Figure 1: SaaS Market Size & Growth in China, 2008-2011 (US$ Millions)
Figure 2: Forecast China SaaS Market Size & Growth 2012-2016 (US$ Millions)
Figure 3: SaaS Awareness among Enterprises in China
Figure 4: Familiarity level of SaaS among China Enterprises
Figure 5: SaaS Application Used By Enterprises in China
Figure 6: Primary Reason For Adopting SaaS By China Enterprises
Figure 7: All reasons for adopting SaaS by China Enterprises
Figure 8: Primary Reason for not considering SaaS
Figure 9: SaaS Satisfaction in Different Applications
Figure 10: SaaS Integration in Enterprises
Figure 11: Pricing Model of SaaS Adopters in APAC
Figure 12: SaaS Buyers in Enterprises
Figure 13: Influencers of SaaS Purchase Decisions
Figure 14: Time frame for Making SaaS purchases by Potential Buyers
Figure 15: SaaS Applications demand as expressed by Potential buyers
Figure 16: Importance of Local Resellers/Agent during SaaS purchases
Figure 17: SaaS Channels through which purchases were made.
Figure 18: Benefits of Reseller/Agents
Figure 19: Enterprise Applications SaaS Market Size Distribution By Vertical
Figure 20: Enterprise Application SaaS Market Size Distribution By Region