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Liquid Biofuel Usage As A Renewable Energy: Understanding the Trend (With Case Studies)

Liquid Biofuel Usage As A Renewable Energy: Understanding the Trend (With Case Studies)

Consumer Goods and Retail | Oct, 2024

Biofuels typically refer to liquid fuels and blending components made from biomass materials, known as feedstocks. But biofuels aren't just limited to liquids—they can also include methane from landfill gas, biogas, and even hydrogen produced from renewable sources. While most biofuels are used for transportation, they're also valuable for heating and electricity generation. Plus, fuels made from biomass often qualify for government programs that encourage or require the use of biofuels.

The way biofuels are named can vary depending on government legislation, incentive programs, and industry marketing. For instance, you might see fuels labeled as biodiesel or biojet, or described with terms like advanced, alternative, clean, green, low-carbon, renewable, or sustainable—like sustainable aviation fuel. The exact definitions of these biofuels can differ too. Government programs and industry might use different criteria when they define what counts as a biofuel.

According to TechSci Research report “Liquid Biofuels MarketGlobal Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Product (Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Others), By Feedstock (Sugar Crops, Starch Crops, Vegetable Oils, Animal Fats, Others), By Process (Fermentation, Transesterification, and Others), By Application (Transportation, Power Generation, Heat), By Region, and By Competition 2018-2028F” The Global Liquid Biofuels market is a dynamic and evolving sector at the forefront of the transition towards sustainable energy sources. Dominated by biodiesel and bioethanol, this market plays a pivotal role in reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels, addressing environmental concerns, and fostering a low-carbon future. Vegetable oils, particularly soybean and palm oil, emerge as dominant feedstocks, providing a renewable and scalable resource for biofuel production. Transesterification, a chemical process, stands out as the predominant production method, exemplifying efficiency and versatility, especially in the biodiesel sector.

The Pre and Post Effect of Recent Bend Towards Liquid Biofuels

The recent transition towards liquid biofuels as an efficient renewal energy source has had a significant impact on multiple fronts. One common effect is around the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Liquid biofuels, such as biodiesel and ethanol, produce fewer emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. This has positioned them as a crucial tool in the fight against climate change, helping countries meet their carbon reduction goals while still fueling the engines that drive their economies. From an economical perspective, the shift has sparked innovation and investment in the biofuel industry. Advances in technology have made the production of biofuels more efficient and cost-effective, opening up new markets and creating jobs. Farmers, too, have benefited, as the demand for biofuel feedstocks like corn, sugarcane, and soybeans has provided new revenue streams and bolstered rural economies.

·         Despite the rising costs, biofuel’s demand in 2021 recovered from the extreme lows of 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis.

·         To align with the IEA Net Zero Scenario, the demand for biofuels must nearly double from the main case.

·         The biofuel production in Asia is expected to surpass Europe, somewhere around 2026.

·         Advanced Biodiesel and Biojet Kerosene are new categories in this sector made of bio-FT (Biomass-based Fischer-Tropsch) and hydrotreated vegetable/waste oil (HVO/HEFA) from wastes, residues, and non-food energy crops.

Types of Liquid Biofuels: The More To Know, The Better

Ethanol: A widely used liquid biofuel, primarily produced through the fermentation of sugar and starches found in crops like sugarcane, corn, and wheat. This biofuel is commonly blended with gasoline to create fuel mixtures like E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline) or E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline), which are used in flex-fuel vehicles (Vehicles that have an internal combustion engine and capable of operating in gasoline and any other blend of gasoline and ethanol.

Biodiesel: Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from natural oils, such as vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking oils, through a chemical process known as transesterification. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form (B100) or blended with petroleum diesel in various proportions, such as B20 (20% biodiesel, 80% petroleum diesel). It is compatible with most diesel engines and helps reduce emissions of pollutants like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter.

Algal Biofuel: Algal biofuel is produced from algae, a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that can be cultivated in water. Algae are highly efficient at converting sunlight into biomass and can produce significant amounts of oil, which can be processed into various types of biofuels, including biodiesel, ethanol, and jet fuel.

Biogasoline: Biogasoline is produced from biomass through processes like catalytic conversion, where organic materials are chemically transformed into gasoline-like hydrocarbons. It can be used as a direct substitute for gasoline or blended with it in various proportions. Biogasoline is designed to meet the same performance standards as conventional gasoline, making it compatible with existing vehicles and fuel infrastructure.

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO): HVO, or renewable diesel, is produced by hydrotreating vegetable oils or animal fats with hydrogen. This process removes impurities and converts the oils into a fuel that is chemically similar to petroleum diesel. Unlike traditional biodiesel, HVO has excellent cold weather performance, a longer shelf life, and can be used in diesel engines without any modifications.

Other types include Biobutanol, Biojet Fuel (Sustainable Aviation Fuel – SAF), Cellulosic Ethanol, etc.

Renewable Energy with Liquid Biofuels’ Link: Technological Integration

The integration that will be talked about here is not only about replacing fossil fuels with biofuels, it is about creating a synergistic system where different forms of renewable energies work together to enhance efficiency, reduce emissions, and build a more resilient energy infrastructure. Let’s understand various instances:

·        Technology in “Production”

Liquid biofuels can be made in different ways, like using thermochemical processes such as gasification and pyrolysis, or biochemical methods like fermentation. These technologies make it possible to turn all sorts of biomass feedstocks into biofuels, which means more flexibility and efficiency in production. For instance: syngas from gasification can be transformed into various fuels, like diesel or methanol, depending on what the market demands and the local situation.

·        Technology in “Existing Energy Systems”

Liquid biofuels are used in microgrid systems where they can complement renewable energy sources like wind and energy. A biodiesel generator is a good example of this. Liquid biofuels like biodiesels can also be blended with conventional fuels, allowing for a seamless transition within existing transportation systems. This compatibility is crucial for reducing fossil fuel dependency in the transport sector.

Trends Driving the Shift Towards Renewable Energy Sources Like Liquid Biofuels

Government Policies and Regulations

Government schemes and regulations prove to be highly pivotal in driving the adoption and development of liquid biofuels. For instance, the concept of “Carbon Pricing” comes as a fundamental core. It places a financial cost on carbon emissions, making fossil fuels more expensive and thereby incentivizing the use of cleaner alternatives like biofuels. Emissions reduction targets set by governments further encourage industries to lower their greenhouse gas emissions, with liquid biofuels offering a viable solution, especially in sectors where electrification is challenging. Together, these policies create a favorable environment for the biofuel industry, accelerating its growth and contributing to global efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Economic Opportunities

The entire biofuel industry has generated considerable economic opportunities, especially in rural areas by offering additional revenue streams for farmers and creating jobs in biofuel production and research. Farmers can grow biofuel crops, such as corn or sugarcane, which not only diversifies their income but also stabilizes their earnings in the face of fluctuating commodity prices. This economic potential has attracted further investment in the sector, driving development and innovation.

Global Energy Transition

The global energy transition towards renewable and sustainable energy sources is fundamentally transforming the energy landscape. Growing public awareness and demand for clean energy, along with corporate sustainability initiatives, are further accelerating the shift toward biofuels. The energy transition is also linked to the circular economy, where waste is converted into biofuels, addressing both energy and waste management challenges.

International Agreements and Climate Change

International agreements, particularly the Paris Agreement, are driving global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. These commitments are compelling countries to take significant steps toward lowering their carbon footprints, and biofuels have emerged as a crucial tool in this endeavor. Biofuels are especially vital in sectors like aviation and shipping, where electrification presents significant challenges due to technical and logistical constraints. Through international cooperation and agreements, the adoption of biofuels is being accelerated on a global scale, enabling countries to meet their climate goals more effectively.

How Renewables Are Reshaping Biofuel Demand: Modern Biofuels

Traditional biofuels are derived from food crops such as corn for ethanol and sugarcane for biodiesel. However, modern biofuels utilize non-food feedstocks, including agricultural residues, waste materials, and dedicated energy crops. Modern biofuels also focus on sustainability by minimizing land use conflicts and greenhouse gas emissions through the use of waste materials and non-food crops.

Depending on the feedstock, biofuels are categorized into four types which are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation biofuels. The 1st generation biofuels are created from oil-based plants, starch yields, and sugar and as the name suggests, they are considered as traditional biofuels. 2nd generation biofuels are non-food yields and are predominantly produced from agricultural and woodland residues. The 3rd generation, derived from algae, have garnered significant attention due to their potential for large-scale production, their ability to absorb CO2 during growth, and their relative ease of refinement. Building on this, fourth-generation biofuels represent the next frontier in biofuel technology. These advanced biofuels utilize genetically engineered cyanobacteria, a rapidly evolving field that aims to enhance biofuel production's efficiency and environmental benefits. This innovative approach leverages the natural photosynthetic capabilities of cyanobacteria, allowing for the direct conversion of sunlight and CO2 into biofuels.

The Anatomy of 4th Generation Biofuels

Fourth-gen biofuels are designed to do more than just provide green energy—they also help trap and store carbon dioxide (CO2). The raw materials, which absorb CO2 as they grow, are transformed into fuel similarly to second-gen biofuels. What sets this apart from second and third-gen fuels is that CO2 is captured throughout the entire production process, using techniques like oxy-combustion. The captured CO2 can be stored in places like depleted oil and gas fields or in saline aquifers. This results in a carbon-negative process, meaning it removes more CO2 from the air than it produces. Not only does this capture CO2 from the atmosphere, but it also cuts emissions by offering an alternative to fossil fuels.

The Production Process Summary:

·         Synthetic Biology

Microorganisms like yeast and bacteria are genetically engineered to become highly efficient at converting biomass like plant material and waste, into fuel. By tweaking their genetic code, scientists transform organic materials into biofuel at a much faster rate than in nature.

·         Advanced Catalysis

Special catalysts are developed to break down biomass more effectively. These catalysts tend to speed up the chemical reactions needed to convert raw materials into fuel, thereby improving efficiency and reducing the needed energy in the process.

·         Carbon Sequestration

Fourth Generation Biofuel is considered carbon-negative bioenergy. This is achieved by DAC and BECCS. DAC (Direct Air Capture) involves removing CO2 directly from the atmosphere and storing it or converting it into biofuel. BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage) involves capturing CO2 emissions from biofuel production and sequestering it in geological formations.

Challenges and Considerations: The Other Side

·        Food and Fuel Debate:

First-generation biofuels, which rely on food crops like corn and sugarcane, tends to raise concerns about food security. With more land being devoted to growing biofuel crops, food prices may rise, ultimately impacting vulnerable populations. Advanced biofuels that utilize non-food crops or waste materials are being developed to address this issue.

·        Land and Water Use:

While biofuels offer environmental benefits, growing biofuels crops can strain natural resources, particularly land and water. If not managed properly, the expansion of biofuel production can lead to deforestation and the depletion of water resources, thus threatening biodiversity and food security.

·        Energy Efficiency:

Not all biofuels are equally efficient in terms of energy output. Some may require more energy to produce than they ultimately provide. As research advances, optimizing the energy balance of biofuels remains a top priority for maximizing their environmental benefits.

Biofuel Adoption in Different Sectors: Relatable Case Studies

1.   Qantas and Agrisoma: Biofuel from Carinata Seeds (Australia) - 2018

Qantas (an Australian airline), partnered with Agrisoma (a Canadian agricultural technology firm) in order to utilize biofuel made from Brassica carinata, which is a non-edible industrial oilseed crop that can grow in marginal lands unsuitable for food production. Qantas was able to successfully complete its first trans-Pacific flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne using a 10% blend of biofuel derived from carinata. Agrisoma worked with farmers to cultivate this crop in Australia. As a result, the flight resulted in 7% reduction in CO2 emissions, compared to conventional jet fuel. Thus, This project demonstrated the potential for carinata to provide a sustainable feedstock for aviation biofuels without competing with food crops.

2.   Maersk and Biofuels – 2019

Maersk is a prominent player in the global container shipping industry, well known for its large fleet and considerable market presence. In 2019, Maersk embarked on a pioneering trial to test the viability of biofuels in its operations. The trial was conducted using a blend of biofuel in one of its largest vessels, the Mette Maersk, which is part of the Triple-E class of container ships. This class of vessels is known for its large capacity and fuel efficiency, making it an ideal candidate for testing new fuel technologies. The biofuel used in the trial was a blend designed to closely match the properties of traditional marine fuels while offering environmental benefits. As a result, the use of biofuels resulted in a notable reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants compared to traditional marine fuels. The successful implementation of biofuels in one of Maersk's largest vessels provided valuable insights into the practicality of using biofuels across a larger portion of the fleet.

3.   Clariant’s Sunliquid Technology – 2022

Clariant, a Swiss multinational specialty chemicals company, has developed the Sunliquid Technology, focusing on producing cellulosic ethanol from agricultural residues like straw. The Sunliquid process uses proprietary enzymes to break down cellulose and hemicellulose in agricultural residues into fermentable sugars. These sugars are then fermented into ethanol using specially developed microorganisms. Afterwards, the ethanol is purified through distillation to produce high-quality cellulosic ethanol. In 2022, Clariant launched its first commercial-scale Sunliquid® plant in Podari, Romania. This facility has the capacity to process around 250,000 tons of straw annually, producing approximately 50,000 tons of cellulosic ethanol. Thus, the Sunliquid® technology significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. It also utilizes agricultural residues, which would otherwise be considered waste. Also, the project creates new revenue streams for farmers by providing a market for agricultural residues. It also contributes to rural development and job creation.

4.   Indian Railways: Biodiesel for Locomotives (2014)

Indian Railways plays a pivotal role in the country’s transportation sector. Recognizing its heavy reliance on diesel locomotives and the environmental impact associated with this, Indian Railways began exploring cleaner alternatives. Around 2014, Indian Railways initiated a program to blend 5% biodiesel into the diesel supply for its fleet of locomotives. The biodiesel was sourced from non-edible oils that include jatropha (a drought resistant plant) and waste cooking oil. By utilizing these feedstocks, Indian Railways ensured that its biodiesel production would not compete with food crops, thus avoiding the "food vs. fuel" debate. In addition, the integration of biodiesel into the fuel mix helped Indian Railways save on fuel costs. Although the upfront cost of producing biodiesel can be higher, the long-term benefits of reduced diesel consumption and government incentives for renewable energy sources made it economically viable. The example of “Indian Railways” demonstrated that even large-scale transportation networks can efficiently adopt sustainable energy solutions.

To Sum Up

To sum up, biofuels are not just confined to liquid forms like ethanol and biodiesel, but also include gases like biogas and renewable hydrogen. Biofuels play a key role in transportation, heating, and electricity generation, with the added benefit of helping governments meet sustainability goals. Their classification, such as biodiesel or biojet, can differ based on government policies and marketing, and definitions may vary. Liquid biofuels have gained momentum due to reduced emissions and technological advances, leading to job creation and economic benefits for farmers. Modern biofuels have also moved beyond food crops, incorporating non-food materials like algae and agricultural waste. This shift supports global carbon reduction efforts and fosters innovation in renewable energy production. While challenges like land use and energy efficiency remain, biofuels continue to be a crucial component in addressing climate change, particularly in hard-to-electrify sectors like shipping and aviation.

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