Report Description

Forecast Period


Market Size (2023)

USD 7.1 Billion

CAGR (2024-2029)


Fastest Growing Segment


Largest Market

North America

Market Size (2029)

USD 10.78 Billion

Market Overview

Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market was valued at USD 7.1 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 7.28% through 2029. The global aircraft engine casting market has been experiencing a consistent and remarkable growth over the past decade. This surge can be primarily attributed to the significant increase in the demand for new aircraft, driven by the ever-growing air travel industry worldwide. As the world becomes more interconnected, the necessity for highly efficient, reliable, and technologically advanced aircraft engines becomes increasingly paramount. These engines play a critical role in ensuring safe and seamless air transportation, meeting the evolving needs of passengers and cargo alike. With ongoing advancements in aerospace technology, the aircraft engine casting market is poised to continue its upward trajectory, catering to the expanding global aviation sector.

Aircraft engine casting is a highly critical and intricate process in the manufacturing of aircraft engines. It involves meticulously creating intricate shapes by pouring molten metal into a precisely designed mold, allowing it to gradually solidify and take form. This elaborate technique is absolutely indispensable in the aviation industry as it enables the production of complex shapes that not only exhibit exceptional durability but also possess the desired lightweight characteristics, both of which are paramount for optimal performance and safety in aircraft operations. The emphasis on indigenous manufacturing by various nations is expected to significantly boost the procurement of advanced aircraft and rotorcraft by armed forces globally over the forecast period. As part of Vision 2030, the Government of Saudi Arabia aims to increase local military equipment spending to 50% by 2030, thereby strengthening its domestic manufacturing capabilities. This strategic initiative is set to enhance the local defense industry and drive substantial growth in military aircraft procurement. Between 2023 and 2030, projections indicate that over 7,700 military aircraft will be delivered, further stimulating demand in the market. This surge in aircraft deliveries will not only support the growth of the Aircraft Engine Casting Market but also underscore the broader trend of nations investing in their indigenous defense manufacturing sectors to bolster self-reliance and technological advancement.

Various factors are driving the growth of this market. One is the increasing demand for fuel-efficient aircraft. With rising fuel prices and environmental concerns, airlines are seeking more fuel-efficient aircraft, thus driving the demand for advanced engine casting. Secondly, the growth of low-cost airlines, especially in emerging economies, has resulted in increased aircraft orders. The market also faces certain challenges. The high cost associated with the casting process and the need for high precision and quality control can act as potential growth limiters. Additionally, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the market, with air travel severely restricted worldwide, leading to reduced demand for new aircraft.

Looking forward, the global aircraft engine casting market is expected to maintain steady growth. This growth will be driven by the increasing demand for new aircraft in response to growing global air traffic, the rise of low-cost airlines, and the need for fuel-efficient engines. The technological advancements in the casting process, such as the adoption of 3D printing, are also expected to further drive market growth. While the global aircraft engine casting market faces challenges, the potential for growth is significant. As the aviation industry recovers from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, market players who can adapt to the changing trends and invest in technological advancements will reap substantial rewards.

Market Drivers

Increasing Demand for Fuel-Efficient Engines

One of the primary drivers propelling the Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market is the escalating demand for fuel-efficient engines. With a growing focus on environmental sustainability and fuel cost reduction, aircraft manufacturers are under pressure to design and produce engines that optimize fuel consumption. Engine casting, a critical aspect of the manufacturing process, influences the overall efficiency and performance of the aircraft powerplant.

Aircraft engine casting technologies play a pivotal role in creating components with complex geometries, allowing for aerodynamic designs that enhance fuel efficiency. The demand for lightweight and durable materials, achieved through advanced casting techniques, contributes to the development of more fuel-efficient engines. As the aviation industry prioritizes eco-friendly practices and compliance with stringent emission standards, the quest for improved fuel efficiency becomes a key driver shaping the Aircraft Engine Casting Market.

Growth in the Aviation Industry and Increased Aircraft Production

The sustained growth of the aviation industry and the subsequent increase in aircraft production serve as significant drivers for the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. As global air travel continues to rise, driven by factors such as increasing disposable income, urbanization, and a growing middle class in emerging economies, aircraft manufacturers experience heightened demand for new aircraft. According to the report, domestic airline capacity in India has historically expanded at a faster rate than international capacity, with an average annual growth rate of 8.7% from 2005 to 2024, compared to 6% for international capacity. This trend underscores the strong demand driving market growth.

This surge in demand for commercial and military aircraft directly translates to an increased need for aircraft engines. Engine casting is a fundamental process in the manufacturing of propulsion systems, and its demand is closely linked to aircraft production rates. Both established and emerging aviation markets contribute to this growth, with airlines and defense forces seeking modern and efficient aircraft to meet passenger demand and address evolving security concerns.

Advances in Casting Technologies and Materials

Technological advancements in casting processes and materials represent a crucial driver influencing the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. Continuous innovation in casting technologies allows manufacturers to produce engine components with enhanced precision, structural integrity, and performance. Investment in research and development leads to the discovery and implementation of novel materials and techniques, contributing to the evolution of engine casting.

Advanced casting methods, such as investment casting and 3D printing (additive manufacturing), enable the production of intricate and lightweight components that meet the stringent requirements of modern aircraft engines. These innovations not only improve the overall efficiency and durability of engines but also provide opportunities for design optimization. The use of high-performance alloys, composites, and temperature-resistant materials in engine casting addresses the demanding operational conditions of aircraft engines, including high temperatures and stress.

Increasing Emphasis on Sustainability and Environmental Regulations

The global emphasis on sustainability and adherence to stringent environmental regulations is a significant driver shaping the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. Environmental concerns, including carbon emissions and their impact on climate change, have led the aviation industry to focus on developing more environmentally friendly aircraft and engines. As aircraft engines are major contributors to emissions, manufacturers are under pressure to enhance efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint of their products.

Engine casting plays a crucial role in achieving these goals by enabling the creation of components that contribute to overall engine efficiency and emission reduction. Lightweight materials, improved aerodynamics, and advanced cooling technologies, facilitated by innovative casting methods, are essential in creating engines with lower fuel consumption and reduced emissions. The market responds to this driver by investing in research and development to align engine casting processes with sustainability objectives and regulatory requirements.

Rising Demand for Military Aircraft and Aerospace Defense Systems

The increasing demand for military aircraft and aerospace defense systems acts as a notable driver for the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. Military aircraft require robust and high-performance engines designed to meet specific operational requirements. Engine casting, as a critical aspect of manufacturing these engines, becomes integral to ensuring the reliability and durability of military propulsion systems.

As geopolitical tensions persist and defense budgets increase in various regions, there is a growing need for advanced military aircraft and aerospace defense systems. Engine casting technologies play a vital role in developing components that withstand the demanding conditions of military operations, including high-speed maneuvers, extreme altitudes, and diverse climates. The market responds to this driver by catering to the specific requirements of military aircraft, fostering innovation in casting processes and materials to enhance the performance and longevity of engines used in defense applications.

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Key Market Challenges

Complex Design Requirements and Materials

The Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market encounters significant challenges related to the complex design requirements and materials needed for modern aircraft engines. As aircraft manufacturers strive to enhance engine efficiency and performance, the design of engine components becomes increasingly intricate. This complexity arises from the need for advanced aerodynamics, heat management, and weight reduction.

Engine components often have intricate geometries and must withstand extreme temperatures and pressures during operation. Meeting these stringent design requirements necessitates advanced casting techniques capable of producing components with high precision and structural integrity. Additionally, the demand for lightweight materials, such as high-performance alloys and composites, adds complexity to the casting process.

The challenge lies in developing casting technologies that can effectively handle the intricate designs and diverse materials required for modern aircraft engines. Manufacturers in the Aircraft Engine Casting Market must invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of casting innovations, ensuring their processes can accommodate the evolving design and material specifications of next-generation aircraft engines.

Stringent Quality and Certification Standards

The Aircraft Engine Casting Market faces the challenge of meeting stringent quality and certification standards imposed by regulatory authorities, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Engine components must undergo rigorous testing and certification processes to ensure they meet safety, reliability, and performance standards before being integrated into aircraft.

Compliance with these standards involves comprehensive testing, validation, and documentation throughout the manufacturing process. The challenge is heightened by the dynamic nature of aviation regulations, which continually evolve to address emerging technologies and safety considerations. Manufacturers in the Aircraft Engine Casting Market must navigate a complex landscape of certification requirements, often requiring substantial investments in testing facilities, quality control measures, and compliance management.

The time and resources required for certification can pose challenges, impacting the speed at which new casting technologies or materials can be brought to market. Balancing the need for innovation with the imperative of meeting certification standards is a continuous challenge for industry participants.

Cost Pressures and Market Competitiveness

Cost pressures and market competitiveness pose significant challenges to the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. The aviation industry is highly competitive, and aircraft manufacturers, both commercial and military, are under constant pressure to optimize costs while delivering high-quality products. This cost-conscious environment directly affects suppliers and casting manufacturers contributing to the aircraft engine ecosystem.

Developing and implementing advanced casting technologies and using high-performance materials can involve substantial research and development expenses. The challenge is to strike a balance between innovation and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, the market's competitiveness may lead to price pressures, making it challenging for companies to maintain healthy profit margins.

Market participants must navigate these cost pressures by adopting efficient manufacturing processes, optimizing supply chains, and exploring economies of scale. Strategic partnerships and collaborations may also be essential for pooling resources and expertise to address cost challenges collectively.

Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Practices

The Aircraft Engine Casting Market is confronted with increasing environmental concerns and the need to adopt sustainable practices. As the aviation industry faces scrutiny for its carbon footprint, there is a growing emphasis on developing eco-friendly aircraft and engines. Engine casting, as a fundamental aspect of manufacturing, plays a role in addressing these environmental challenges.

The use of certain casting materials, such as certain alloys and composites, may raise environmental concerns during production and disposal. The challenge is to adopt casting processes and materials that align with sustainability goals, including recyclability, reduced emissions, and environmentally friendly manufacturing practices.

Meeting sustainability requirements often involves investing in research and development to explore alternative materials and casting methods. This transition to more sustainable practices may pose initial challenges, such as higher development costs and potential resistance to change. However, in the long term, it is crucial for the Aircraft Engine Casting Market to align with global efforts to reduce the environmental impact of aviation.

Technological Evolution and Industry Adaptation

The rapid evolution of casting technologies and the aviation industry's need to adapt to new advancements present a challenge for the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. Technological innovations in casting methods, such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), and the introduction of new materials continuously reshape the landscape of engine component manufacturing.

The challenge lies in staying abreast of these technological changes and adapting production processes accordingly. While advancements offer opportunities for improved efficiency and performance, the adoption of new technologies may require significant investments in equipment, training, and process optimization. Industry players need to navigate this technological evolution strategically to remain competitive and deliver cutting-edge solutions.

The industry's ability to absorb and integrate these technological advancements may vary, leading to potential disparities in the adoption of innovative casting methods across different market segments. Overcoming the challenge of technological evolution requires a proactive approach, fostering collaboration between manufacturers, suppliers, and research institutions to ensure a smooth transition to new casting technologies while maintaining the reliability and safety standards essential for aviation.

Key Market Trends

Adoption of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

An increasingly prominent trend in the Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market is the adoption of additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing. This revolutionary technology has gained traction in the aerospace industry, including the production of aircraft engine components. Unlike traditional casting methods, 3D printing allows for the layer-by-layer construction of intricate geometries, enabling the creation of complex and lightweight structures that were previously challenging or impossible to achieve.

In the context of aircraft engine casting, 3D printing offers several advantages. It allows for the production of components with optimized internal structures, reducing overall weight without compromising strength. This trend aligns with the aviation industry's constant pursuit of fuel efficiency and operational performance. Additionally, additive manufacturing facilitates rapid prototyping, enabling manufacturers to iterate and test designs more efficiently.

As the technology matures and becomes more cost-effective, the adoption of 3D printing in the Aircraft Engine Casting Market is expected to grow. Industry participants are exploring new alloys and materials suitable for 3D printing, further expanding the possibilities for lightweight and high-performance engine components.

Focus on Sustainable Materials and Processes

A significant trend shaping the Aircraft Engine Casting Market is the industry's increasing focus on sustainable materials and manufacturing processes. Environmental sustainability has become a crucial consideration in aviation, driven by regulatory requirements and the broader global push for eco-friendly practices.

In response to this trend, manufacturers are exploring and adopting sustainable casting materials that align with environmental goals. This includes the use of recycled alloys, eco-friendly foundry practices, and the development of components with a reduced environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. Sustainable casting processes aim to minimize energy consumption, emissions, and waste, contributing to a more environmentally responsible aviation sector.

The demand for sustainable practices extends beyond materials to encompass the entire production chain. Companies in the Aircraft Engine Casting Market are investing in research and development to identify and implement greener alternatives without compromising the performance and durability of engine components. This trend reflects a broader industry commitment to balancing technological advancements with environmental responsibility.

Growing Emphasis on Design Optimization

A notable trend in the Aircraft Engine Casting Market is the growing emphasis on design optimization. As aircraft engines become more sophisticated and efficient, manufacturers are prioritizing the development of components with optimized shapes, structures, and functionalities. Design optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing engine performance, fuel efficiency, and overall reliability.

Advanced casting technologies enable the creation of components with intricate designs that were previously challenging to produce. This includes aerodynamically optimized turbine blades, combustion chambers, and other critical engine parts. The trend towards design optimization is driven by the continuous quest for higher efficiency and reduced emissions in response to environmental concerns and regulatory standards.

Computer-aided design (CAD) tools and simulations contribute to the trend, allowing manufacturers to model and test various design iterations virtually before physically producing components. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning further enhances the design optimization process by analyzing vast datasets to identify patterns and improvements. As the Aircraft Engine Casting Market embraces these technologies, design optimization is expected to remain a key trend influencing the development of next-generation aircraft engines.

Increased Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration and partnerships among key players in the Aircraft Engine Casting Market have emerged as a notable trend. The complexity of modern aircraft engines, coupled with the need for continuous innovation, has prompted industry participants to forge strategic alliances and collaborations to pool resources, expertise, and capabilities.

These collaborations extend across the entire value chain, involving casting manufacturers, aircraft engine OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), research institutions, and technology providers. Joint ventures and partnerships enable stakeholders to leverage complementary strengths, accelerate research and development efforts, and share the risks associated with innovation.

One example is the collaboration between casting manufacturers and materials suppliers to explore novel alloys and composites suitable for engine components. Partnerships between OEMs and casting experts facilitate the integration of cutting-edge casting technologies into the design and production of new aircraft engines. This collaborative trend ensures that industry players stay at the forefront of technological advancements while fostering a more integrated and interconnected ecosystem within the Aircraft Engine Casting Market.

Integration of Smart Manufacturing Technologies

The integration of smart manufacturing technologies is a significant trend shaping the Aircraft Engine Casting Market. Industry 4.0 principles, including the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and automation, are being applied to enhance efficiency, quality control, and overall production processes in the casting of aircraft engine components.

Smart manufacturing technologies enable real-time monitoring of casting processes, providing valuable data on parameters such as temperature, pressure, and material properties. This data-driven approach allows for more precise control and optimization of casting conditions, reducing the likelihood of defects and improving the consistency of component quality.

Automation, including robotic systems and advanced machinery, plays a crucial role in smart manufacturing. Automated casting processes enhance efficiency, reduce production times, and minimize human error. Additionally, the integration of digital twins – virtual replicas of physical casting processes – facilitates simulations and predictive maintenance, contributing to a more streamlined and proactive approach to manufacturing.

This trend aligns with the broader industry's move toward digitalization and connectivity. As smart manufacturing technologies continue to evolve, the Aircraft Engine Casting Market is expected to witness increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved overall competitiveness.

Segmental Insights

Engine Type Analysis

The turbofan engine is rapidly becoming the fastest-growing segment in the global aircraft engine casting market, driven by its advanced efficiency and performance capabilities. Turbofans are renowned for their high thrust-to-weight ratio and fuel efficiency, making them a preferred choice for both commercial and military aircraft. This growth is largely attributed to the increasing demand for more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly engines. The aviation industry’s push towards reducing carbon emissions and improving operational efficiency has spurred innovation in turbofan technology, leading to the development of next-generation engines with advanced materials and aerodynamic designs. The expansion of global air travel and the rise in demand for newer, more efficient aircraft are further fueling this trend. Major aerospace manufacturers are investing significantly in the research and development of advanced turbofan engines to meet these growing needs. Additionally, the shift towards quieter and more eco-friendly engines aligns with stringent regulatory standards and consumer preferences, boosting the adoption of turbofans. As a result, the aircraft engine casting market is witnessing a substantial increase in turbofan engine production, making it a key driver of growth in the aerospace sector.


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Regional Insights

North America stands as the dominant region in the global aircraft engine casting market, largely due to its well-established aerospace industry and significant investment in advanced technology. The presence of major aerospace manufacturers, such as Boeing and General Electric, plays a pivotal role in this dominance. These companies are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge aircraft engines and investing heavily in research and development, which bolsters the demand for high-quality engine castings.

North America benefits from a robust infrastructure, skilled workforce, and favorable regulatory environment, further strengthening its position in the market. The region's extensive network of suppliers and specialized casting facilities supports the production of advanced aircraft engines, meeting the growing needs of both commercial and military sectors. The increase in defense spending and the expansion of commercial aviation contribute to the high demand for aircraft engine components in North America.

The region's focus on innovation and sustainability drives the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly engines, enhancing its competitive edge. As a result, North America's dominance in the aircraft engine casting market is underscored by its technological leadership, strong industrial base, and strategic investments in the aerospace sector.

Recent Developments

  • In Nov 2023, Safran and PTC Industries have signed a contract to supply casting parts for the LEAP engine, which powers single-aisle jets. This collaboration aims to enhance the engine's performance and efficiency, reflecting ongoing advancements in aerospace technology and a commitment to innovation in aircraft engine components.
  • In Dec 2023, South Korea has announced plans to develop a new fighter aircraft engine, marking a significant step in its defense industry. This initiative aims to enhance the performance and capabilities of South Korean fighter jets, reflecting the country’s commitment to advancing its aerospace technology and self-reliance in military aviation.
  • In Nov 2023, L3Harris has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Commercial Aviation Solutions (CAS). This acquisition aims to enhance L3Harris’ capabilities in the commercial aviation sector, expanding its portfolio and strengthening its position in providing advanced aviation solutions and services.

Key Market Players

  • Howmet Aerospace Inc.
  • Precision Castparts Corp.
  • Consolidated Precision Products Corp.
  • Doncasters Group Ltd 
  • Chromalloy Gas Turbine LLC
  • Safran S.A.
  • L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
  • GKN Aerospace Services Limited
  • MTU Aero Engines AG
  • Rolls-Royce plc

By Aircraft Type

By Engine Type

By Material Type

By Region

  • Commercial Aircraft
  • Regional Aircraft
  • Helicopter
  • Military Aircraft
  • General Aviation
  • Turbofan
  • Turboprop
  • Turbojet
  • Turboshaft
  • Nickel
  • Titanium
  • Stainless Steel
  • Others
  • North America
  • Europe & CIS
  • Asia Pacific
  • South America
  • Middle East & Africa

Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

  • Aircraft Engine Casting Market, By Aircraft Type:

o   Commercial Aircraft

o   Regional Aircraft

o   Helicopter

o   Military Aircraft

o   General Aviation

  • Aircraft Engine Casting Market, By Engine Type:

o   Turbofan

o   Turboprop

o   Turbojet

o   Turboshaft

  • Aircraft Engine Casting Market, By Material Type:

o   Nickel

o   Titanium

o   Stainless Steel

o   Others

  • Aircraft Engine Casting Market, By Region:

o   Asia-Pacific

§  China

§  India

§  Japan

§  Indonesia

§  Thailand

§  South Korea

§  Australia

o   Europe & CIS

§  Germany

§  Spain

§  France

§  Russia

§  Italy

§  United Kingdom

§  Belgium

o   North America

§  United States

§  Canada

§  Mexico

o   South America

§  Brazil

§  Argentina

§  Colombia

o   Middle East & Africa

§  South Africa

§  Turkey

§  Saudi Arabia

§  UAE

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market.

Available Customizations:

Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market is an upcoming report to be released soon. If you wish an early delivery of this report or want to confirm the date of release, please contact us at [email protected]

Table of content

1.    Introduction

1.1.  Product Overview

1.2.  Key Highlights of the Report

1.3.  Market Coverage

1.4.  Market Segments Covered

1.5.  Research Tenure Considered

2.    Research Methodology

2.1.  Methodology Landscape

2.2.  Objective of the Study

2.3.  Baseline Methodology

2.4.  Formulation of the Scope

2.5.  Assumptions and Limitations

2.6.  Sources of Research

2.7.  Approach for the Market Study

2.8.  Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares

2.9.  Forecasting Methodology

3.    Executive Summary

3.1.  Market Overview

3.2.  Market Forecast

3.3.  Key Regions

3.4.  Key Segments

4.    Impact of COVID-19 on Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market

5.    Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook

5.1.  Market Size & Forecast

5.1.1.     By Value

5.2.  Market Share & Forecast

5.2.1.     By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis (Commercial Aircraft, Regional Aircraft, Helicopter, Military Aircraft, General Aviation)

5.2.2.     By Engine Type Market Share Analysis (Turbofan, Turboprop, Turbojet, Turboshaft)

5.2.3.     By Material Type Market Share Analysis (Nickel, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Others)  

5.2.4.     By Regional Market Share Analysis         Asia-Pacific Market Share Analysis         Europe & CIS Market Share Analysis         North America Market Share Analysis         South America Market Share Analysis         Middle East & Africa Market Share Analysis

5.2.5.     By Company Market Share Analysis (Top 5 Companies, Others - By Value, 2023)

5.3.  Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.1.     By Aircraft Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.2.     By Engine Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.3.     By Material Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

5.3.4.     By Regional Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment

6.    Asia-Pacific Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook

6.1.  Market Size & Forecast

6.1.1.     By Value  

6.2.  Market Share & Forecast

6.2.1.     By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis

6.2.2.     By Engine Type Market Share Analysis

6.2.3.     By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.2.4.     By Country Market Share Analysis         China Market Share Analysis         India Market Share Analysis         Japan Market Share Analysis         Indonesia Market Share Analysis         Thailand Market Share Analysis         South Korea Market Share Analysis         Australia Market Share Analysis         Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Share Analysis

6.3.  Asia-Pacific: Country Analysis

6.3.1.     China Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.2.     India Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.3.     Japan Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.4.     Indonesia Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.5.     Thailand Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.6.     South Korea Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

6.3.7.     Australia Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.    Europe & CIS Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook

7.1.  Market Size & Forecast

7.1.1.     By Value  

7.2.  Market Share & Forecast

7.2.1.     By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis

7.2.2.     By Engine Type Market Share Analysis

7.2.3.     By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.2.4.     By Country Market Share Analysis         Germany Market Share Analysis         Spain Market Share Analysis         France Market Share Analysis         Russia Market Share Analysis         Italy Market Share Analysis         United Kingdom Market Share Analysis         Belgium Market Share Analysis         Rest of Europe & CIS Market Share Analysis

7.3.  Europe & CIS: Country Analysis

7.3.1.     Germany Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.3.2.     Spain Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.3.3.     France Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.3.4.     Russia Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.3.5.     Italy Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.3.6.     United Kingdom Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

7.3.7.     Belgium Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

8.    North America Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook

8.1.  Market Size & Forecast

8.1.1.     By Value  

8.2.  Market Share & Forecast

8.2.1.     By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis

8.2.2.     By Engine Type Market Share Analysis

8.2.3.     By Material Type Market Share Analysis

8.2.4.     By Country Market Share Analysis         United States Market Share Analysis         Mexico Market Share Analysis         Canada Market Share Analysis

8.3.  North America: Country Analysis

8.3.1.     United States Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

8.3.2.     Mexico Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

8.3.3.     Canada Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

9.    South America Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook

9.1.  Market Size & Forecast

9.1.1.     By Value  

9.2.  Market Share & Forecast

9.2.1.     By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis

9.2.2.     By Engine Type Market Share Analysis

9.2.3.     By Material Type Market Share Analysis

9.2.4.     By Country Market Share Analysis         Brazil Market Share Analysis         Argentina Market Share Analysis         Colombia Market Share Analysis         Rest of South America Market Share Analysis

9.3.  South America: Country Analysis

9.3.1.     Brazil Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

9.3.2.     Colombia Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

9.3.3.     Argentina Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook         Market Size & Forecast             By Value         Market Share & Forecast             By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis             By Engine Type Market Share Analysis             By Material Type Market Share Analysis

10.  Middle East & Africa Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook

10.1.             Market Size & Forecast

10.1.1.  By Value   

10.2.             Market Share & Forecast

10.2.1.  By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis

10.2.2.  By Engine Type Market Share Analysis

10.2.3.  By Material Type Market Share Analysis

10.2.4.  By Country Market Share Analysis      South Africa Market Share Analysis      Turkey Market Share Analysis      Saudi Arabia Market Share Analysis      UAE Market Share Analysis      Rest of Middle East & Africa Market Share Analysis

10.3.             Middle East & Africa: Country Analysis

10.3.1.  South Africa Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook      Market Size & Forecast           By Value      Market Share & Forecast           By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis           By Engine Type Market Share Analysis           By Material Type Market Share Analysis

10.3.2.  Turkey Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook      Market Size & Forecast           By Value      Market Share & Forecast           By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis           By Engine Type Market Share Analysis           By Material Type Market Share Analysis

10.3.3.  Saudi Arabia Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook      Market Size & Forecast           By Value      Market Share & Forecast           By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis           By Engine Type Market Share Analysis           By Material Type Market Share Analysis

10.3.4.  UAE Aircraft Engine Casting Market Outlook      Market Size & Forecast           By Value      Market Share & Forecast           By Aircraft Type Market Share Analysis           By Engine Type Market Share Analysis           By Material Type Market Share Analysis

11.  SWOT Analysis

11.1.             Strength

11.2.             Weakness

11.3.             Opportunities

11.4.             Threats

12.  Market Dynamics

12.1.             Market Drivers

12.2.             Market Challenges

13.  Market Trends and Developments

14.  Competitive Landscape

14.1.             Company Profiles (Up to 10 Major Companies)

14.1.1.  Howmet Aerospace Inc.      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.2.  Precision Castparts Corp.      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.3.  Consolidated Precision Products Corp.      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.4.  Doncasters Group Ltd      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.5.  Chromalloy Gas Turbine LLC      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.6.  Safran S.A.      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.7.  L3Harris Technologies, Inc.      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.8.  GKN Aerospace Services Limited      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.9.  MTU Aero Engines AG      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

14.1.10.  Rolls-Royce plc      Company Details      Key Product Offered      Financials (As Per Availability)      Recent Developments      Key Management Personnel

15.  Strategic Recommendations

15.1.             Key Focus Areas

15.1.1.  Target Regions

15.1.2.  Target By Aircraft Type

15.1.3.  Target By Engine Type

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The market size of the Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market was estimated to be USD 7.1 Billion in 2023.


Major trends in the global aircraft engine casting market include the adoption of advanced materials, increased focus on fuel efficiency, the rise of eco-friendly engines, and growing investments in next-generation technologies.


The dominant region in the Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market is North America. This region's dominance can be attributed to the strong presence of major aircraft manufacturers, engine suppliers, and technologically advanced casting manufacturers. Additionally, the high demand for both commercial and military aircraft in North America further drives the growth of the Aircraft Engine Casting Market in this region.


Major drivers for the global aircraft engine casting market include rising air travel demand, advancements in engine technology, increasing fuel efficiency requirements, and stringent environmental regulations promoting innovative and eco-friendly solutions.


Srishti Verma

Business Consultant
Press Release

Aircraft Engine Casting Market to Grow 7.28% CAGR through 2029

Jul, 2024

The Global Aircraft Engine Casting Market is primarily driven by the increasing demand for fuel-efficient aircraft engines and the continuous growth in the aviation industry, leading to higher aircra