Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2022)

USD 3.78 Billion

CAGR (2023-2028)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market


Market Overview

ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market has valued at USD 3.78 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 4.20%. The ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market is currently experiencing remarkable growth, driven by the thriving transport and logistics industry across the region. This growth can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, rapid urbanization has led to an increased demand for commercial vehicles to support the growing population and urban infrastructure. As cities expand and develop, the need for efficient transportation of goods becomes even more crucial. This, in turn, fuels the demand for durable and high-quality commercial vehicle tires that can withstand the demands of urban environments.

Secondly, extensive infrastructure development initiatives, such as the construction of highways and transportation networks, have further contributed to the demand for commercial vehicles and subsequently, commercial vehicle tires. The expansion of road networks and transportation systems facilitates smoother movement of goods and materials, driving the need for reliable tires that can handle long-distance journeys and varying road conditions.

Moreover, the expanding industrial sector in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam has fueled the surge in demand for commercial vehicles. As these countries continue to witness economic growth and attract investments, the need for efficient transportation of goods and materials has become paramount. Industries such as manufacturing, construction, and agriculture heavily rely on commercial vehicles to transport their products and materials, creating a steady demand for commercial vehicle tires.

Despite the positive outlook, the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market does face certain challenges. Fluctuating raw material costs pose a significant challenge for tire manufacturers, affecting their production costs and profit margins. The prices of raw materials like rubber and steel, which are essential for tire production, can be volatile. Manufacturers need to carefully manage these costs to maintain competitiveness in the market.

Additionally, stringent environmental regulations require tire manufacturers to adopt sustainable practices and develop eco-friendly tire solutions. As environmental concerns continue to rise, there is a growing emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation. Tire manufacturers need to invest in research and development to create tires that are not only durable and high-performing but also eco-friendly, meeting the evolving regulatory requirements.

Looking ahead, the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market is projected to maintain a steady compound annual growth rate in the coming years. This growth can be further attributed to the increasing trade activities within the region, government initiatives to improve road infrastructure, and the flourishing e-commerce industry. As the ASEAN region continues to be a key player in the global economy, the commercial vehicle tire market is expected to witness sustained growth and offer lucrative opportunities for industry players in the foreseeable future.  

Key Market Drivers 

Robust Economic Growth and Increasing Industrialization

Robust economic growth in the ASEAN region is a primary driver of the Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. The member countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, among others, have experienced significant economic expansion in recent years. This growth has led to increased industrialization and trade activities, driving the demand for commercial vehicles for transportation and logistics. As industries expand, the need for efficient and reliable commercial vehicles rises, creating a direct demand for commercial vehicle tires. The growth in manufacturing, construction, and trade sectors fuels the demand for a wide range of commercial vehicles, from trucks to buses, consequently boosting the market for commercial vehicle tires.

Infrastructure Development and Road Expansion

Infrastructure development and road expansion projects are major drivers of the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Many ASEAN countries are investing significantly in infrastructure, including the construction of highways, bridges, and public transportation networks. These projects create a demand for various types of commercial vehicles, such as heavy-duty trucks and buses, to support construction activities and public transportation systems. With the expansion of roads and transportation networks, there is an increased need for durable and high-quality tires that can withstand the demands of diverse terrains and long-distance travel. The tire market benefits from this demand, as commercial vehicles require tires that offer excellent traction, durability, and load-carrying capacity.

Rapid Urbanization and E-commerce Growth

Rapid urbanization and the growth of e-commerce are driving the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Urban centers in ASEAN countries are experiencing significant population growth, leading to increased demand for urban transportation, delivery services, and public transit. E-commerce platforms have also become increasingly popular, fueling the need for efficient last-mile delivery services. These trends translate into a higher demand for commercial vehicles, especially delivery vans and trucks. Commercial vehicles operating in urban environments require specialized tires that offer good maneuverability, low rolling resistance, and high mileage. The demand for such tires is bolstered by the ongoing urbanization and the rising prominence of e-commerce in the region.

Government Initiatives and Regulations

Government initiatives and regulations play a vital role in driving the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Many ASEAN countries have implemented regulations and standards related to vehicle safety, emission control, and transportation efficiency. Additionally, governments are promoting the adoption of eco-friendly and energy-efficient vehicles, including commercial vehicles. These initiatives often involve incentives for companies that invest in vehicles with low emissions and fuel consumption, which encourages the adoption of modern, fuel-efficient commercial vehicles. As companies upgrade their fleets to comply with regulations and take advantage of government incentives, there is a corresponding demand for high-quality, fuel-efficient tires to maximize the performance of these vehicles.

Technological Advancements in Tire Manufacturing

Technological advancements in tire manufacturing are driving the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Tire manufacturers are continuously investing in research and development to create innovative and high-performance tires. Advanced technologies, such as silica-based compounds, nano-materials, and innovative tread designs, are enhancing the durability, fuel efficiency, and overall performance of commercial vehicle tires. These innovations result in tires that offer better traction, reduced rolling resistance, and longer mileage, meeting the specific requirements of commercial vehicles operating in diverse environments. As fleet operators and vehicle owners seek tires that deliver superior performance and longevity, the market responds with technologically advanced products, contributing to the overall growth of the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market.

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Key Market Challenges

Economic Uncertainty and Exchange Rate Fluctuations

Economic uncertainty and exchange rate fluctuations are significant challenges in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. The region's economies are diverse, and some countries are more vulnerable to economic volatility than others. Exchange rate fluctuations can impact the cost of raw materials for tire manufacturing, as well as the price of imported tires and technologies. Economic uncertainties can also affect consumer and business confidence, leading to fluctuations in commercial vehicle purchases. Manufacturers and distributors must navigate these uncertainties, potentially impacting pricing strategies and profit margins.

Counterfeit and Substandard Tires

The influx of counterfeit and substandard tires is a growing concern in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Some countries within the region, particularly those with less stringent regulations, are susceptible to the entry of substandard and counterfeit tires. These tires may not meet safety and quality standards, posing significant risks to commercial vehicle operators and the public. The presence of counterfeit tires can undermine consumer trust in established brands and create safety hazards on the road. Combating this challenge requires enhanced regulatory oversight, consumer education, and efforts to distinguish genuine products from counterfeit ones.

Environmental and Emission Standards

Adherence to environmental and emission standards is a key challenge for commercial vehicle operators in the ASEAN region. Governments in several ASEAN countries are imposing stricter regulations to reduce emissions and promote eco-friendly transportation practices. This includes the adoption of cleaner-burning fuels and the implementation of emission control technologies. These regulations often affect the types of vehicles used in commercial transportation, leading to a shift toward more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient commercial vehicles. As commercial vehicle fleets adapt to meet these standards, they may require specialized tires designed to complement the fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles.

Road Conditions and Infrastructure Challenges

The state of road conditions and infrastructure poses challenges to the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. The region's diverse landscapes, from rugged rural terrains to densely populated urban areas, present varying road conditions. Poorly maintained roads, potholes, and harsh terrain can lead to accelerated tire wear and damage, affecting the durability and performance of commercial vehicle tires. Moreover, infrastructure development projects in some areas may not be synchronized with the expansion of commercial transportation, leading to inefficiencies and challenges in ensuring tire longevity and road safety. Tire manufacturers must consider these diverse challenges in tire design and development to cater to commercial vehicles operating in the ASEAN region.

Safety and Compliance Standards

Ensuring safety and compliance with evolving industry standards is a constant challenge for the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Safety standards for commercial vehicle tires are essential to protect drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. However, staying compliant with these standards can be challenging, especially with the introduction of new regulations or updates to existing ones. Commercial vehicle operators and fleet managers must stay informed about the latest safety standards, including load-carrying capacity, speed ratings, and tread depth requirements, to ensure that their vehicles are safe and compliant. Meeting these standards while offering cost-effective solutions is an ongoing challenge for the tire market in the ASEAN region.    

Key Market Trends 

Demand for Fuel-Efficient Tires

One prominent trend in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market is the growing demand for fuel-efficient tires. With an increasing focus on sustainability and cost savings, commercial vehicle operators are seeking tires that offer reduced rolling resistance. Fuel-efficient tires help lower the energy required to propel vehicles, which, in turn, contributes to better fuel economy and reduced carbon emissions. As fuel costs represent a significant portion of operational expenses for commercial vehicle fleets, operators are keen to adopt tires that can maximize fuel efficiency. Manufacturers are responding to this trend by developing tire technologies that reduce rolling resistance without compromising tire durability and performance, helping operators to achieve economic and environmental goals.

Advanced Tire Monitoring and Maintenance Solutions

The adoption of advanced tire monitoring and maintenance solutions is a prominent trend in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Operators are increasingly recognizing the importance of maintaining optimal tire pressure and tread conditions for safety, fuel efficiency, and tire longevity. To meet this demand, tire manufacturers are incorporating advanced tire monitoring technologies, such as tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) and telematics, into their product offerings. These technologies provide real-time information on tire conditions, allowing fleet managers to detect issues, schedule maintenance, and ensure that tires are properly inflated and aligned. The trend toward advanced monitoring and maintenance solutions not only enhances safety and performance but also lowers operational costs and reduces downtime.

Smart and Connected Tires

The trend of smart and connected tires is gaining momentum in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. These tires are equipped with sensors and connectivity features that allow them to interact with vehicle systems and external data sources. Smart and connected tires can provide real-time information on tire performance, road conditions, and vehicle diagnostics. For commercial vehicle operators, this trend offers benefits such as improved safety, predictive maintenance, and enhanced fuel efficiency. For instance, these tires can alert drivers and fleet managers about tire pressure issues, potential punctures, or alignment problems, preventing costly breakdowns and accidents. As the adoption of telematics and IoT technology increases in the commercial vehicle sector, smart and connected tires are expected to become integral in fleet management and safety practices.

Renewed Focus on Durability and Longevity

There is a renewed focus on durability and longevity in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. Operators and fleet managers are increasingly seeking tires that can withstand challenging road conditions, extensive mileage, and heavy loads while maintaining their performance over time. This trend reflects the desire to lower the total cost of ownership by reducing the frequency of tire replacements and maintenance. Manufacturers are responding to this demand by developing tires with reinforced sidewalls, advanced tread compounds, and robust construction to ensure extended tire life. Durability and longevity have become central factors in the purchasing decisions of commercial vehicle operators in the region.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Tire Options

Sustainable and eco-friendly tire options are emerging trends in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market. As environmental concerns gain prominence, commercial vehicle operators are looking for tires that align with sustainability goals. Manufacturers are developing eco-friendly tire options that use recycled materials, bio-based components, and innovative manufacturing processes to reduce the environmental footprint of tire production. Additionally, low-rolling-resistance tires are gaining popularity for their potential to lower fuel consumption and emissions, supporting efforts to reduce carbon emissions. These trends reflect the increasing importance of sustainability in the commercial vehicle industry, and manufacturers are investing in research and development to create tires that meet these environmental standards.

Segmental Insights

Vehicle Type Insights

In the ASEAN commercial vehicle tire market, various vehicle types have shown different trends in demand and usage. Light commercial vehicles (LCVs) have experienced a notable upswing in demand due to their versatility, efficient fuel consumption, and cost-effectiveness. These vehicles are widely used for urban delivery services, small business operations, and personal transportation, driving the high demand for their tires.

On the other hand, medium and heavy commercial vehicles (MHCVs) have a distinct position in the market, primarily favored for heavy-duty transport and logistics purposes. These vehicles are commonly employed in industries such as construction, mining, and long-haul transportation, where durability and load-carrying capacity are crucial. Consequently, the tire market for MHCVs is characterized by the need for highly durable, long-lasting tires that can withstand the demanding conditions they are subjected to.

Buses, being an integral part of public transportation networks in the ASEAN region, have unique requirements when it comes to tires. Safety and comfort are of utmost importance in the bus tire market, as these vehicles carry passengers and operate in various road and weather conditions. High-quality tires that offer excellent traction, low rolling resistance, and reduced noise levels are in demand to ensure the safety and comfort of both passengers and drivers.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the specific challenges faced by each vehicle type in the ASEAN commercial vehicle tire market. LCVs, while versatile and fuel-efficient, often operate in demanding urban environments where they encounter frequent starts and stops. This places increased stress on their tires, necessitating the need for tires that offer excellent grip and durability.

On the other hand, MHCVs face the challenge of carrying heavy loads over long distances, often on rough and uneven terrains. Tires designed for MHCVs need to be able to withstand the weight and provide reliable traction, ensuring safe and efficient transportation of goods.

By understanding these distinct insights into different vehicle types, industry players can gain a more comprehensive and nuanced view of the ASEAN commercial vehicle tire market. This knowledge allows them to tailor their offerings and strategies accordingly, ensuring they meet the specific needs and demands of each vehicle segment.

Tire Construction Type Insights  

The ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market is characterized by a wide range of tire constructions, each with its own distinct features and benefits. While the bias-ply construction, known for its robustness and reliability, has traditionally dominated the market, there is a noticeable shift towards radial tire construction. Radial tires, with their steel belt reinforcements and flexible sidewalls, offer not only enhanced tread life, improved fuel efficiency, and exceptional resistance to overheating but also provide a smoother and more comfortable ride for drivers and passengers alike.

Furthermore, the adoption of radial tires in the ASEAN market is indicative of the industry's continuous pursuit of high-performance and cost-efficient models that can withstand the demanding conditions of heavy-duty operations. The preference for radial tires among manufacturers and consumers reflects their recognition of the long-term benefits and value that these tires bring to the table.

This ongoing trend towards radial tires in the ASEAN commercial vehicle tire industry highlights the industry's commitment to growth and development. As tire manufacturers continue to innovate and refine their products, and as consumers become more discerning in their tire choices, the market is poised for further expansion and evolution. The increasing popularity of radial tires is a testament to the industry's dedication to providing durable, high-performance solutions that meet the evolving needs of commercial vehicle operators in the ASEAN region.

In addition to the advantages mentioned, another noteworthy feature of radial tires is their exceptional traction capabilities. The advanced tread patterns and optimized rubber compounds allow for superior grip on various road surfaces, enhancing both safety and control for drivers. Moreover, the improved load-carrying capacity of radial tires enables them to handle heavier payloads, making them ideal for commercial vehicles involved in transportation and logistics operations.

As the ASEAN region continues to witness rapid urbanization and infrastructural development, the demand for commercial vehicles is expected to rise. This, in turn, will drive the need for reliable and efficient tires that can withstand the challenges of heavy usage and demanding road conditions. The versatility and durability of radial tires position them as a viable choice for commercial vehicle operators seeking long-lasting performance and cost-effective solutions.

Furthermore, the increasing focus on sustainable practices and environmental consciousness has also influenced the shift towards radial tires in the ASEAN market. The improved fuel efficiency offered by radial tires not only reduces operational costs for vehicle owners but also contributes to lower carbon emissions, aligning with the region's commitment to sustainable transportation solutions.

In conclusion, the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market is witnessing a significant shift towards radial tire construction, driven by the desire for enhanced performance, fuel efficiency, and overall cost-effectiveness. This trend highlights the industry's commitment to meeting the evolving needs of commercial vehicle operators in the ASEAN region. As tire manufacturers continue to innovate and refine their products, the market is poised for further growth and development, offering a range of durable, high-performance solutions that cater to the demands of heavy-duty operations while prioritizing safety, comfort, and sustainability.  

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Country Insights

The commercial vehicle tire market in ASEAN countries has been experiencing a steady growth over the past few years. This surge can be primarily attributed to the expanding logistics and transportation sector, spurred by a rise in e-commerce and trade activities. Countries like Indonesia and Thailand, boasting significant automobile sectors, are leading in tire production, while Malaysia and Vietnam are not far behind, making the region a hub for tire manufacturing.

However, the market isn't without challenges. Environmental concerns, such as the impact of tire waste and carbon emissions, coupled with the need for sustainable manufacturing processes, put pressure on manufacturers to innovate and adapt. Consequently, there is increasing interest in the development and utilization of eco-friendly, durable materials for tire production. Research and development efforts are focused on creating tires that not only deliver excellent performance but also have minimal environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. This includes exploring alternative materials, such as bio-based rubber and recycled tire materials, as well as implementing efficient manufacturing processes to reduce energy consumption and waste generation.

As the demand for commercial vehicles continues to grow in the ASEAN region, the tire market is expected to witness further advancements and technological breakthroughs. Collaborations between tire manufacturers, research institutions, and government bodies are becoming more prevalent to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by this evolving landscape. By embracing sustainable practices and investing in innovative solutions, the commercial vehicle tire industry in ASEAN countries can contribute to a greener and more efficient transportation ecosystem.

Recent Developments

  • February 2023: JK Tyre introduced three new off-road tires specifically designed for the mining segment. These tires cater to the off-road needs of mining operations, providing enhanced performance and durability. The launch emphasizes JK Tyre's commitment to serving the mining industry with specialized OTR tires that can withstand challenging terrains and deliver optimal traction and load-carrying capacity.
  • May 2022: Bridgestone launched R192E all-position radial tires for e-buses offering ultra low-rolling resistance and high load capacity, which aids in increasing the range and allows the vehicle to maximum operation on a single charge.

Key Market Players

  • Bridgestone Corporation
  • Continental AG
  • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
  • Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd
  • Michelin Group
  • Pirelli & C. S.p.A.
  • Yokohama Rubber Company Limited
  • Kumho Tire Co. Inc.

By Vehicle Type

By Tire Construction

By Demand Category

By Country

  • Light Commercial Vehicles
  • Medium Commercial Vehicles
  • Heavy Commercial Vehicles
  • Radial
  • Bias
  • OEM
  • Replacement
  • Indonesia
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Cambodia
  • Brunei
  • Myanmar
  • Laos


Report Scope:

In this report, the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market, By Vehicle Type:

o   Light Commercial Vehicles

o   Medium Commercial Vehicles

o   Heavy Commercial Vehicles

  • ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market, By Tire Construction Type:  

o   Radial

o   Bias

  • ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market, By Demand Category: 

o   OEM

o   Replacement

  • ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market, By Country:   

o   Indonesia

o   Vietnam

o   Thailand

o   Malaysia

o   Philippines

o   Singapore

o   Cambodia

o   Brunei

o   Myanmar

o   Laos

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market.

Available Customizations:

ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Introduction

1.1.  Product Overview

1.2.  Key Highlights of the Report

1.3.  Market Coverage

1.4.  Market Segments Covered

1.5.  Research Tenure Considered

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Objective of the Study

2.2.  Baseline Methodology

2.3.  Key Industry Partners

2.4.  Major Association and Secondary Sources

2.5.  Forecasting Methodology

2.6.  Data Triangulation & Validation

2.7. Assumptions and Limitations

3.    Executive Summary      

3.1.  Market Overview

3.2.  Market Forecast

3.3.  Key Countries

3.4.  Key Segments

4.    Impact of COVID-19 on ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

5.    Voice of Customer

5.1.  Factors Influencing Purchase Decision

5.2.  Brand Awareness

5.3.  Brand Satisfaction Level

6.    ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.    By Value & Volume

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.    By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Light Commercial Vehicles, Medium Commercial Vehicles, Heavy Commercial Vehicles)

6.2.2.    By Demand Category Market Share Analysis (OEM Vs. Replacement)

6.2.3.    By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis (Radial Vs Bias)

6.2.4.    By Country Market Share Analysis        Indonesia Market Share Analysis        Vietnam Market Share Analysis        Thailand Market Share Analysis        Malaysia Market Share Analysis        Philippines Market Share Analysis        Singapore Market Share Analysis        Cambodia Market Share Analysis        Brunei Market Share Analysis        Myanmar Market Share Analysis     Laos Market Share Analysis     Rest of the ASEAN Market Share Analysis   

6.2.5.    By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others – By Value, 2022)

6.3.  ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.1.    By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.2.    By Demand Category Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.3.    By Tire Construction Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.3.4.    By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

7.    Indonesia Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.    By Volume

7.1.2.    By Value

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.    By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

7.2.2.    By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

7.2.3.    By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

8.    Vietnam Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.    By Volume

8.1.2.    By Value

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.    By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

8.2.2.    By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

8.2.3.    By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

9.    Thailand Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.    By Volume

9.1.2.    By Value

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.    By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

9.2.2.    By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

9.2.3.    By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

10. Malaysia Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

10.1.             Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1. By Volume

10.1.2. By Value

10.2.             Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

10.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

10.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

11. Philippines Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

11.1.             Market Size & Forecast

11.1.1. By Volume

11.1.2. By Value

11.2.             Market Share & Forecast

11.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

11.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

11.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

12. Singapore Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

12.1.             Market Size & Forecast

12.1.1. By Volume

12.1.2. By Value

12.2.             Market Share & Forecast

12.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

12.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

12.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

13. Cambodia Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

13.1.             Market Size & Forecast

13.1.1. By Volume

13.1.2. By Value

13.2.             Market Share & Forecast

13.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

13.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

13.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

14. Laos Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

14.1.             Market Size & Forecast

14.1.1. By Volume

14.1.2. By Value

14.2.             Market Share & Forecast

14.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

14.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

14.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

15. Myanmar Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

15.1.             Market Size & Forecast

15.1.1. By Volume

15.1.2. By Value

15.2.             Market Share & Forecast

15.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

15.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

15.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis

16. Brunei Commercial Vehicle Tire Market Outlook

16.1.             Market Size & Forecast

16.1.1. By Volume

16.1.2. By Value

16.2.             Market Share & Forecast

16.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis

16.2.2. By Demand Category Market Share Analysis

16.2.3. By Tire Construction Type Market Share Analysis  

17. Market Dynamics

17.1.           Market Drivers

17.2.           Market Challenges

18. Market Trends & Developments

19. SWOT Analysis

19.1.           Strength

19.2.           Weakness

19.3.           Opportunities

19.4.           Threats

20. Porter’s Five Forces Model

20.1.           Competitive Rivalry

20.2.           Bargaining Powers of Suppliers

20.3.           Bargaining Powers of Buyers

20.4.           Threat of New Entrants

20.5.           Threat of Substitutes

21. Competitive Landscape

21.1.           Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies)

21.1.1. Bridgestone Corporation     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.2. Continental AG     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.3. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.4. Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.5. Michelin Group     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.6. Pirelli & C. S.p.A.     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.7. Yokohama Rubber Company Limited     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

21.1.8. Kumho Tire Co. Inc.     Company Details     Key Products Offered     Recent Development     Key Management Personnel

22. Strategic Recommendations

22.1.           Key Focus Areas

22.1.1. Target Countries

22.1.2. Target Vehicle Type

22.1.3. Target Demand Category

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The market size of the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market was estimated to be USD 3.78 Billion in 2022.


In 2022, the dominant segment by vehicle type in the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market was the Truck category. This segment saw significant growth due to the increased demand for freight transport, bolstered by the rise in e-commerce and the need for efficient supply chains across the ASEAN region.


Thailand currently holds the dominant position in the ASEAN commercial vehicle tire market. With its flourishing automotive industry and strategic location, the country serves as a regional vehicle production hub, subsequently driving up the demand for commercial vehicle tires.


The major drivers for the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market are robust economic growth in the region, which fuels the demand for commercial vehicles, and the expansion of transportation and logistics sectors, driving the need for durable and reliable commercial vehicle tires.


Srishti Verma

Business Consultant
Press Release

Commercial Vehicle Tire Market to Grow with a CAGR of 4.20% in ASEAN through to 2028

Dec, 2023

The major drivers for the ASEAN Commercial Vehicle Tire Market are robust economic growth in the region, which fuels the demand for commercial vehicles, and the expansion of transportation and logist