast period. The Internet of Things (IoT) market in India has been on a remarkable trajectory of growth and transformation in recent years. As one of the world's largest and fastest-growing economies, India has become a hotbed for IoT innovation and adoption across various sectors. This burgeoning market is not only shaping the country's technological landscape but also revolutionizing industries, improving efficiency, sustainability, and the quality of life for millions of people. One of the key drivers of IoT growth in India is the government's ambitious "Digital India" initiative. Launched in 2015, this comprehensive program aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Under this initiative, the government has focused on improving digital infrastructure, enhancing connectivity, and promoting the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, including IoT. These efforts have created a conducive environment for IoT development and deployment. Agriculture is one of the sectors where IoT is making a significant impact in India. With a substantial portion of the population engaged in farming, technology-driven solutions have the potential to revolutionize agriculture and improve food security. IoT sensors are being used to monitor soil conditions, crop health, and weather patterns in real-time. Farmers can access this data through their smartphones, enabling data-driven decision-making. By optimizing irrigation and crop management, IoT is helping to increase crop yields, reduce resource wastage, and enhance overall agricultural productivity. The healthcare sector in India is also experiencing a substantial IoT-driven transformation. The adoption of connected medical devices, remote monitoring solutions, and telemedicine platforms is expanding access to healthcare services, particularly in remote and underserved areas. IoT-enabled devices can monitor patients' vital signs and transmit data to healthcare providers, allowing for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, highlighting the value of IoT in healthcare. In the realm of smart cities, India is making significant strides. The government has identified the development of smart cities as a top priority, with a vision to create urban centers that are efficient, sustainable, and technologically advanced. IoT plays a pivotal role in achieving this vision. Smart city initiatives encompass a wide range of applications, including smart street lighting, waste management systems, traffic management, and public safety enhancements. Through IoT technology, cities can optimize resource utilization, reduce energy consumption, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents. Manufacturing in India is undergoing a transformation driven by Industry 4.0 concepts, and IoT is at the heart of this evolution. Smart factories equipped with IoT sensors and connected machinery are becoming increasingly common. These sensors collect real-time data on machine performance, enabling predictive maintenance to reduce downtime and improve productivity. IoT-driven supply chain and logistics solutions are also streamlining operations, providing end-to-end visibility into the movement of goods, and helping companies optimize their distribution networks. Moreover, the consumer IoT market in India is flourishing. Smart home devices, wearable technology, and connected appliances are gaining popularity among Indian consumers. These IoT-enabled products offer convenience, energy efficiency, and security benefits. Smart speakers, thermostats, and security cameras are just a few examples of IoT devices that are becoming commonplace in Indian households. As consumer awareness and disposable incomes continue to rise, the consumer IoT market is expected to expand further. However, while the growth of the IoT market in India is promising, it is not without its challenges. Data privacy and security concerns are paramount and addressing them is crucial to build trust among consumers and businesses. The sheer volume of data generated by IoT devices presents significant cybersecurity risks that need to be mitigated. Additionally, ensuring interoperability among different IoT devices and platforms remains a challenge, as the market is flooded with a multitude of proprietary solutions. Another challenge is the shortage of skilled professionals with expertise in IoT technology. The rapid pace of IoT development requires a workforce that is well-versed in areas such as data analytics, machine learning, and cybersecurity. Upskilling the workforce to meet these demands is essential for sustaining IoT growth. In conclusion, the Internet of Things market in India is experiencing remarkable growth and holds immense potential for further development. With government support, increasing awareness, and industry innovations, IoT is poised to reshape various sectors, drive economic growth, and improve the lives of millions of Indians. Nevertheless, addressing challenges such as data privacy, security, interoperability, and workforce development will be pivotal to unlock the full potential of IoT in India and ensure a sustainable and secure digital future. As India continues to embrace the IoT revolution, it is positioned to become a global leader in this transformative technology.

Key Market Drivers

Government Initiatives and Policies

The Internet of Things (IoT) market in India is experiencing robust growth, thanks in large part to the proactive role played by the government. One of the key market drivers is the series of ambitious initiatives and policies aimed at fostering IoT development and adoption. The "Digital India" program, launched in 2015, has been instrumental in shaping India's digital landscape. It focuses on improving digital infrastructure, increasing connectivity, and promoting the adoption of advanced technologies, including IoT. Under the "Make in India" initiative, the government has also encouraged domestic manufacturing of IoT devices and components. This has not only spurred innovation but has also created a conducive environment for local IoT startups and enterprises to flourish. Furthermore, the National Telecom Policy 2018 emphasized the importance of IoT for India's economic development and outlined strategies to promote its growth.

The government's commitment to building smart cities across the country has been a significant driver of IoT adoption. The Smart Cities Mission, launched in 2015, aims to transform urban areas into technologically advanced, efficient, and sustainable centers. IoT plays a pivotal role in achieving this vision, with various smart city projects leveraging IoT sensors and connectivity for applications like smart transportation, waste management, and energy optimization. Additionally, the government has introduced regulatory frameworks to ensure the responsible and secure deployment of IoT technology. The draft IoT policy, released in 2015, provides guidelines on data privacy, security, and standardization.

Increasing Demand for Industrial IoT (IIoT) Solutions

The Indian industrial landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, and the adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions is emerging as a prominent market driver. Various sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics, are increasingly recognizing the potential of IIoT in improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing productivity. In manufacturing, Industry 4.0 concepts are gaining momentum, with IoT at the core of these innovations. Smart factories equipped with IoT sensors and connected machinery are becoming commonplace. These sensors collect real-time data on machine performance, enabling predictive maintenance to reduce downtime and improve overall productivity. Supply chain and logistics operations are also benefiting from IIoT solutions, as they provide end-to-end visibility into the movement of goods, helping companies optimize their distribution networks and reduce operational inefficiencies.

Agriculture is another sector witnessing a surge in IIoT adoption. India's agriculture sector is a significant contributor to its economy, and the use of IoT sensors for monitoring soil conditions, crop health, and weather patterns is transforming traditional farming practices. By providing farmers with actionable data, IIoT solutions are helping optimize irrigation, reduce resource wastage, and increase crop yields. Additionally, the healthcare industry is leveraging IIoT for advanced medical devices and remote patient monitoring. IoT-enabled medical devices can collect and transmit patient data to healthcare providers in real-time, enabling timely interventions and improving patient outcomes, particularly in remote and underserved areas.

Growing Consumer IoT Market

The consumer IoT market in India is experiencing rapid growth, driven by increasing consumer awareness, rising disposable incomes, and the desire for convenience and smart living. Indian consumers are embracing a wide range of IoT-enabled devices and solutions that enhance their everyday lives. Smart home devices are among the most popular consumer IoT products. These include smart speakers, thermostats, lighting systems, and security cameras, all designed to provide greater control and convenience in managing one's home. With the growing trend of remote work and digital entertainment, smart home solutions have become even more relevant, allowing users to control various aspects of their homes through smartphone apps or voice commands.

Wearable technology is also gaining traction in India, with fitness trackers and smartwatches becoming increasingly common. These devices help individuals monitor their health and fitness goals, providing real-time data on physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns. Furthermore, the adoption of connected appliances such as smart refrigerators, washing machines, and air purifiers is on the rise. These appliances offer energy efficiency and convenience features, making them attractive to consumers. As the consumer IoT market continues to expand, it presents significant opportunities for both domestic and international IoT manufacturers and service providers. The demand for innovative and affordable consumer IoT products is expected to drive further growth in this segment.

Increasing Awareness and Digital Literacy

Another crucial driver for the IoT market in India is the increasing awareness and digital literacy among the population. As more people gain access to smartphones and the internet, there is a growing understanding of the benefits and possibilities offered by IoT technology. This awareness is not limited to urban areas; it extends to rural regions as well, where initiatives like the Digital India program have improved digital infrastructure and connectivity. Farmers, for example, are increasingly using smartphones and IoT solutions to access weather forecasts, market prices, and agricultural information. Moreover, educational institutions and training programs are focusing on IoT-related skills, fostering a workforce capable of developing and implementing IoT solutions. This digital literacy is vital for the sustainable growth of the IoT market, as it enables businesses and individuals to harness the full potential of IoT technology.

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Key Market Challenges

Data Privacy and Security Concerns

One of the most significant challenges facing the Internet of Things (IoT) market in India is the issue of data privacy and security. As IoT devices proliferate and collect vast amounts of data from various sources, concerns about the protection and misuse of this data have come to the forefront. One major challenge is the potential for data breaches and cyberattacks. IoT devices often have limited security measures in place, making them vulnerable to hacking attempts. Inadequately protected devices can serve as entry points for cybercriminals to gain access to networks and sensitive information. This poses a significant threat not only to individuals but also to businesses, government agencies, and critical infrastructure.

Furthermore, the sheer volume of data generated by IoT devices presents challenges in terms of data storage and management. Ensuring that this data is stored securely and compliant with data protection regulations is a complex task. India introduced the Personal Data Protection Bill in 2019, which aims to regulate the collection and use of personal data. However, the implementation of such regulations and ensuring compliance across a wide range of IoT devices and applications is a daunting challenge. Privacy concerns are also a significant issue. IoT devices often collect data about individuals, including their daily routines, preferences, and behaviors. Without clear consent and robust privacy safeguards, there is a risk that this data can be misused or shared without individuals' knowledge or consent. Striking the right balance between collecting valuable data for improving services and respecting individuals' privacy rights is a complex challenge.

Interoperability and Standards

Interoperability and standards are significant challenges in the Indian IoT market. With a plethora of IoT devices, platforms, and technologies available, ensuring that they can seamlessly communicate, and work together is essential for the growth and scalability of IoT solutions. One of the key issues is the lack of standardized communication protocols in the IoT ecosystem. Different manufacturers often use proprietary communication protocols and standards, making it challenging for devices from different vendors to interoperate. This fragmentation can lead to compatibility issues, hindering the seamless exchange of data and functionality between devices.

Moreover, the absence of interoperability standards complicates the integration of IoT solutions into existing infrastructure. Many businesses and organizations face difficulties when attempting to incorporate IoT devices into their operations, as these devices may not readily integrate with their existing systems or other IoT devices. This lack of interoperability can result in additional costs, delays, and complexity in IoT deployment. Furthermore, the absence of well-defined security standards for IoT devices and networks exacerbates the security challenges mentioned earlier. Varying security measures across different IoT devices can create vulnerabilities, and the lack of standardized security practices makes it harder to ensure robust protection against cyber threats.

Key Market Trends

Edge Computing and IoT Integration

One of the prominent trends shaping the Internet of Things (IoT) market in India is the increasing integration of IoT with edge computing. Edge computing involves processing data closer to the source of generation, such as IoT devices, rather than sending all data to centralized cloud servers. This trend is gaining momentum in India due to several factors. First, India has a diverse and vast geography, with many remote and underserved areas where reliable internet connectivity can be a challenge. Edge computing allows IoT devices to function efficiently even in low-bandwidth or intermittent connectivity environments. For example, in agriculture, IoT sensors can process data locally to make real-time decisions about irrigation or crop health without relying on a constant cloud connection.

Second, edge computing reduces latency, making it well-suited for applications where real-time responsiveness is critical. Industries like healthcare and manufacturing benefit from minimal delays in data processing. In healthcare, for instance, wearable IoT devices can quickly analyse patient data at the edge to provide timely alerts or interventions. Third, edge computing enhances data privacy and security. By processing sensitive data locally, it reduces the risk of data breaches during transit to centralized servers. This aspect is particularly significant given the increasing emphasis on data privacy and security regulations in India. As the adoption of edge computing continues to grow, it is expected to reshape IoT architectures, enabling more efficient and responsive IoT applications across various industries in India.

AI and Machine Learning Integration in IoT

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies with IoT is a prominent trend in the Indian IoT market. AI and ML enable IoT devices to analyse and learn from data, making them smarter and more adaptive. This trend is driving significant advancements and creating new possibilities in various sectors. In agriculture, AI-powered IoT systems can analyse data from sensors, satellites, and weather forecasts to provide precise recommendations for planting, irrigation, and crop protection. This data-driven approach helps farmers optimize resource usage and increase yields. In healthcare, AI-driven IoT devices can perform advanced analytics on patient data, enabling early diagnosis of diseases and personalized treatment plans. Wearable health monitors, for example, can continuously collect data and use AI algorithms to detect anomalies or trends that may require medical attention. In smart cities, AI-enhanced IoT systems play a crucial role in traffic management, energy optimization, and public safety. AI algorithms can process data from cameras, sensors, and other IoT devices to predict traffic patterns, optimize energy consumption in buildings, and identify security threats. Furthermore, the integration of AI and IoT is contributing to the development of autonomous systems and robotics. These systems can operate independently, making decisions based on real-time data and adapting to changing environments. In industries like logistics and manufacturing, autonomous robots powered by AI and IoT are improving efficiency and reducing human intervention.

Sustainable IoT Solutions and Green Technology

Sustainability and environmental consciousness are becoming increasingly important factors in the Indian IoT market. With growing concerns about climate change and resource conservation, there is a notable trend towards the development and adoption of sustainable IoT solutions and green technology. One aspect of this trend involves the use of IoT in environmental monitoring and conservation efforts. IoT sensors are being deployed to monitor air quality, water quality, and soil conditions. This data is essential for early detection of pollution, efficient resource management, and the preservation of natural ecosystems. For instance, IoT-based water quality monitoring systems help in the efficient management of water resources, ensuring clean and safe water for communities.

Smart buildings and cities are also incorporating sustainable IoT solutions. Energy-efficient IoT sensors and devices are used to optimize lighting, heating, cooling, and energy consumption. By intelligently adjusting these systems based on occupancy and environmental conditions, significant energy savings can be achieved. This aligns with India's goal of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The transportation sector is witnessing the adoption of IoT to promote sustainability. Smart transportation systems utilize IoT sensors to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and minimize emissions. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, which can be managed through IoT platforms, is expanding to support the transition to cleaner modes of transportation. Furthermore, IoT is facilitating the growth of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. IoT devices monitor and control renewable energy systems, ensuring efficient generation and distribution of clean energy.

Segmental Insights

Platform Insights

Based on platform, the application management segment emerges as the predominant segment in the India Internet of Things (IoT) market, exhibiting unwavering dominance projected throughout the forecast period. This commanding position reflects the pivotal role that application management plays in orchestrating and optimizing IoT ecosystems. As IoT adoption continues to accelerate across various sectors in India, businesses and organizations increasingly rely on robust application management platforms to harness the full potential of their IoT deployments. These platforms streamline the collection, processing, and analysis of vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices, providing actionable insights and driving operational efficiency. Moreover, they enable the seamless integration of IoT solutions into existing infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and scalability. As IoT continues to transform industries and shape India's technological landscape, the application management segment's steadfast prominence underscores its critical contribution to the success and sustainability of IoT initiatives nationwide.

Application Insights

Based on application, the consumer electronics segment in the India Internet of Things (IoT) market emerges as a formidable frontrunner, exerting its dominance and shaping the market's trajectory throughout the forecast period. This segment's remarkable ascendancy is a testament to the profound impact of IoT on the daily lives of Indian consumers. With the burgeoning middle-class population and increasing digital connectivity, consumer demand for smart and connected devices is surging. From smart TVs and home automation systems to wearable gadgets and smart appliances, IoT is weaving a seamless web of convenience, efficiency, and connectivity into the fabric of Indian households. This segment's dominance underscores its pivotal role in shaping the future of IoT in India, reflecting the profound influence of IoT technology on enhancing lifestyles and setting the stage for continued innovation and growth in the consumer electronics sector. As consumer expectations continue to evolve, the consumer electronics segment is set to remain at the forefront of IoT adoption, driving innovation, and delivering transformative experiences to Indian households.

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Regional Insights

South Region firmly establishes itself as a commanding presence within the India Internet of Things (IoT) market, affirming its preeminent position, and highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the industry's course. This region, encompassing states like Karnataka, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu, has emerged as a hotbed for IoT innovation and adoption. At the forefront of this technological revolution is the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore, which has earned its reputation as a global technology hub. Bangalore has become a thriving ecosystem for IoT startups, research institutions, and multinational technology giants. The city's robust infrastructure, skilled workforce, and a culture of innovation have propelled it to the forefront of IoT development. Moreover, cities like Hyderabad and Chennai have also made significant strides in IoT implementation, particularly in sectors like healthcare, smart cities, and manufacturing. With a strong focus on research and development, investment in IoT-related technologies, and a conducive business environment, the South Region continues to lead the charge in shaping the IoT landscape in India, fostering innovation, economic growth, and technological advancement.

Recent Developments

  • In December 2022, Aeris announced that it would acquire Ericsson's IoT business. The acquisition was completed in March 2023. Ericsson's IoT business included its IoT Accelerator and Connected Vehicle Cloud businesses. The acquisition of Ericsson's IoT business made Aeris one of the largest IoT-first connectivity management service platforms in the world. Aeris now manages more than 100 million connected devices for over 9,400 enterprises. The acquisition of Ericsson's IoT business is a significant development for the IoT market. It shows that Aeris is committed to being a leader in the IoT market and that it is willing to invest to achieve its goals. The acquisition also shows that Ericsson is confident that Aeris is the best company to manage its IoT business. The acquisition of Ericsson's IoT business is likely to have several positive impacts on the IoT market. First, it will help to accelerate the adoption of IoT technologies. Second, it will lead to the development of new and innovative IoT solutions. Third, it will help to improve the quality of IoT services.
  • In May 2023, the acquisition of Tata Consultancy Services' (TCS) IoT business by Tata Communications marks a significant development in the Indian IoT landscape. While the financial details remain undisclosed, this moves underscores Tata Communications' commitment to expanding its presence in the IoT sector and solidifying its position as a prominent provider of IoT solutions in India. The synergy between the two Tata Group companies is expected to bring together TCS's expertise in IT services and solutions with Tata Communications' strengths in telecommunications and IoT connectivity. This strategic acquisition is likely to enable Tata Communications to offer a broader and more comprehensive suite of IoT services to its customers, fostering innovation and driving IoT adoption across various industries in India. It will be interesting to watch how this acquisition shapes the competitive landscape of IoT service providers in the country and contributes to the growth and development of IoT solutions in the Indian market.

Key Market Players

  • Tata Communications Limited
  • Infosys Limited
  • Wipro Limited
  • HCL Technologies Limited
  • Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited
  • Tech Mahindra Limited
  • Accenture India Private Limited
  • IBM India Private Limited
  • Microsoft India Private Limited
  • Amazon Web Services India Private Limited

By Component

By Platform

By End User

By Region

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Services
  • Device Management
  • Application Management
  • Network Management
  • Data Management
  • Others
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Smart Mobility & Transportation
  • Building & Home Automation
  • Connected Logistics
  • Smart Retail
  • Others
  • North Region
  • South Region
  • West Region
  • East Region


Report Scope:

In this report, the India Internet of Things (IoT) market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

·         India Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Component:

o   Hardware

o   Software

o   Services

·         India Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Platform:

o   Device Management

o   Application Management

o   Network Management

o   Data Management

o   Others

·         India Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Application:

o   Consumer Electronics

o   Smart Mobility & Transportation

o   Building & Home Automation

o   Connected Logistics

o   Smart Retail

o   Others

·         India Internet of Things (IoT) Market, By Region:

o   North Region

o   South Region

o   West Region

o   East Region

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the India Internet of Things (IoT) Market.

Available Customizations:

India Internet of Things (IoT) market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

India Internet of Things (IoT) Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]     

Table of content

1.    Product Overview

1.1.  Market Definition

1.2.  Scope of the Market

1.2.1.  Markets Covered

1.2.2.  Years Considered for Study

1.2.3.  Key Market Segmentations

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7.  Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary

4.    Impact of COVID-19 on India Internet of Things (IoT) Market

5.    Voice of Customer

6.    India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Overview

7.    India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.       By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.      By Component (Hardware, Software, and Services)

7.2.2.      By Platform (Device Management, Application Management, Network Management, Data Management, and Others)

7.2.3.      By Application (Consumer Electronics, Smart Mobility & Transportation, Building & Home Automation, Connected Logistics, Smart Retail, and Others)

7.2.4.      By Region (North Region, South Region, West Region, and East Region)

7.2.5.      By Company (2023)

7.3.  Market Map

8.    North India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.       By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.      By Component

8.2.2.      By Platform

8.2.3.      By Application

9.    South India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.       By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.      By Component

9.2.2.      By Platform

9.2.3.      By Application

10. West India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook

10.1.   Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.    By Value

10.2.   Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1.    By Component

10.2.2.    By Platform

10.2.3.    By Application

11. East India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Outlook

11.1.   Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1.    By Value

11.2.   Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1.    By Component

11.2.2.    By Platform

11.2.3.    By Application

12. Market Dynamics

12.1.   Drivers

12.2.   Challenges

13. Market Trends and Developments

14. Company Profiles

14.1.   Tata Communications Limited

14.1.1. Business Overview

14.1.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.1.3. Key Contact Person

14.1.4. Headquarters Address

14.1.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.2.   Infosys Limited

14.2.1. Business Overview

14.2.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.2.3. Key Contact Person

14.2.4. Headquarters Address

14.2.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.3.   Wipro Limited

14.3.1. Business Overview

14.3.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.3.3. Key Contact Person

14.3.4. Headquarters Address

14.3.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.4.   HCL Technologies Limited

14.4.1. Business Overview

14.4.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.4.3. Key Contact Person

14.4.4. Headquarters Address

14.4.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.5.   Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited

14.5.1. Business Overview

14.5.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.5.3. Key Contact Person

14.5.4. Headquarters Address

14.5.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.6.   Tech Mahindra Limited

14.6.1. Business Overview

14.6.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.6.3. Key Contact Person

14.6.4. Headquarters Address

14.6.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.7.   Accenture India Private Limited

14.7.1. Business Overview

14.7.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.7.3. Key Contact Person

14.7.4. Headquarters Address

14.7.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.8.   IBM India Private Limited

14.8.1. Business Overview

14.8.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.8.3. Key Contact Person

14.8.4. Headquarters Address

14.8.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.9.   Microsoft India Private Limited

14.9.1. Business Overview

14.9.2. Key Financials & Revenue

14.9.3. Key Contact Person

14.9.4. Headquarters Address

14.9.5. Key Product/Service Offered

14.10. Amazon Web Services India Private Limited

14.10.1.  Business Overview

14.10.2.  Key Financials & Revenue

14.10.3.  Key Contact Person

14.10.4.  Headquarters Address

14.10.5.  Key Product/Service Offered

15. Strategic Recommendations

16. About Us & Disclaimer


Figures and Tables

Frequently asked questions


The market size of the India Internet of Things (IoT) market was USD 59.32 billion in 2023.


Software was the dominant segment by component in the India Internet of Things (IoT) market. In the realm of IoT, software encompasses a wide range of components and applications, including IoT platforms, data analytics software, security solutions, and application management systems. These software elements are instrumental in enabling IoT devices to collect, transmit, and process data, turning raw information into actionable insights for businesses and organizations.


Key players in the market are Tata Communications Limited, Infosys Limited, Wipro Limited, HCL Technologies Limited, Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited, Tech Mahindra Limited, Accenture India Private Limited, IBM India Private Limited, Microsoft India Private Limited, Amazon Web Services India Private Limited, and others.


Increasing demand for industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions, increasing awareness and digital literacy and growing consumer IoT market are the major drivers for the India Internet of Things (IoT) market.


Sakshi Bajaal

Business Consultant
Press Release

India Internet of Things (IoT) Market to be Led by Growing Consumer IoT Market

Oct, 2023

Increasing Demand for Industrial IoT (IIoT) Solutions propelling India Internet of Things (IoT) market during the forecast period 2019-2029