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Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market to Grow with a CAGR of 12.15% through 2028

AI's ability to provide personalized treatment plans, continuous monitoring, and predictive analytics are expected to drive the Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market growth in the forecast period, 2024-2028.


According to TechSci Research report, “Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2028”, the Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market stood at USD 550.41 million in 2022 and is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of 12.15% in the forecast period, 2024-2028. This can be attributed to data integration. AI facilitates the integration of data from various sources, including wearable devices, electronic health records, and mobile apps. This holistic view of a patient's health enables healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions about diabetes management. It also streamlines the exchange of information among different stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.

Moreover, as AI becomes more deeply integrated into diabetes care, ethical considerations will gain prominence. There will be a focus on addressing bias in algorithms, ensuring transparency in AI decision-making, and promoting fairness in healthcare access. Ethical AI principles will guide the development and deployment of AI-driven diabetes management solutions.

The Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the management and treatment of diabetes. AI has been increasingly employed in healthcare to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of various diseases, including diabetes.

The Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market is segmented into device, technique, regional distribution, and company.

Based on its device, Glucose monitoring devices are poised to capture a substantial market share in the Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market during the forecast period for several compelling reasons. Firstly, the rising prevalence of diabetes worldwide has spurred the demand for advanced tools to manage the condition effectively. Secondly, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into glucose monitoring devices has enhanced their accuracy and efficiency, enabling real-time data analysis and personalized treatment recommendations. Moreover, the growing adoption of wearable and IoT-based healthcare technologies has made continuous glucose monitoring more accessible and convenient for patients. As a result, these devices are anticipated to play a pivotal role in the evolution of diabetes management, making them a prominent player in the market's growth trajectory.


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Based on technique, Intelligent data analysis is poised to claim a substantial market share in the Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market during the forecast period for several compelling reasons. Firstly, the sheer volume of data generated by diabetes patients, including glucose levels, lifestyle data, and medical history, necessitates advanced analytical tools to extract meaningful insights. Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence in data analysis enables healthcare professionals to identify patterns, predict glucose fluctuations, and customize treatment plans more effectively, ultimately improving patient outcomes. Furthermore, the continuous advancements in AI algorithms and machine learning techniques are making data analysis more accurate and efficient, driving the adoption of intelligent data analysis solutions in diabetes management. As the demand for precision medicine and personalized care grows, intelligent data analysis is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of diabetes management, solidifying its prominence in the market.


Major companies operating in Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market are:

  • Vodafone Group PLC
  • Apple Inc
  • Google Inc
  • International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
  • Glooko Inc
  • Tidepool Inc


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“The future of diabetes management is exciting, with AI poised to revolutionize the way we prevent, diagnose, and treat this chronic condition. From predictive analytics and personalized treatment plans to CGM advancements and telemedicine expansion, these upcoming trends promise to enhance the quality of life for individuals with diabetes. As AI-driven solutions continue to evolve, they hold the potential to not only improve patient outcomes but also to alleviate the global burden of diabetes on healthcare systems and society as a whole,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based management consulting firm.

Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market By Device (Diagnostic Devices, Glucose Monitoring Devices, Insulin Delivery Devices), By Technique (Case-Based Reasoning, Intelligent Data Analysis), By Region, By Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028F”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Global Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Management Market.



Mr. Ken Mathews

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