The ever-increasing number of vehicles on roads harms
the environment and puts strain on the limited sources of conventional fuels
like oil and petroleum. Vehicular pollution is a significant contributor to the
greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur
dioxide that reduce the air quality and lead to global warming. Whereas
conventional fuels are not renewable, the growing energy demands lead to their
high prices. Therefore, governments worldwide are desperately looking for
measures to reduce the pollution from vehicles. Electric cars are relatively
more eco-friendly than gasoline-powered vehicles, but they are expensive and
require adequate charging infrastructure. Flexible fuel or flex fuel is another
alternative for conventional fuels due to their significant benefits for the
environment and cost-effectiveness. Made with a combination of petrol and
bioethanol, flex fuel contains less energy per liter than petrol.
While gasoline is formed from decayed organic
compounds, ethanol is an organic and colorless compound derived from sugarcanes
through the process is known as fermentation. In layman’s terms, ethanol is
simple alcohol with a pleasant odor. The flammable property of ethanol makes it
ideal for the mixture with petrol. The blend of petrol of ethanol reduces fuel
consumption, and it is also a more cost-effective solution to using gasoline
alone. Besides, ethanol present in petrol lowers the emission of harmful gas
coming from the vehicle’s exhaust. Another advantage of flex fuels is that
farmers can earn more with increased demand for sugarcane. The reduced
dependency on fossil fuels for meeting the power needs for automobiles would
further decrease the overall global price of petrol and diesel.
Flex fuels are categorized into different categories
depending on the ethanol concentration in the blend. For instance, with only 5%
ethanol by its volume, flex fuel would be named E5, whereas with 85% volume, it
will be denoted as E85. The Flexible-fuel vehicle market is largely
concentrated in four markets, Brazil, the United States, Canada, and Europe. Although
ethanol flexible-fuel vehicles can run on any mixture of gasoline and ethanol,
most automobiles in North America and Europe are optimized to run on E85, a
blend of 85% anhydrous ethanol fuel with 15% gasoline. In these markets, the flex fuel's ethanol content
could reach 70% to reduce ethanol emissions at low temperatures.
However, Brazilian flex fuel
vehicles are optimized to run on any mix of ethanol and gasoline, even with
100% hydrous ethanol fuel (E100); hence they are known as ‘total flex’ or
simple ‘flex’ cars in the market. More than 90% of the vehicles sold in Brazil
consist of flex fuel engines.

How Flex Engines are Different from Standard Gas
Components of flexible fuel cars are almost the same as
those found in conventional gasoline-only cars. However, some special ethanol-compatible
components are required due to different chemical properties and energy content
in ethanol. Flex engines are specifically designed to withstand the corrosive
and conductive nature of ethanol. Ethanol has different chemical properties than
gas and burns hotter, making it challenging to use in standard engines. Running
ethanol in traditional engines regularly will rust and break it down. A flex
engine can help to overcome these technical challenges. The internal engine
components like valve seats, piston rings, and other parts are composed of
materials that do not corrode easily, which helps lower the possibility of
damage and prevent ethanol from cleaning away engine lubricants.
All electric parts of the fuel system, including
wiring, are insulated as ethanol has a higher conductivity. The fuel filler
parts have anti-spark features to reduce the chance of stay sparks that might
cause dangerous flare-ups. Besides, the fuel injectors are created to achieve
higher fuel flow rates since ethanol has a low energy density than gasoline, so
the engine requires more fuel for power generation. Unlike gas engines, flex fuel requires a minimum fuel
system and engine modifications for efficient operations.
Pros of Transitioning to Flex Engines
Cleaner Fuel
Burning flex fuel for power produces fewer toxic fumes
and particles compared to pure petrol or diesel; hence it is considered a
cleaner fuel. Flex fuels also contribute to the less greenhouse gas emissions,
so they are a more eco-friendly than traditional gasoline. More concentration
of ethanol in flex fuels ensures less damage to the air in surroundings.
For instance, manufacturers do not
add polyaromatic hydrogens (PAH) in E85 since it has a high octant amount while
adding PAH to gasoline to increase its octane rating. But the burning of PAH
releases more harmful components that degrade air quality.
Promotes Sustainability
Since ethanol is derived from plants such as corn and
sugarcane, one can never really run out of it, unlike petroleum, which takes
millions of years to form. Manufacturing sugarcane leaves a lesser carbon
footprint than processing and refining conventional fuels. As cultivation
methods are improving, the carbon intensity of corn production is decreasing. Besides,
greater dependency on biofuels would decrease the energy demand for fossil
fuels and thus promote sustainability.
Better Performance
CNG-fueled cars produce less power than their
petroleum components, but it is not the case with flex fuel vehicles. Like
petrol, flex fuel delivers similar and sometimes even better performance. The flex
fuel engine might have different components but works exactly like an internal
combustion engine, hence there is no impact on a vehicle’s mobility with a
change in fuel. Flex
fuel can give your engine 100 more horsepower if your engine is tuned right.
Since ethanol has high octane, it combusts completely, which creates less
denotation and knocking and maximizes the engine’s power. Also, flex fuel
provides a thermodynamic cooling effect due to lower combustion temperatures,
which prevents heat build-up in the engine and loss of less power.

Costs Less
Gas prices are skyrocketing across the globe due to
increasing energy demands in every industry. However, flex fuels can help one
reduce their expenditure and save money. Ethanol costs lesser than gasoline, so
their blend is relatively affordable. Besides, flex fuels prevent the need for
frequent engine maintenance as they burn a lot cleaner than regular gasoline,
which keeps fuel lines and exhaust systems clean for a more extended period. If
the engine stays in good health, your repair and maintenance costs can become
much less.
Are Flex Fuel Vehicles Good Option for India?
India is the third-largest oil importer, shipping
around 3.9 million barrels per day. In FY21, India’s oil import bill stood at
USD62.7 billion. Additionally, vehicular pollution accounts for severe air
pollution in the northern part of the country. Hence, the government has
planned to reduce pollution and reduce oil imports by creating fuel substitutes
like ethanol, hydrogen, and electricity. The use of flex fuel with 20% Ethanol
content can help India save USD4 billion per annum. Also, flexible fuel
vehicles (FFVs) would help India meet its commitments to reduce emissions. As
per reports, carbon monoxide emissions could be lowered by 50% in two-wheelers
and 30% in four-wheelers compared to petrol using flex fuels.
Currently, petrol sold in India has an average of 8%
ethanol, and existing vehicles manufactured in India are optimized for E10. The
higher blending of ethanol would mean high manufacturing costs, which will
reflect flexible fuel vehicles' prices. Auto manufacturers like Toyota, Maruti
Suzuki, and Hyundai are ready to comply with government regulations on flex
fuels with at least 20% ethanol concentrations. Bajaj Auto and TVS Motors plan
to roll out two-wheelers with flexible fuel with 100% ethanol concentration.
Under the Euro IV emission norms, the government has also advised automobile
makers to manufacture flex fuel strong hybrid electric vehicles (FFSHEV), which
houses electric motors that power vehicles alongside traditional petrol engines.
India can meet most of its ethanol demand
indigenously, given the size of the country’s sugarcane and grain production.
Increased dependence on ethanol would help boost the farming sector and
generate employment for lakhs of people.
Auto companies in India are already facing a major
challenge of meeting the demands for electric models and enhancing
sustainability in their operations. The new mandates introduced for the
production of FFVs could further place auto manufacturers in a tight spot as
they would require additional investment in production lines and technology
advancements to change the engine and other associated components such as
piston, cylinder block, cylinder head, injectors, fuel rail, etc., for flex
fuels. However, automakers in Brazil could largely benefit from the new mandate
as they are already developing FFVs.
The new policy on flex fuel will come into force from
April 1, 2025. The additional cost impact could raise the price of
four-wheelers by INR 25,000 (USD 336) and INR 12,000 (USD 161.43) for
two-wheelers, which could vary depending on raw material price movement,
technology costs, etc.
Challenges Associated with the Use of Flex Fuels
Greater consumption of sugarcane and corns for
manufacturing flex fuels could push feed prices. Besides, corns are susceptible
to damage with changing weather conditions, which may affect the harvest.
Possible engine damage is another concern associated with the use of flex fuel
vehicles since ethanol easily absorbs dirt and is highly corrosive.
One of the main problems associated with FFVs is low fuel
consumption as they take 1.5 times as long as to provide the same energy as
petrol vehicles. Besides,
the frequency of gas stations that offer ethanol is less, affecting the
accessibility and affordability of flex fuels.