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All You Wanted to Know About United States Water & Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Market

United States Water & Wastewater Treatment Chemicals

Water and Waste Management | Sep, 2017

In today’s day and age, people are waking up to pollution in a big way. Given that the environmental costs of the damage being done to the overall ecosystem is slowly starting to outweigh the economic costs of letting polluting agents run because they are cheap, the onus is now being put on micromanagement of each and every form of waste for either treatment or complete eradication.

To provide some small examples, European countries such as Iceland (0.1% energy from combustible fuel) and Norway (2% energy from combustible) are almost entirely sustainable and non-polluting, with several other nations, such as Uruguay and Paraguay, trying to join them.

The key word here is sustainable. TechSci Research report “United States Water & Wastewater Treatment Chemicals Market, By Type, By End Use Industry, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2012 – 2026” where the US, in this case is trying to build a sustainable ecosystem. There is growing awareness about the health concerns associated with untreated waste; microbial and chemical contamination etc. which is a result of improper effluent discharge. Robust industrial growth in the United States has also complicated the problem, given that there is an ever-growing tug of war between economic profits and the environment.

However, given the level of awareness, there has been a stern regulatory policy put into place that ensures that wastewater is treated before being released. Consequently, TechSci Research estimates the market for water and wastewater treatment to grow to $ 3.8 billion by 2026.

 Not only are the laws strict, but the enforcement also is carried out on multiple levels, making for an effective enforcement net of sorts. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has distributed power, both on the federal and state level in such a way that a broad protective umbrella has been formed which protects the end user (most of the time) from coming into contact with these effluents.

Programs such as National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) part of the Clean Water Act are formulated on the federal level, which gives power of implementation to the states, which also listen top municipal stakeholders, thus forming a cohesive unit that is tough on effluent discharge. 

Given the interest in clean technology and the renewed interest in environmental sustainability, GE Water & Process Technologies, BASF corp., Ecolab, Lonza America, Inc., Chemours Co. and various others are slugging it out to capture a bigger piece of the market share.

However, as per TechSci Research, not only are the big companies in a race for the biggest market share, a lot of small and medium sized companies too are vying a share, given the huge amount of innovation being done in the field, relatively speaking, which can put even a small company much ahead of their much larger direct competitors. 

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