Industry News

Beo Čista Energija Launches Waste-to-Energy Production at Vinča Landfill in Belgrade

Beo Čista Energija Launches Waste-to-Energy Production at Vinča Landfill in Belgrade

July 4, 2024, Beo Čista Energija commenced waste incineration in February 2023, marking a crucial milestone in the testing phase of its state-of-the-art waste-to-energy facility in Belgrade. This facility, established through a collaboration involving Itochu Corporation of Japan, Veolia Group from France, and Marguerite, a Luxembourg-based pan-European infrastructure investor, officially began full-scale operations on July 1. Operating under a public-private partnership with the City of Belgrade, Beo Čista Energija utilized financial support from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and Development Bank of Austria (OeEB) to develop comprehensive infrastructure, including an advanced energy-from-waste system.

The primary objective of these initiatives is to revolutionize municipal waste management in Belgrade by integrating cutting-edge technologies for waste treatment, recovery, and disposal. The facility boasts a processing capacity of up to 340,000 tons annually, equating to approximately 43.6 tons per hour. This capability enables the generation of green electricity, supplying 5% of Belgrade households, and providing heat to 10% of the city, thereby significantly reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

Beo Čista Energija underscores its commitment to environmental sustainability by emphasizing a substantial reduction in landfill usage through innovative waste treatment methods. These efforts include rigorous leachate management and the extraction of reusable materials from construction and demolition waste, contributing to a notable annual decrease of 210,000 tons in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.

With Veolia assuming operational responsibilities under a long-term contract, Beo Čista Energija ensures the continuous and efficient management of its facilities over the next 25 years. This strategic partnership not only aims to meet Belgrade's evolving energy and waste management needs but also sets a precedent for collaborative efforts in environmental stewardship across Europe.

Beo Čista Energija's managing directors, Vladimir Milovanović, Aleksandar Obradović, and Katsuhiko Hoshikawa, acknowledge the project's challenges during the construction phase. They highlight the facility's transformative impact, positioning Belgrade as a regional leader in advanced waste management solutions. This landmark initiative not only enhances local infrastructure but also serves as a model for future sustainable development projects, reinforcing Belgrade's commitment to environmental responsibility on a global scale.

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