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Report Description

Brazil is the third largest energy market in the Americas, after the United States and Canada, and its growing power sector is the largest in Latin America. Electricity consumption growth rates fluctuate at around 5% per year, demanding the entrance of an average of 3 GW every year. Brazil aspires to become the fourth country in the world in terms of wind turbines installed capacity in 2012 and the sixth global wind energy producer by 2016. Considering the growth rate and the expansion plans of the companies coupled with the positive wind power policies of the Brazilian government, it is expected that Brazil wind power market will prove robust growth trajectory in the coming years.

According to “Brazil Wind Power Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2017” Brazil's blustery coastlines and booming electricity demand have spurred a wind-power gold rush as investors flock to build turbines and set up wind farms. The market is still on the path of major developments and achievements in the coming years. With significant support from government, in terms of promising initiatives and attractive incentives, the Brazilian wind energy industry is poised to grow in the future. “Brazil Wind Power Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2017” discusses the following aspects related to Wind Power in Brazil:

  • Installed Capacity by Region, Province and Wind Farm Developer
  • Onshore & Offshore Wind Power Capacity Utilization
  • Wind Power Reserves & Potential
  • Overview of Wind Turbine Market
  • Market Trends & Opportunities
  • Regulatory & Tariff Structure
  • Competitive Landscape & Strategic Recommendations

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  • To gain an in-depth understanding of wind power market dynamics in Brazil.
  • To obtain research based businesses decisions and add weight to presentations and marketing materials.
  • To gain competitive knowledge of leading players.
  • The forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop by 2017?
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Report Methodology 

The information contained in this report is based upon both primary and secondary sources. Primary research included interviews with stakeholders of the industry. Secondary research included an exhaustive search of relevant publications like newspapers, websites, and proprietary databases.

Table of content

Table of content

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Brazil Power Market Scenario
    1. Installed Capacity
    2. Electricity Generation in Brazil
    3. Institutional Arrangement of Brazilian Power Sector
    4. Electricity Pricing
  3. Brazil Renewable Energy Market Scenario
    1. Hydro Energy
    2. Ethanol
    3. Wind Energy
  4. Brazil Wind Energy Market Outlook
    1. Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2000-11
    2. Cumulative Installed Capacity Forecast, 2012-17
    3. By States
    4. By Wind Farm Developer
    5. Wind Farm Capacity Utilization
    6. Wind Farms in Brazil- Top 10 Active Wind Farms
    7. Tariff Structure
  5. Wind Power Reserves & Potential
    1. Geographic Distribution
    2. Offshore v/s Onshore Potential
  6. Brazil Wind Turbine Market
  7. Drivers & Restraints
    1. Market Drivers
    2. Market Restraints
  8. Policy & Regulatory Landscape
    1. Program of Incentives for Alternate Electricity Sources- PROINFA
    2. Brazil National Climate Change Plan
    3. Luz Para Todos (Light For All) Electrification Program
    4. Federal Law 9.991/00
    5. India-Brazil-South Africa Declaration on Clean Energy
  9. Market Trends & Developments
    1. Significant Investments in the Sector
    2. Wind Power Becomes Cost Competitive With Natural Gas. Will it be sustainable?
    3. Wind Power Auctions In Brazil
    4. Brazil leads Latin America Wind Power Market
  10. Competitive Landscape
    1. The Wobben Windpower Industria e Comercio Ltda.
    2. Renova Energia
    3. Suzlon Energia Eolica do Brasil Ltda.
    4. Alstom Brazil
    5. Desa Dobreve Energia S.A.
    6. GE Wind Brazil
    7. Enerfin/Elecnor
    8. Vestas Brazil
    9. IMPSA Brazil
  11. Strategic Recommendations

Figures and Tables

List of Figures:
Figure 1: Installed Capacity & Future Forecast of Brazil Power Market (GW), 2000–17
Figure 2: Electricity Generation in Brazil (TWh), 2006–10
Figure 3: Electricity Generation Forecast in Brazil (TWh), 2011–17
Figure 4: Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, 2010
Figure 5: Electricity Generation by Fuel Type Forecast, 2017
Figure 6: Current Structure of the Brazil Power Sector 
Figure 7: Hydroelectricity Consumption in Brazil (TWh), 2000–11
Figure 8: Brazilian Ethanol Production 2000-11
Figure 9: Brazil Wind Power Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2011
Figure 10: Wind Power Capacity Addition (MW), 2006-2011
Figure 11: Cumulative Wind Power Installed Capacity Forecast (MW), 2011-2017
Figure 12: Total Wind Power Installed Capacity by State, 2011
Figure 13: Total Wind Power Installed Capacity by State Forecast, 2017
Figure 14: Wind Speed Resources Map
Figure 15: Brazil Wind Power Resources Map
Figure 16: Expected Distribution of Installed Capacity under PROINFA Program, by Region and by Energy Type
Figure 17: Brazil Planned Installations under the LpT Program
Figure 18: Brazil Actual installations under the LpT program (till 2008)

List of Tables:
Table 1: Electricity Prices in Brazil, 2006–08
Table 2: List of Wind Farms in Brazil
Table 3: Tariff Details of PROINFA Program in Brazil
Table 4: List of Main Wind Turbine Manufacturers by 2011
Table 5: List of wind farms with the turbine manufacturer
Table 6: Program of Incentives for Alternative Electricity Sources – PROINFA
Table 7: List of PROINFA’s First Phase Wind Projects
Table 8: Brazil National Climate Change Plan
Table 9: Brazil Light for All Electrification Program 
Table 10: Fund Allocation as a Result of Brazilian Law 10.848/04
Table 11: India–Brazil–South Africa Declaration on Clean Energy

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