Industry News

AstraZeneca Acquires Pfizer’s Rare Disease Gene Therapy Business.

A subsidiary of AstraZeneca, Alexion, will take over Pfizer’s Rare Disease Gene Therapy for USD1 Billion.

United Kingdom: On Friday, 28 July 2023, AstraZeneca has secured Pfizer's cutting-edge early gene therapy endeavors for a staggering investment of  USD1 billion. The acquiring of Pfizer’s rare disease gene therapy by Astra Zeneca signifies a major breakthrough in the field of medical research, propelling both companies into the forefront of gene therapy innovation. The collaboration promises to accelerate advancements in gene-based treatments, holding the potential to revolutionize healthcare outcomes and improve the lives of countless patients worldwide..

Alexion will purchase several new AAV (Adenosine Avalon) Capsids, which have been shown to be an effective delivery system for therapeutic gene cargo for gene therapy (gene therapy) or gene editing (genetic editing). These additional sources complement Alexion's recent acquisition of LogicBio (AstraZeneca) with the aim of developing novel gene therapies with improved safety and effectiveness profiles. Alexion acquired LogicBio in October of 2022. AstraZeneca’s work in the rare diseases sector was further supported by its USD 68 million acquisition of LogicBio. These strategic investments demonstrate the company’s commitment to driving progress in gene therapy and other cutting-edge therapies for rare diseases.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are more than 7,000 known rare diseases, and around 80% of these are believed to be caused by a genetic mutation. Gene therapies treat or cure these diseases by addressing the malfunctioning gene. This can be done through addition, alteration, or inactivation of the gene to help the body fight the disease. About 80% of common rare diseases are due to a single gene disorder, and about 50% of all common rare diseases are in children. Because most rare diseases don’t have approved treatments, there’s a huge untapped need for effective therapies, and many common rare diseases are serious or even life-threatening.

According to Marc Dunoyer, Chief Executive Director of Astra Zeneca, ““I am delighted to be working alongside my new colleagues at Alexion where we will continue to discover, develop and deliver medicines that change the lives of people suffering from rare diseases. We look forward to also applying Alexion’s complement-biology platform across areas of AstraZeneca’s broader early-stage pipeline and, significantly, to the extraordinary opportunity to extend existing and future rare disease medicines to patients in many countries where AstraZeneca already has a strong presence.””

According to Pascal Soriot, Chief Executive Officer of Astra Zeneca: “Today we welcome our new colleagues from Alexion to AstraZeneca and begin a new chapter that will augment our growth for years to come. Our sustained R&D investment in oncology, cardiovascular and renal, as well as respiratory and immunology, has powered AstraZeneca’s transformation and now we add rare diseases, where fewer approved treatment options exist.”

According to TechSci Research, Gene therapy is one of the fastest growing and most promising fields of medical research. The acquiring of Pfizer’s rare disease gene therapy by Astra Zenecais a strategic move to strengthen AstraZeneca’s presence in the field of rare diseases, demonstrating the company’s dedication to invest in innovative treatments. The acquiring of Pfizer’s rare disease gene therapy by Astra Zeneca   could accelerate the creation and commercialization of innovative gene therapies. It is also expected to have a significant effect on other players in the market. The acquisition could also lead to more competition between pharmaceutical companies, which could lead to them stepping up their efforts in the gene therapy field. To stay ahead of the curve, other market participants could invest more in building their own gene therapy pipelines, partnering, or buying smaller biotech companies with promising gene therapy technologies. This could lead to an increase in collaboration and investment within the gene therapy space, driving innovation and developing new treatments. As pharma leaders such as AstraZeneca and Pfizer take strategic steps in this area, investors may view gene therapy as a promising growth area, which could lead to an increase in funding and backing for gene therapy startups. The investment of capital could speed up research, clinical development, and the entire process of creating gene therapies. Increased innovation and research activities can drive the growth of gene therapy market by expanding therapeutic options in the region.

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